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Event info

13th FAI Paragliding World Championship will take place this summer in Sopot, Bulgaria.
The event will last 14 days of challenging tasks with 150 world's top pilots in the air. Real time live tracking will bring you right in the middle of the battlefield.

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Flying site

Sopot is the most famous flying site in Bulgaria. This little town is situated at the southern foot of Stara Planina, the longest Balkan mountain chain. Its length 560 km and it crosses Bulgaria from the western border to the Black sea.

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Go to Pilot List
  • 150 Pilots max allowed
  • 37 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 1 🏅
  • left before start of event

Event info

13th FAI Paragliding World Championship will take place this summer in Sopot, Bulgaria.
The event will last 14 days of challenging tasks with 150 world's top pilots in the air. Real time live tracking will bring you right in the middle of the battlefield.

The competition will be held from 13 till 26 of July 2013 and is promising a number of interesting races and intriguing leader board changes.

Flying site

Sopot is the most famous flying site in Bulgaria. This little town is situated at the southern foot of Stara Planina, the longest Balkan mountain chain. Its length 560 km and it crosses Bulgaria from the western border to the Black sea. Sopot is in the middle. There is a great valley, called the valley of Roses, next to the mountain chain to fly various tasks. To get to the main take-off is very easy. The cable lift takes you from the landing zone up to the 850 m height, where you can practice thermalling, aerobatics or just go out for XC flights. Other take-offs are easy to reach too. Besides there is plenty of space for landing in the valleys. All this makes Sopot a very attractive place for the XC fans. Also there is another advantage of local people's friendly attitude to the paragliders. They are always ready to give a helping hand.

Flying conditions
Sopot flying conditions are excellent in summer, with wide and powerful thermal triggers of 5-6 m/s. The high season for XC flights lasts from April to September but even in low season it’s possible to make good flights of up to 50km and more. During the day the thermals are normally usable between 11 am to 6 pm. On sunny winter days (very common for Sopot), there are inversions and the air is rather stable which is good for beginners. But it may be very unstable with cumulo nimbuses, during the second half of May and occasionally in June and July. Luckily they're not so fast developing like in the Alps and you can escape them by zig-zag flying or go to the valley if they are rather tough. The major part of the Rose valley has got a local light east wind which being combined with a main west wind is perfect for out-and-return flights and makes it possible to set very interesting competition tasks.

Main task routes are set either to the East or to the West along Stara Planina chain, but there are tasks set to the valley as well. The good day allows to set 100 km there-and-back or triangle tasks. The best main Sopot take-off record was a 207 km flight made by Nikolay Yotov to the town of Sredets. Also Nikolay has made a 201 km flight from Voiniagovo take-off in Sopot area to Gorno Yabalkovo.

Main take-off
Main Sopot take off is really large and spacious and can host up to 150 pilots and stuff. It is located on a grass mountain rib at 850 meters height. Pilots, viewers and stuff are able to get there easily using an chair-lift. It works from 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. (4.00 p.m. in winter). A one way ticket costs €2.5 but It is required at least 8 people to rise 20€ to turn on the lift.
The slope is steep enough and clean from stones and bushes for an easy launch. Top landing is possible in case when it’s required.
The area has got East - South - West exposures. In the course of a normal day you may expect E-SE wind in the morning, South wind at noon and S-SW wind in the afternoon.
Take off and start zones are surrounded by plenty of thermal triggers.

Sopot area competition flying sites

• Take-off: Sopot, 1450 m ASL. (N 42.687330°, E 24.749962°)
• Landing: Lift station landing field, 570 m ASL (N 42.664133°, E 24.748157°)
• Take-off: Beklemeto south, 1350 m ASL (N 42.748882°, E 24.614745°)
• Landing: Hristo Danovo village, 580 m ASL (N 42.719383°, E 24.608513°)

Additional flying site for 13th FAI World Championship

• Take-off: Dobrostan, 1100 m ASL (N 41.909584°, E 24.930376°)
• Landing: Gornoslav village, 240 m ASL (N 41.92569°, E 24.96426°)

Additional flying sites for free-flyers

Govedarnata: Sopot, Elevation 1027 m (N 42.6655°, E 24.7798°)
Ravnec: Karlovo, Elevation 1278 m (N 42.6627°, E 24.8307°)
Ravni vrah: Karlovo, Elevation 1949 m (N 42.6748°, E 24.8937°)
Voiniagovo: Kliment - Voiniagovo, Elevation 384 m (N 42.5871°, E 24.7094°)

Selection and entry fee

Registration starts 1st April 2013. The entry deadline will be 13 May 2013.

