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Event info

Championship of Russia 2019 in breeding sport discipline "Cross Country" for the formation of the sports team of the Russian Federation, the team spent in the country. This time it will be organized in one of the well-known paragliding sites in the North Caucasus - Yutsa

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Flying site

Yutsa - the most famous and visited deltadrom in Russia. Every year, hundreds of pilots from around the country and abroad come here to fly. What allowed it to become so popular? Firstly, its position.

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  • 80 Pilots max allowed
  • 5 Countries presented
  • ✅ All wing types allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Female
  • Team Региональный зачет Чемпионата России 2019 (Regional Russian Team)
  • Sport class
  • Overall

Event info

Championship of Russia 2019 in breeding sport discipline "Cross Country" for the formation of the sports team of the Russian Federation, the team spent in the country. This time it will be organized in one of the well-known paragliding sites in the North Caucasus - Yutsa

Flying site

Yutsa - the most famous and visited deltadrom in Russia. Every year, hundreds of pilots from around the country and abroad come here to fly. What allowed it to become so popular? Firstly, its position. East and west side of the mountain is located across the prevailing winds and have a difference: east - 350 meters to the foot, and 220 meters from the plateau west - 200 meters to a plateau where there is a landing area and 360 meters from the village Yutsa. You can also make flights from the northern side, but you can use the drop is only about 180 meters. On the south wind has a slope of "mini Klemeneva" formed a plateau with a vertical drop of 50 to 70 meters and is approximately 2 km long. North and south wind are very rare. Outdoor treeless slope allows the flights to various differences of heights ranging from 20 meters up to the summit. Second, the unique weather conditions. Those who just flew in Yutskom "milk" will remember this for a long time. It is very smooth evening breeze, like a sea breeze. The prevailing wind east and west. Typically, flight season lasts from the second half of March to October. Flying in thermals are possible in this whole period. Taking off the chime, you can land at night. Compared with Boom in Tuva and the Alazani Valley in Georgia Yutsa it looks modest. But the
center of hang-gliding and paragliding it made the possibility of a person who went to the roof on the coast of the soil starting from the ground to grow into a full-fledged pilot - evaporator.

Take off - 960 m ASL, (N43° 58.4571 E043° 01.9837)
Landing - 690 m ALS (N43° 58.4571 E043° 01.9837)

Selection and entry fee

1. In a sporting event involving the strongest athletes of the Russian Federation and athletes from the member countries of the FAI have a valid sports license.
2. The sports competitions allowed athletes of sports teams of the Russian Federation.
From one subject of the Russian Federation may be declared only one sports team team.
3. To participate in the individual types of programs sporting events:
- On subjects in their names containing the word "glider", "glider" admitted athletes 18 years of age;
In order to participate in sports competitions specified number of years the athlete must be fulfilled before the date of the beginning of the sporting event.
4. In case of authorization of category FAI of 2 - 20% it is reserved under pilots of other states of members of FAI.
The requirement for the participation of foreign pilots: the availability of a valid sports license issued by the appropriate NAC and payment of the entry fee. Before paying the entry fee, make sure that you have the status "Waiting for Payment" or "In progress".
Pilots with the status of "Waiting payment" can make the payment by the PAYPAL system to the address:
Аfter May 01 the size of a contribution will be 200 EUR.

1. В спортивных соревнованиях участвуют сильнейшие спортсмены субъектов Российской Федерации.
2. К спортивным соревнованиям допускаются спортсмены спортивных сборных команд субъектов Российской Федерации.
От одного субъекта Российской Федерации может быть заявлена только одна спортивная сборная команда.
3. К участию в личных видах программы спортивных соревнований:
- по дисциплинам, содержащих в своих наименованиях слова «параплан», «дельтаплан» допускаются спортсмены не моложе 18 лет;
Для участия в спортивных соревнованиях указанное количество лет спортсмену должно исполниться до дня начала спортивного соревнования.
4. К участию в личных видах программы спортивного соревнования допускаются спортсмены, в течение года прошедшие предварительный отбор по результатам всероссийских спортивных соревнований, чемпионатов федеральных округов Российской Федерации и чемпионатов субъектов Российской Федерации/
5. Предварительная регистрация на странице соревнования на "airtribune" заканчивается 20 июня.
6. К оплате стартового взноса допускаются пилоты из числа предварительно зарегистрированных имеющих на день оплаты статус "Waiting for Payment" или "In progress".
7.1. Для участия в соревновании участник должен заплатить
соревновательный (вступительный, стартовый) взнос.
7.2. Размер взноса до 1 июня 2019г. составляет 11000 (одиннадцать тысяч)
рублей. С 1 июня до 21 июня 12000 (двенадцать тысяч) рублей, с 21 июня по 18
августа 13000 (тринадцать тысяч) рублей. Взнос оплачиваемый на месте
проведения в день регистрации составляет 14000 (четырнадцать тысяч) рублей.
7.3. В случае невозможного участия в соревновании взнос возвращается
100% при принятии решения и его доведения до организаторов до 15 июня. 50%
- до 15 июля, после этой даты взнос в полном объеме идет на организацию
спортивного мероприятия.
8. Реквизиты для оплаты соревновательного (стартового) взноса:
на карту Сбербанка № 4276 8600 1250 1157 Солодухин Олег Викторович
или на расчётный счёт: РОО «Федерация спорта сверхлегкой авиации Ставропольского края» только для оплаты организаций оплачиваемых соревновательный взнос спортсменов или команд после получения предварительной заявки. Реквизиты будут указанны в счете на оплату. Заявку для выписки счета на оплату присылать на E-mail clubsla26@mail.ru.
Оплата на Р/С от частных лиц не принимается.

Prize fund and scoring categories

1 place - It will be brought later rub
2 place - It will be brought later rub
3 place - It will be brought later rub

General schedule

19-20 оf August - Registration
20- Training day
21--29 - competition days
30 - prize giving ceremony
the minimum quantity of exercises 1, maximum for competition -.

Daily schedule

in one flight day performance of exercises no more than one

Accommodation and Activities

Residence in the tent town directly on a paradroma

How to get here

By plane to Mineralnye Vody Airport, then by bus or train to the city of Pyatigorsk. Then by bus (from the top of the market) to Yutsa village. Suitable bus-Yutsa Pyatigorsk, Pyatigorsk-Etoka (via Yutsu), Pyatigorsk, Yessentuki (via Yutsu). By train - to Pyatigorsk (usually followed by a train to Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and parking less than 5 minutes). Then by bus (from the top of the market) to Yutsa village. By car - to Pyatigorsk, then turn onto pos.Yutsa not far from the bus station Pyatigorsk (bottom). Yutsa The village is located at the base of the mountain Dzhutsa-1. The camp is located on a plateau at an altitude of 90 m. Above the bottom. For it is gravel road (turn left off the road after Etoka Yutsa-cafe "Waterfall" and department store buildings). Who will meet? For meetings / wires, as well as excursions to Chegem, Kislovodsk, or at any other desired location, you can contact by phone: +7 9054631690 +7 9283267724 or

Федерация спорта Сверхлегкой авиации ставропольского края, гора Юца, Пятигорск, Ставропольский край, Россия, 357353
Pyatigorsk, Yutsa Ruzzia


Waypoint files


JF SLA of Stavropol region«Federation of ultralight aviation of Russia»
Joint Federation of ultralight aviation of Russia




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