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Event info

We invite pilots from Peru and from all over the world to participate in the Peruvian Championship and Paragliding Open "AYACUCHO XC 2020" taking place in and around the city of Ayacucho (Peru), located on the eastern slope of the Andes, from 26th July to 1st August 2020.

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Flying site


Coordinates: 13° 9'37.44 "S 74° 13'32.91"W

The city is located 560 km by road southeast of the city of Lima, capital of Peru, and has a height of 2756 meters and has 150,000 inhabitants.

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  • 0 Pilots Confirmed
  • 0 Pilots total registered
  • 150 USD Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 50 Pilots max allowed
  • 0 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Open
  • Sport
  • National
  • Women

Event info

We invite pilots from Peru and from all over the world to participate in the Peruvian Championship and Paragliding Open "AYACUCHO XC 2020" taking place in and around the city of Ayacucho (Peru), located on the eastern slope of the Andes, from 26th July to 1st August 2020.

This year's edition of the event is a category FAI 2 paragliding competition for the forth consecutive year.

Invitamos a todos los pilotos a nivel nacional e internacional a participar en el Campeonato Nacional y Open de Parapente "AYACUCHO XC 2020" que se llevará a cabo en la localidad de Ayacucho (Perú), ubicada en la vertiente oriental de la Cordillera de los Andes, del 26 de julio hasta el 1° de agosto 2020.

Este año el evento será una competencia de la categoría FAI 2 por el cuarto año consecutivo.

Flying site


Coordinates: 13° 9'37.44 "S 74° 13'32.91"W

The city is located 560 km by road southeast of the city of Lima, capital of Peru, and has a height of 2756 meters and has 150,000 inhabitants. It is also known as the "City of Churches" for its numerous colonial temples.

The climate is temperate and dry, with an average temperature of 18 ° C and an average relative humidity of 56%. The rainy season is between November and March.


Coordinates: 13 ° 12'19.30 "S 74 ° 14'30.99" W

The official take off is located at Cerro Campanayoc (District of Carmen Alto) at 3520 meters and 30 minutes by car from the center of Ayacucho. It is accessible by a gauge.


Coordinates: 13 ° 10'59.25 "S 74 ° 13'30.66" W

It is located in the southern part of the city in the Quicapata Community Sports Complex (District of Carmen Alto).


The tasks will be carried out in the Ayacucho valley; on the plateau and in the south, south east or south west of the city, according to the weather forecasts and the conditions of those days.

These areas are characterized by wide valleys, plateaus up to 4200 meters above sea level and green pampas. It is recommended to land near a town or road since some roads are difficult to access. Therefore, the waypoints have been located in the vicinity of the routes that facilitate the transportation back to the city.

Tasks are expected between 40 and 70 km.


The thermal conditions are quite manageable and controllable in this area, being thermal up to +4 or +5 m / s. On a good day, it is possible to reach cloud base between 5000 and 5500 m.

It is advisable to acclimatize before flight days and, if you consider necessary, have an oxygen system.


Ayacucho has an airport with commercial activities. However, these do not interfere with this competition. Also, the control tower will keep abreast of our schedules and activities to have better coordination and maintain the safety of the case.

Coordenadas: 13° 9'37.44"S 74°13'32.91"O

La ciudad se encuentra a 560 km por carretera al sudeste de la ciudad de Lima, capital de Perú, y tiene una altura de 2756 msnm y cuenta con 150,000 habitantes. Se le conoce también como la “Ciudad de las Iglesias” por sus numerosos templos coloniales.

El clima es templado y seco, con una temperatura promedio de 18°C y una humedad relativa promedio de 56%. La temporada de lluvias es entre los meses de noviembre y marzo.


Coordenadas: 13°12'19.30"S 74°14'30.99"O

El despegue oficial se encuentra en el Cerro Campanayoc (Distrito de Carmen Alto) a 3520 msnm y a 30 minutos en auto desde el centro de Ayacucho. Es accesible por una trocha.


Coordenadas: 13°10'59.25"S 74°13'30.66"O

Se encuentra en la parte sur de la ciudad en el Complejo Deportivo de la Comunidad de Quicapata (Distrito de Carmen Alto).


Las pruebas se realizaran en el valle de Ayacucho, sobre la meseta “El Plateu” y en la zona sur, sur este o sur oeste de la ciudad, según los pronósticos meteorológicos y las condiciones de esas fechas.