The limits
The maximum number of pilots in the championship is 150.
The maximum number of pilots that may be entered by a NAC is 15 total and 13 of
one gender.
The maximum number of pilots constituting a national team is 5 total and 4 of one

The nation priority table will be set according to the WPRS nation ranking of April 2013. All
team allocations will be done based on that table. The table will be published on the official web
site no later than 13 April 2013.

Pilot qualification criteria for the Championship

In the 24 months before April 2013, a pilot has to have either:
ranked in the top 400 in the WPRS for paragliding XC
scored a minimum of 45 WPRS points in any single FAI sanctioned event

Pilot qualifications will be checked at 14 May 2013. Applications from unqualified pilots will be
The details on team allocations you may find in the Rules, where you can download Local regulations file.
First team allocation round will be made immediately after the pilot qualification check. Results will be published on the official web site and the entry fee payment process will start.
The deadline for payments will be 31 May 2013.
After second team individual allocation rounds – the allocation table will be published and second payment process will start. No further allocation will be done after 31 May 2013.
The deadline for the second payment will be 15 June 2013.

Entry fee:
460 Euros per pilot.
200 Euros per team leader.
Team leaders who are also pilots in the competition will pay only pilot entry fee.

Bank Transfer

Entry fees for the top 3 nations only according to April 2013 WPRS are to be paid in to
the following account:
Please indicate the payment to be entry fee for PG Worlds and the
paying NAC

Credit Suisse Private Banking
Rue du Lion d’Or 5-7
Case postale 2468
CH- 1002 Lausanne
Account name
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
Account Number (Euro): 0425-457968-32
IBAN Code: CH31 0483 5045 7968 3200 0

All other entry fees are to be paid to following bank account:
Please indicate CIVL IDs of the pilots you are paying for!
Raiffeisen Bank
4300 Karlovo
1 Evstati Geshev Str., Bulgaria
Tel: (+359 335) 904 33, 904 38
Fax: (+359 335) 922 95
In favor of: Sport Club Shambhala
Account Number (IBAN): BG49 RZBB 9155 1003 0125 58
Bank code (BIC): RZBBBGSF

Payment by credit cards

To pay by the credit card please click here and fill in the form
Payment is done through a third party company introduced by the organizes. The commission is on the payer.

Entry fee includes:
Transport to the take-off and retrieve on the main routes for all competition days
Emergency rescue and first aid medical service
Upload of turnpoint’s GPS coordinates
GPS tracklog download
Competitor and glider identification
Color map
ID card & safety/contact information
Lunch package, water
Competition’s souvenirs
Free access to all championship events and parties
Free internet (Wi-Fi) access at the HQ and Scoring Point
Livetracking service
Free accommodation

Prize fund and scoring categories

1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Overall in the competition
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Womеn Overall in the competition
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Nations in the competition

All pilots in the championship compete against each other for the title FAI World Paragliding Champion. Only pilots in national teams compete for the Nation Champion title.
For scoring, the GAP 2011 formula will be used in combination with the FS scoring software. Scoring formula parameters will be published at the web site and printed on the information boards.
A pilot who lands to assist another pilot in distress will be scored for the day. The Meet Director will decide on the validity of each case.
Team results will be the sum of the 2 best results of the team pilots for each task.

General schedule

Saturday, 13 July, 2013
09:00 - 17:00 Official Registration and equipment inspection
17:30 - 18:30 Mandatory Safety Briefing
18:30 - 19:30 Team Leader Briefing
starts 20:00 Opening ceremony
Sunday, 14 July, 2013
Official training day
Monday, 15 July - Friday, 26 July, 2013
Contest flying days
Friday, 26 July, 2013
Prize-giving and Closing ceremony

Daily schedule

07:00 - Headquarter opens
08:00 - Deadline for the previous day protests
08:30 - Team leader briefing
09:15 - Transportation to Take off
10:30 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:00 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results announcements / Task definition
12:00 - Take-off window opens
16:00 - Scoring office opens
18:30 - Safe landing report deadline
21:00 - Scoring office closes
21:30 - Provisional results announcement
22:30 - Complaints resolution published

Accommodation and Activities

How to get here

HQ is located in the cinema center "Aleksander Vazov" in the center of the town of Sopot.

The best point of entry Bulgaria is Sofia International Airport. Then you have a few options to reach Sopot.

