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XVIII Copa Piedechinche Open FAI 2 2022

2022-08-13 to 2022-08-20, FAI Category 2 event

Piedechinche D6 : SPORT

2022-08-19 TASK 6

Race to Goal 63.9 km


# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time
1 106 Cristofer David Perez Velasco M MEX Ozone Delta 4 Experiencias Baic 12:30:00 14:46:43 02:16:43 26.0 63.86 395.1 106.5 288.6 790.2
2 1015 Cristian Eduardo Barrios M COL Bgd Cure1 Yo 12:30:00 15:16:10 02:46:10 21.4 63.86 395.1 72.4 137.9 605.4
3 428 Maria Alejandra Mejia F COL Ozone Alpina 4 Casa Munkala 12:30:00 15:24:55 02:54:55 20.3 63.86 395.1 75.4 96.3 566.8
4 123 Andrés Alvarado M MEX Ozone Delta 4 Skyrides/Hangar 5.mx 12:30:00 15:32:34 03:02:34 19.5 63.86 395.1 106.0 60.7 561.8
5 1001 Jhojan styven Marin orozco M COL Ozone Alpina2 Jhojanes aventura 12:30:00 14:57:28 02:27:28 24.1 63.66 393.8 90.8 484.6
6 33 Thomas Hollihan M ECU Niviuk Artick 6 Pinturas Unidas 12:30:00 15:39:35 03:09:35 18.8 63.86 395.1 60.2 28.6 483.9
7 6969 Aaron Alexis Maldonado Elias M COL fusión de Flow Paragliders ALAIRE parapente 12:30:00 15:47:55 03:17:55 18.0 63.86 395.1 37.0 432.1
8 7206 Pablo Rocha M MEX Advance Sigma 11 Racha.mx 12:30:00 16:06:07 03:36:07 16.5 63.86 395.1 19.2 414.3
9 827 Pablo Ceballos M CHI Triple Seven Queen 2 N/A 12:30:00 16:21:28 03:51:28 15.4 63.86 395.1 10.3 405.4
10 196 Yohanny Ayala M COL Flow Fusion Ninguno 12:30:00 16:17:56 03:47:56 15.6 63.86 395.1 8.7 403.8
11 46 Pamela Diez F MEX ozone delta 4 . 12:30:00 16:23:35 03:53:35 15.2 63.86 395.1 8.3 403.4
12 12 Arnold Castro M ARG Flow Fusion Grupo Optico 12:30:00 16:08:09 03:38:09 16.3 63.86 395.1 7.9 403.0
13 2509 Emyr Fonseca M MEX Advance Iota DLS Delorean: Wings & Burgers 12:30:00 16:24:25 03:54:25 15.2 63.86 395.1 5.2 400.3
14 110 Lidia Cabrerizo Crespo F ESP Ozone Rush 5 12:30:00 16:15:11 03:45:11 15.8 63.86 395.1 3.5 398.6
15 50 Daniel Ponce Guadarrama M MEX UP trango xrace experincias baic 12:30:00 54.45 336.9 61.0 397.9
16 1776 Carlos Arbelaez M COL Ozone Rush5 AirGroove ProSIV 12:30:00 16:16:28 03:46:28 15.7 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 5555 Tomasi simon M COL OZONE SWIFT 5 LA BRÙJULA COLOMBIANA 12:30:00 16:12:24 03:42:24 16.0 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 1235 Tony Mourao M USA Advance Iota 2 23 Myself 12:30:00 16:27:32 03:57:32 15.0 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 1526 Andy Miguel Pantoja Atencio M COL Gin Bonanza 2 REHCRAFT , Brainmarkt 12:30:00 16:10:25 03:40:25 16.1 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 9697 Xavier Alvarado M MEX Alpina 4 Skyrides 12:30:00 16:28:43 03:58:43 14.9 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 64 OSCAR MAURICIO GOMEZ SARMIENTO M COL BGD Base 2 UHAviation 12:30:00 16:47:23 04:17:23 13.8 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 257 Miguel Castillo Hurtado M COL Advance Iota 2 Parapente.Pro.Colombia 12:30:00 16:17:41 03:47:41 15.6 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 43 juan francisco montuanez sanchez M COL Gin Bonanza 2 Galapago 12:30:00 16:24:32 03:54:32 15.2 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 101 Diana Zambrano F ECU Ozone Rush 6 No 12:30:00 16:18:21 03:48:21 15.6 63.86 395.1 395.1