Estas zonas se caracterizan por tener valles amplios, mesetas de hasta 4200 msnm y pampas verdes. Se recomienda aterrizar cerca de una población o carretera puesto que algunas vías son de difícil acceso. Por ello, los puntos de ruta han sido ubicados en las cercanías a las vías que faciliten el transporte de regreso a la ciudad.

Se espera realizar pruebas entre 40 y 70 km.


Las condiciones térmicas son bastante manejables y controlables en esta zona, encontrándose térmicas de hasta +4 o +5 m/s. En un buen día, es posible alcanzar base nube entre los 5000 y los 5500 msnm.

Se recomienda aclimatarse previo a los días de vuelo y, en caso consideren necesario, contar con un sistema de oxígeno.


Ayacucho cuenta con un aeropuerto con actividades aerocomerciales; sin embargo, éstas no interfieren con esta competencia. Asimismo, la torre de control se mantendrá al tanto de nuestros horarios y actividades para tener una mejor coordinación y mantener la seguridad del caso.

Selection and entry fee

• Valid FAI Sporting License*
• Certified Flying equipment: paraglider, harness, rescue, and helmet.
• GPS (w/cable)
• Mobile Phone (WhatsApp Number and Peruvian Number)
• Radio VHF
• Registration fee payment stub
• Complete registration form ready before Task 1
• Accept local valid regulations.
• External power units for recharging mobile phones (optional)
• Valid insurance for paragliding in Peru (recommended)

*For Peruvian Pilots please contact the organizer to issue the FAI Sporting License.

• US$ 150.00 (one hundred and fifty 0/00 USD)

* a discount of US$ 20.00 is granted to Peruvian pilots with valid APVL-membership

Bank details:

BCP - Banco de Crédito del Perú
Account N° 194-36891016-1-51 (USD)
CCI: 002-19413689101615192
Account holder: Marcel Werner Burkard

• Proof payment to be sent to ayacuchoxc@apvl.org.pe with the subject “Registration Ayacucho XC 2020”.

• Tag ID
• Event T-Shirt
• Transport to Take off
• Retreive from Landing Place
• 1 lunch pack per day
• Waypoint List
• Map
• Prizes for the winners

Prize fund and scoring categories

1°, 2°, 3° ranked in Open
1°, 2°, 3° ranked in Sport
1°, 2°, 3° ranked in National
1°, 2°, 3° ranked in Women*

* min. 5 participants

General schedule

Sunday, July 26, 2020
08:30 - 14:00 - Official Training Day
18:30 - 20:00 - Official Registration
20:00 - 21:00 - Opening ceremony and Mandatory Safety Briefing

Monday, July 27 - Saturday, August 1, 2020
Contest flying days

Saturday, August 1, 2020
20:00 - Prize-giving and closing ceremony

Daily schedule

08:00 - Headquarter opens
08:30 - Transport to take-off
09:30 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
09:45 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
11:00 - Take-off window opens
18:30 - Scoring office opens
22:00 - Provisional results

Accommodation and Activities

How to get here

By Plane

If you like to come by plane, you can take one from the city of Lima and in less than 1 hour you can enjoy all the attractions of the city. From the City of Lima there are two commercial airlines that have two daily flights each (in the morning and in the afternoon). We recommend to approach the airport 2 hours before the flight to check in and load of luggage in the warehouse (maximum 1 piece of 23 kg).

The Comercial Airlines are:
- LATAM Airlines: https://www.latam.com
- LC Perú: http://www.lcperu.pe/

Or check other websites like: despegar.com

By Bus

If you want to travel by land, we recommend traveling by bus. The best known route is Lima-Ayacucho (500 kilometers), which lasts approximately 9 hours. If you are in Cuzco, the trip can last between 10 to 12 hours; Finally, if parts from Huancayo, the walk will last between 7 or 9 hours.

- Cruz Del Sur: www.cruzdelsur.com.pe
- RedBus: https://www.redbus.pe

By Taxi

Once in Ayacucho can be transported within the city on foot (for short distances), by taxi (average of PEN 5.00 per trip) or bus (average of PEN 1.00 per trip).

Alameda Bolognesi, Ayacucho 05003, Perú
Ayacucho Peru


Waypoint files


Alonso Contreras
Main Organizer
Franz Schilter
Meet Director
Juan Ortiz
Technical Support/Coordination
Gerardo Cortada
Safety Director
Marcel Burkard
Technical Support




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Certification =

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Men     confirmed


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