Vasil Levski street, 4330 Sopot, Bulgaria
Sopot Bulgaria


Sofia International Airport - regular flights to many destinations. You can easily arrive to the city center from Sofia Airport.
There is a underground station at the airport. That is the most convinient way to get to the center or to the Bus/Train station.
After you pass imigration and custom control you exit from the Arrival Hall and enter the public area of the airport. Turn left and walk to the far east end of the the terminal and there you will see the signs for the metro (underground) station. This is the last station so you have only one option (Metro line 2).
To get to the Train/Bus station you have to transfer to Metro line 1 at Serdica station. Tickets are sold in the station and the price is 1BGN ( if you have a big bag - like a paraglider, you have to buy 1 more ticket for the luggage).
The journey time to the Train/Bus station is around 30min


You may as well come to Sopot by bus directly from Sofia or take a bus to reach Sopot from Karlovo if you come from this direction. In Sofia you have 2 bus stations: Central Bus Station and Serdika bus station in front of Sofia Central Railway Station.

From Sofia to Sopot
From Serdika bus station in front of Sofia Central Railway Station there is a bus to Karlovo/Sopot leaving at 12:00 and arriving to Sopot at 14:35
Web site: http://www.union-ivkoni.com
Tel: +359(2)989-0000
Tel: +359(2)989-1111

There is a bus leaving Sofia at 14:30/16:30 on Sunday.
Web site: www.kastelexport.com
Tel: +359(335)99144

From Karlovo to Sopot
05.30 - 23.00 (about every 30 minutes)
Web site: www.kastelexport.com

Check Central Bus Station (near Central Railway Station) for buses to Kazanlak. Some of them go via Karlovo, some take the highway to Plovdiv and go via Banya (10 km from Karlovo). There are buses every hour from Banya to Karlovo.

From Sofia Central Bus Station you can take a bus to Plovdiv (60 km from Sopot/Karlovo).

From Plovdiv to Karlovo
From "Avtogara Ug"/South Bus Station
Plovdiv, blvd Hristo Botev 47
Tel: +359(32)626-937
Departure:06.00; 06.30; 07.00; 08.00; 09.00; 10.00; 11.00; 12.00; 13.00; 14.00; 15.00; 16.00; 17.00; 18.00; 19.00; 20.00

From Burgas to Karlovo
Veliko Tarnovo - Banya (Plovdiv) - 08:00; 13:30.
Gorna Oryahovitsa - Karlovo - 06:00 - 9:55

You can alos arrive to Bulgaria by bus. For example there is bus line from Istanbul.
From Istanbul to Plovdiv
Cost about 20 euro
Departure: 09:00, 12:00, 20:30, 21:30 и 23:00
Platform 121


To come to Sopot you can take a train to Sopot or Karlovo. Check Bulgarian railways official website www.bdz.bg for time-table updates. Here are some suggestions.

From central railway station in Sofia
Sofia (05:45) - Sopot (09:17)
Sofia (07:35) - Karlovo (10:01)
Sofia (08:48) - Sopot (11:44)
Sofia (16:10) - Karlovo (18:24)
Sofia (17:00) - Sopot (20:33)

From Plovdiv railway station to Karlovo
Plovdiv (07:43) - Karlovo (09:06)
Plovdiv (11:35) - Karlovo (13:06)
Plovdiv (14:00) - Karlovo (15:25)
Plovdiv (16:30) - Karlovo (18:00)
Plovdiv (18:00) - Karlovo (19:33)

From Burgas railway station to Karlovo
Burgas (05:35) - Karlovo (09:23)
Burgas (14:25) - Karlovo (18:45)


Just keep your GPS navigator guiding you to the headquarters location: 42° 39.285'N 24° 45.386'E

Travelling hint to those who travel to Sopot by car:
Don't confuse Sopot town near Karlovo (south of Stara planina mountains on the road Sofia-Burgas) with Sopot village on the main road Sofia-Varna (north of Stara planina mountains).

Rent a car services:

"Top Rent-a-Car "

Web site: http://toprentacar.bg/en

Sofia Airport
140 "Mimi Balkanska" str.
Mobile.: +359 888 333 548
Phone.: +359 2 9815381

Varna Airport
Arrivals Hall
In Terminal
Mobile.: +359 887 205 813

Varna Downtown
17 "Tsar Osvoboditel" blvd.
Mobile.: +359 886 282 898
Phone.: +359 52 601 353

Bourgas Airport
Arrivals Hall
Mobile.: +359 882 425 516
Phone.: +359 56 872 309

Bourgas Downtown
Burgas Plaza Mall
Mobile.: +359 885 178 819
Phone.: +359 56 521 411

