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XVIII Copa Piedechinche Open FAI 2 2022

2022-08-13 to 2022-08-20, FAI Category 2 event


Total results (FTV: 25%)


# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 Total
1 383 SHAUIN KAO F ARG Ozone Zeno HUSBAN TERRANOVA 877.6 164.9/328.4 1043
2 428 Maria Alejandra Mejia F COL Gin Gliders Alpina 4 Casa Munkala 893.1 83.3/165.8 976
3 46 Pamela Diez F MEX ozone delta 4 . 667.7 126.0/250.9 794
4 11 Isabel Bernal F COL Ozone Zeno Entre Andes Adventures 548.8 164.2/326.9 713
5 312 Blanca Perdomo F COL Ozono Rush 551.6 14.8/29.5 566
6 101 Diana Zambrano F ECU Ozone Rush 6 No 519.1 44.1/87.9 563
7 82 Yezmin Canaan Gomez F MEX Ozone Rush 6 Cazadores 474.2 73.4/146.1 548
8 110 Lidia Cabrerizo Crespo F ESP Ozone Rush 5 487.5 25.6/50.9 513
9 10 Alicia Forero Malagón F COL BGD Epic UHAviation 366.9 111.6/222.3 479
10 2319 Lene spaarwater F CHI Advanced Iota 2 311.4 41.1/81.8 353
11 322 Manuela Jaramillo Cardenas F COL Airdesing Rise Pitibrownie 23.8/47.9 266.3 290
12 1515 Luciana Burkle F MEX 777 Knight 47.9 14.8/29.5 63

Results include only those pilots where female equals 1

Task Date Distance [km] FTV Validity Type
T1 Task 1 2022-08-14 11:00    62.5 98.57% Race to goal
T2 TASK 3 2022-08-16 11:20    99.5 99.44% Race to goal

Report created: 2022-08-16T20:27:49-05:00

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