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Event info
This competition is organized by a group of pilots from Russia who often fly around Pokhara in Nepal.
If the competition is given the official status of the FAI, then the task will be set for the fulfillment of standards of the Russian sports classification.
Flying site
Sarangkot mountain is a peak about 1500 ASL located not far from Pokhara the third largest city of Nepal. In good weather Sarangkot opens a spectacular view of one of the largest mountains including Annapurna, which is the 10th highest mountain in the world.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
General issues
- Burak Khuktu
- +3 345 452967
- himalayaopencup@gmail.com
- commission
- +45532887888
- paracompal@gmail.com
Event info
This competition is organized by a group of pilots from Russia who often fly around Pokhara in Nepal.
If the competition is given the official status of the FAI, then the task will be set for the fulfillment of standards of the Russian sports classification.
Selection and entry fee
The size of the entry fee 25 euros.
For women participation in the competition is free!
Payment of the fee is made at registration.
Entry fees are spent to pay for the work of the airtribune site, to pay the fee to the FAI, to award the winners.
Taxi to the place of takeoff and return from the route the pilots pay for themselves.
Pilots with the status of "Waiting payment" can make the payment by the PAYPAL system to the address paracompal@gmail.com The amount of the entrance fee is 25 EUR.
Prize fund and scoring categories
To the athletes of other states who took prizes in the overall ranking (1) transportation to a residence is paid.
1 place - Cup, medal, monetary prize
2 place - Cup, medal, monetary prize
3 place - Cup, medal, monetary prize
1 place - Medal, monetary prize, flowers and applause
2 place - Medal, monetary prize, flowers and applause
3 place - Medal, monetary prize, flowers and applause
1 place - Medal, monetary prize
2 place - Medal, monetary prize
3 place - Medal, monetary prize
General schedule
27 оf Feb: 11:30 - 16:00 -Training day
28 Feb-06 marz - competition days
06 - 14:00 - prize giving ceremony
the minimum quantity of exercises 1.
Daily schedule
08:00 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
09:00 - Transport to take-off
12:00 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens
20:00 - Provisional results
Accommodation and Activities
The headquarters of the competition and the majority of pilots plan to live in the Hotel Venus https://www.booking.com/hotel/np/venus.ru.html .
The organizers will help you book a room there, if necessary.
For booking send a message to andreyshalygin@gmail.com with the required dates and type of room (available, single, double, apartments with kitchen)
How to get here
Venus Hotel
Покхара, Непал
Pokhara, Gandaki Nepal
Waypoint files

General issues
- Burak Khuktu
- +3 345 452967
- himalayaopencup@gmail.com
- commission
- +45532887888
- paracompal@gmail.com