Tel: +359 (0335) 9 22 37
Tel: +359 (0887) 528 431
Tel: +359 (0887) 657 668
Email: kepito@abv.bg

Evgeniya Yoncheva
Tel: +359 (0878) 82 28 30
Tel: +359 (0899) 25 00 66


From Sofia Airport to Sopot
From the airport you can take a taxi directly to Sopot or to the Central Railway Station or the Central Bus Station. At the arrival hall look for the office of "OK super trance" taxi service. When you exit terminal 1 or 2 you will have the official taxi parking to "OK super trance" to your right.
The trip to Central Railway Station costs about 6 euro during the day and about 8 euro during the night.
Sopot airport taxi service
Taxi Service: "OK super trance"
Tel: +359(2)973-2121
Web site: http://www.oktaxi.net/cgi-bin/oktaxi.pl?code=main&lang=en

From Karlovo to Sopot
Not more than 10 euro.


Waypoint files


Bulgarian National Aeroclub
Address: 1612, Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 878 877 665
Contact: Sotir Lazarkov
E-mail: national_aeroclub@mail.bg
Sport club SHAMBHALA
4300 Bulgaria, Sopot, Vasil Levski 5
Tel: +359 31 346 376
Tel: + 359 899118446
Contact: Albina Yasinskaya
E-mail: info@shambhala-center.ru
The International Air Sports Federation
The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), a non-governmental and non-profit making international organisation with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical activities worldwide.
Maison du Sport International
Av. de Rhodanie 54
CH-1007 - Lausanne
Telephone : +41 21 345 1070
Fax : +41 21 345 1077
The Municipality of Sopot
Ivan Vazov str № 34 4330
Sopot, Plovdiv region
E-mail: vessopot@abv.bg
Web site: www.sopotbg.eu
SkyNomad Sport Club
Vasil Levski 13, 4330 Sopot, Bulgaria, Europe
GPS coordinates: N 42°39.312' E024°45.455'
Mobile: +359 89998 2566 (8:00 - 20:00 GMT+2)
Tel/Fax: +359 3134 8480 (9:00 - 18:00: GMT+2)
PR Agency "Sluchka"
Public and Press Relations
Sotir Lazarkov
BNAC Chairman
Nikolay Yotov
Meet Director & Weather Forecast
Daniel Dimov
Safety Director & FAI coordination
Hristo Slivkov
Rescue Coordinator
Take-Off Marshall
Doctor Bojadjiev
Stanislav Velchev
Ivelin Kalushkov
Ralitsa Nikolova
Transport and Retrieva
Yordan Stanev
Transport and Retrieva
Desislava Daskova
Reception Board, hostess
Dani Bankov
Headquarters Coordinators
Anton Antonov
Take-Off Marshall
Tzvetan Tzvetanov
Goal Marshall
Georgi Jordanov
Weather Forecast




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

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World’s best wings!

During main paragliding event of the year 2013 we had 5 unique tasks. Each task had its special weather conditions. From first task with absolutely covered sky and slow thermals till final fifths race with strong sunny conditions which are really common for Sopot actually at this time. Each day weather becomes stronger requiring more and more speedy flying manner and skills from pilots. But exactly those who were able to show best self control and ability to make independent decisions and “read” weather could set the advantage from the first competition day and keep it till the end of this great championship.


  1. Jeremie LAGER (13)
  2. Charles Cazaux (129)
  3. Davide Cassetta (16)

The first two man in overall is Jeremie Lager and Charles Cazaux from France the third belong to Davide Casseta from Italy. They have demonstrated an outstanding ability not to follow the mass instincts and judge rationally. This helped them to get advantage in the first most difficult task. And later all they had to do just to keep their achievements.

Overall results


  1. Klaudia Bulgakow (708)
  2. Seiko Fukuoka (105)
  3. Nicole Fedele (56)

During all the races we have witnessed the keen competition of Klaudia Bulgakow and Seiko Fukuoka. Klaudia had a win! The third place belongs to a famous Italian pilot Nicole Fedele. Congratulations and applause for these brave ladies!

Women results


  1. France
  2. Italy
  3. Venezuela

The stable fine positions of French pilots during the race have brought them a deserved victory. The Italian team has won the second place due to excellent flights of its members who twice were first in the Task results. Venezuela team have deserved the third winning place by its incomparably vivacious team spirit!

Nations results

Tasks and results

Task 1

15 Jul, 2013

73.9 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 2

17 Jul, 2013

69.8 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 3

19 Jul, 2013

116.8 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 4

20 Jul, 2013

120.9 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 5

23 Jul, 2013

128.1 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
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