16 34 Alejandro Pascual M MEX Advance Iota 2 Airtouch Mexico 12:30:00 16:12:41 03:42:41 16.0 63.86 395.1 395.1
26 31 Emanuel Betancourt M COL Gin Carrera 12:30:00 16:24:01 03:54:01 15.2 62.55 387.0 387.0
27 312 Blanca Perdomo F COL Ozono Rush 12:30:00 59.33 367.0 367.0
28 26 Cristian Gonzalez M COL BGD Cure Club Aires 12:30:00 54.34 336.2 3.4 339.6
29 787 Alejandro Mancheno M ECU Niviuk Artik 6 AMV 12:30:00 49.11 303.8 33.0 336.8
30 2804 Nestor Osorio Sossa M COL BGD Cure 2 MAFE 12:30:00 53.94 333.7 333.7
31 512 Jhon Paul Sanchez Camargo M COL Ozone Alpina 4 Me 12:30:00 48.55 300.4 21.9 322.3
32 82 Yezmin Canaan Gomez F MEX Ozone Rush 6 Cazadores 12:30:00 48.44 299.7 11.8 311.5
33 88 Jose David Yepez Torres M ECU Niviuk Ikuma 2 Sotelo aros y llantas 12:30:00 47.66 294.9 13.7 308.6
34 427 Lukas De Sanctis M COL Ozone Delta 4 427FPV 12:30:00 48.37 299.2 5.3 304.5
35 1066 Xavi Moscoso M ECU Niviuk Artik 6 Finca Turística Monte María 12:30:00 45.91 284.0 284.0
36 2319 Lene spaarwater F CHI Advanced Iota 2 12:30:00 45.81 283.4 283.4
37 23 Jose Mendoza M COL Niviuk Artik 5 Falco Escuela de Parapente 12:30:00 44.00 272.2 272.2
38 9696 SEBASTIAN SALINAS M ECU BGD Cure 2 12:30:00 43.33 268.0 268.0
39 999 Jose Corrales M COL Sky Country Mystic 4 Alas Colombia 12:30:00 43.31 267.9 267.9
40 115 Victor Alfonso Paez Rivera M COL Triple seven Queen 1 Katrina Fly 12:30:00 42.42 262.4 2.0 264.4
41 666 Sebastian Guefia M COL Gin Carrera Airexstreme La Buitrera 12:30:00 42.42 262.4 1.4 263.8
42 103 Eddy Urdiales M ECU ozone busz 4 sport 12:30:00 42.32 261.8 261.8
44 111 Jhon fredy Noreña Agudelo M COL Bgd Cure 2 Paragliding tours colombia. Parapente eje cafetero 12:30:00 39.85 246.5 246.5
45 244 Freddy Urrego M COL Fusion Flow Paragliders PARAISO DEL VUELO 12:30:00 35.94 222.4 222.4
46 9000 Juan Diego Ponce Nuñez M MEX Ozone Alpina 2 Experiencias Baic 12:30:00 33.64 208.1 208.1
47 22 Hector Cardona chamorro M COL Bgd Base 2 Ninguno 12:30:00 30.08 186.1 186.1
48 24 julian bueno M COL Skiwalk Cayene 4 12:30:00 29.81 184.4 184.4
49 501 Jonathan Arriaga M MEX Gin Calypso Skyrides 12:30:00 28.12 174.0 174.0
50 2323 alfredo aragon M MEX 777 Knight 2 Skyrides.mx 12:30:00 26.46 163.7 163.7
51 420 Felipe Serrano M COL Triple Seven Queen 2 Casa Munkala 12:30:00 23.27 144.0 144.0
52 10 Alicia Forero Malagón F COL BGD Epic UHAviation 12:30:00 22.09 136.7 136.7
53 121 Jose Madrinan M USA BGD Base2 Casa en el Aire - Piedechinche 12:30:00 15.48 95.8 95.8
54 8888 Walter Gomez M COL Triple 777 queen 2 PROSIV - Master Video 12:30:00 7.90 48.9 48.9
55 8908 Erick Arturo M COL Ozone Rush 5 Constructora Open House 12:30:00 7.67 47.5 47.5
56 187 Julio cesar Benítez M COL Gin Camino CONSULTORIO SUPERSONRISAS 12:30:00 6.00 37.1 37.1
56 104 Andres Bahnsen M MEX BGD Cure 2 Restaurant El Nene 6.00 37.1 37.1
56 1515 Luciana Burkle F MEX 777 Knight 6.00 37.1 37.1
56 1973 Carlos Mauricio Sanchez Camargo M COL Niviuk Hook 5 YO 6.00 37.1 37.1
ABS 322 Manuela Jaramillo Cardenas F COL Airdesing Rise Pitibrownie 0.0
ABS 321 Derry Anderson M USA BGD Epic 0.0
ABS 1355 Carlos Fabian Reyes M COL Triple Seven 0.0

