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XVIII Copa Piedechinche Open FAI 2 2022

2022-08-13 to 2022-08-20, FAI Category 2 event


Total results (FTV: 25%)


# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 Total
1 120 Raul Guerra M ECU Niviuk Peak 5 GuerraGoes 935.1 468.5/932.9 1404
2 28 David Feria M COL Flowparagliders Xcracer Bichofly Paraglidingroldanillo flowparagliderscolombia 944.1 390.4/777.4 1335
3 411 Yérmenson Agudelo M COL Gin Leopard Quirón IPS 921.5 359.8/716.4 1281
4 777 Franklin Carrera M ECU Niviuk Peak 5 MarBray Fashion 270.3/542.9 905.6 1176
5 5 Martin Mesa M COL Ozone Zeno 2 @volarco VOLAR COMPANY 976.6 169.5/337.5 1146
6 100 Luis Alberto Aldaz M ECU Ozone Zeolit GT 372.6/748.5 765.0 1138
7 2411 Ricardo Peña M MEX Ozone Mantra M7 Parapenteando valle de bravo 732.4 333.1/663.2 1066
8 25 F Martinez M COL Ozone Zeolite GT Green monkey CO 894.7 152.7/304.1 1047
9 383 SHAUIN KAO F ARG Ozone Zeno HUSBAN TERRANOVA 877.6 164.9/328.4 1043
10 373 Juan Miguel Garcia Mancero M ECU Ozone Zeno 2 Finalín - Gin Ecuador - Aeropasión 292.2/586.9 707.6 1000
11 196 Yohanny Ayala M COL Flow Fusion Ninguno 264.3/530.9 699.7 964
12 2286 Sergio Aparicio M COL Niviuk Peak 4 Fauna 734.8 200.7/399.7 936
13 78 Alexander Villa M COL Ozone Zeolite GT Entre Andes 222.1/446.2 673.3 895
14 2222 Alfredo Moran M MEX OZONE MANTRA 7 UGMEX 675.5 157.6/313.8 833
15 2708 Giovanni valencia M COL Niviuk Icepeak 6 Ecoaventurex 547.6 224.5/447.0 772
16 3 Yury Felipe González Peña M COL Skywalk Poison Falco Escuela de Parapente, Aeroclub Ruitoque, voladero las Águilas, Super Pollo el 10 498.2 240.1/478.1 738
17 11 Isabel Bernal F COL Ozone Zeno Entre Andes Adventures 548.8 164.2/326.9 713
18 73 Morgan Hollingsworth M USA Ozone Zeno 2 Blue Skies Food Shack 571.6 76.9/153.2 649
19 2 Cristian Alejandro Cruz León M COL Niviuk Peak 4 Ecoadventourx - Transportes montejo 553.4 91.1/181.4 645
20 143 Ricardo Alejo M COL Ozone Zeolite GT 538.0 68.7/136.9 607
21 409 Daniel Guillermo Mas Molina M ARG Ozone Zeno2 M.M.O Construcciones 35.6/71.6 163.0 199

Results include only those pilots where ca:Categoria equals SERIAL

Task Date Distance [km] FTV Validity Type
T1 Task 1 2022-08-14 11:00    62.5 98.57% Race to goal
T2 TASK 3 2022-08-16 11:20    99.5 99.44% Race to goal

Report created: 2022-08-16T20:27:02-05:00

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