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Event info
The Austrian Open FAI 1 in an high potential flying area between the Lienzer Dolomites and the South Tyrolean Dolomites. A well known Austrian Hanggliding Club with young members will provide you a good Organisation with everything that is needed for a perfect Comp.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
The flight area in Sillian enjoys a long tradition. The paragliding championships even took place here in 1986 and 1987. High above Pustertal flying is direct at the southern edge of the main Alpine ridge, but in an area somewhat affected by the upper winds.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- AustrianOpen2016
- Staatsmeisterschaft AUT
- Michael Hofmann
- 004369914530120
- Stindla@gmx.at
Livetracking, Internet
- Matthias Kurzthaler
- 00436508626980
- xcauswerter@gmail.com
Event info
The Austrian Open FAI 1 in an high potential flying area between the Lienzer Dolomites and the South Tyrolean Dolomites. A well known Austrian Hanggliding Club with young members will provide you a good Organisation with everything that is needed for a perfect Comp. See you there in July 2016!
Selection and entry fee
When paid till 20.June.2016
Entry fee will raise to EUR 90,- if paid later.
Oder am ersten Wettkampftag um 9:00 Uhr
Nenngeld: ⏠80.-, Einzahlung auf das Konto des SDFC;
Raik Sillian: IBAN: AT20 3636 8000 0003 7150;
Text: Staats 2016, Vorname, Nachname
Jeder Pilot muss im Besitz eines gĂŒltigen SOPIâScheines mit
Ăberlandberechtigung, sowie einer gĂŒltigen FAI Sportlizenz sein. Sein FluggerĂ€t muss zugelassen und Haftpflichtversichert sein. Helm, Rettungsschirm sowie ein zugelassenes GerĂ€t sind Pflicht
Das Nenngeld beinhaltet
- Transfer zu den StartplÀtzen
- Bewerbsunterlagen
Nachnennung möglich, erhöhtes Nenngeld: ⏠90,-
Bei Absage werden anteilige Nenngelder rĂŒckerstattet.
Dear Pilots
Due to the keen interest and the current state of applications, we have the following supplementary to the official announcement:
The Austrian Quote:
Due the fact that at the Austrian champion should be determined at the Austrian Open, we are going to let the Austrian pilots get certain advantages in the application. This does not mean that someone does not have the opportunity to start at the Austrian Open 2016!
There will be 25 reserved starting places for Austrian pilots until 02/05/2015 - up to this date the entry fee of 80 ⏠has to be paid - Warning, this is a modified date compared to the official announcement!
That means that everyone has the chance to pay early enough and fix his /her starting place. Looking at the current registrations, 20 Austrian pilots are registered. Thus, each of the non-Austrian pilot has an equal chance and can fix their starting place through an early deposit of the entry fee.
FAI 5 - Rigid:
Based on the experiences of the last years we have decided to offer no FAI 5 - Competition. In addition, the launch site âThurntalerâ presents certain logistical problems (particularly with rigid-wings) with itself.
If the pilot can organize their drive to the starting place itself, however, there would be an "indirect participation" (without an official rating) possible.
Prize fund and scoring categories
Austrian Open 2016 Overall
and the
Ăsterreichische Staatsmeisterschaft
General schedule
Alternative Date: 8-10 July
Program may change depending on weather conditions or organizational needs.
Any changes will be published in the official bulletin board at the headquarter and on www.airtribune.com/austrianopen2016
Thursday, June 30, 2016
18:30 â 21:00 Registration @ HQ
Friday, July 1, 2016
08:30 Registration @ HQ
09:30 Pilots briefing and opening ceremony @ HQ
10:00 Transportation to Launch
11:00 18:00 Contest flying day
Saturday, July 2, 2016
10:00 - 18:00 Contest flying day
Sunday, July 3, 2016
10:00 - 17:00 Contest flying day
18:30 Prize-giving awards ceremony
Do. 30.06.2016 18:30-21:00Uhr
Anmeldung â Registrierung im Restaurant/HQ
Fr. 01.07.2016 ab 08.30Uhr
Anmeldung â Registrierung im Headquarter
09:30Uhr BegrĂŒĂung und Briefing Headquarter
AnschlieĂend Auffahrt zum Start
Briefing am Berg
Sa. 02.07.2015 10:00 Uhr
Briefing im Headquarter
AnschlieĂend Auffahrt zum Start
Briefing am Berg
So. 03. 07. 2015 10:00 Uhr
Briefing im Headquarter
AnschlieĂend Auffahrt zum Start
Briefing am Berg
Siegerehrung am Nachmittag
Daily schedule
09:30 - Transportation to Launch
11:00 - Task and Safety Committee meetings
12:00 - Pilots briefing / Task Announcement
12:30 - Launch window opens - (depending upon conditions)
17:30 - GPS Download @ HQ
21:00 - Provisional results posted
Accommodation and Activities
Osttirol Information
Tourismusinformation Sillian
Gemeindehaus 86, 9920 - Sillian
Tel.: +43 (0)50 212 300, hochpustertal@osttirol.com
Camping Lienzer Dolomiten
Tassenbach 23
A-9918 Strassen
Fax: 04842/5228-15
Handy: 0664/5593268
How to get here
tÀglicher Treffpunkt
Panzendorf 25a
9919 Heinfels
9919 Heinfels 25a
Sillian Austria
Waypoint files

- Michael Hofmann
- 004369914530120
- Stindla@gmx.at
Livetracking, Internet
- Matthias Kurzthaler
- 00436508626980
- xcauswerter@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Manfred Ruhmer winning, Ploner Alesandro second, and Zac Majors third

- Manfred Ruhmer (86)
- alessandro ploner (201)
- Zac Majors (104)

Staatsmeisterschaft AUT
- Manfred Ruhmer
- Mayer Walter
- Tschurnig GĂŒnther
Tasks and results

Task 2
09 Jul, 2016
Class 1 — 80.6 km â Race to goal

Task 3
10 Jul, 2016
Class 1 — 129.9 km â Race to goal