Results include only those pilots where ca:Categoria equals SPORT

Task definition

No Leg Dist. Id Radius Open Close Coordinates Altitude
1 0.0 km D01 400 m 11:15 17:00 Lat: 3.64662 Lon: -76.1697 2089 m
2 SS 3.0 km D01 3000 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.64662 Lon: -76.1697 2089 m
3 11.2 km B03 4500 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.76927 Lon: -76.23822 1187 m
4 27.3 km B04 4000 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.55583 Lon: -76.197 1285 m
5 35.8 km B21 6000 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.45408 Lon: -76.2152 1188 m
6 52.0 km B12 2000 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.66768 Lon: -76.19303 1100 m
7 54.5 km G01 200 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.65186 Lon: -76.22941 1131 m
8 59.3 km G01 5000 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.65186 Lon: -76.22941 1131 m
9 ES 62.3 km G01 2000 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.65186 Lon: -76.22941 1131 m
10 63.9 km G01 400 m 12:30 17:00 Lat: 3.65186 Lon: -76.22941 1131 m

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 59.258
task_distance 63.859
launch_to_ess_distance 62.259
no_of_pilots_present 101
no_of_pilots_flying 101
no_of_pilots_lo 45
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 76
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 59
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 56
sum_flown_distance 5311.108
best_dist 63.859
best_time 1.8906
worst_time 4.2897
qnh_setting 1013.25
no_of_pilots_in_competition 104
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 4721.295
sum_real_dist_over_min 4721.295
sum_flown_distances 5311.108
best_real_dist 63.859
last_finisher_start_time 2022-08-19T12:30:00-05:00
last_start_time 2022-08-19T12:30:00-05:00
first_start_time 2022-08-19T12:30:00-05:00
first_finish_time 2022-08-19T14:23:26-05:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 3.2655
goalratio 0.5545
arrival_weight 0
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.162
time_weight 0.4429
distance_weight 0.3951
smallest_leading_coefficient 1.2426
available_points_distance 395.0655
available_points_time 442.9345
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 162
available_points_arrival 0
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 1
stop_validity 1
day_quality 1
ftv_day_validity 1
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2021
min_dist 6
nom_dist 45
nom_time 1.5
nom_launch 0.96
nom_goal 0.25
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 4
jump_the_gun_factor 0
jump_the_gun_max 0
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 0
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 0
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 0
use_leading_points 1
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 1
use_time_points 1
scoring_altitude GPS
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 45
score_back_time 5
use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 1
leading_weight_factor 1
turnpoint_radius_tolerance 0.005
turnpoint_radius_minimum_absolute_tolerance 5.0
number_of_decimals_task_results 1
number_of_decimals_competition_results 0
redistribute_removed_time_points_as_distance_points 1
use_best_score_for_ftv_validity 1
use_constant_leading_weight 1
use_pwca2019_for_lc 1
use_flat_decline_of_timepoints 1
Report created: 2022-08-19T20:05:49-05:00

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