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Event info

(English text below, Nederlandstalige tekst beneden)

Chers Pilotes,

Suite à la pandémie de COVID-19 qui sévit en Europe et dans le monde, le BPO TEAM 2020 s’est réuni ce vendredi 20 mars 2020 pour faire le point sur la situation.

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Flying site

Laragne is the best known of the local sites . Many Paraglider and most Hang glider pilots will have heard of Laragne Chabre, but only recently have paraglider pilots discovered how good it is. Although it is better known to the Germans, Swiss, Czechs, Belgians etc.

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  • 136 Pilots Confirmed
  • 136 Pilots total registered
  • 250 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 140 Pilots max allowed
  • 18 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Event info

(English text below, Nederlandstalige tekst beneden)

Chers Pilotes,

Suite à la pandémie de COVID-19 qui sévit en Europe et dans le monde, le BPO TEAM 2020 s’est réuni ce vendredi 20 mars 2020 pour faire le point sur la situation.
Tenant compte des différents avis émis, notamment par les fédérations de vol libre, la FAI, les ministères chargés de la santé publique, les régions, etc., nous avons décidé de reporter notre BPO 2020 en 2021.
En prenant cette décision relativement tôt, nous devrions pouvoir vous rembourser le montant des inscriptions (éventuellement diminué des frais bancaires liés aux transactions internationales). Un mail sera envoyé à chacun afin de vous donner la procédure à suivre.
Soyez certains que cette décision n'a pas été facile à prendre, mais l’intérêt collectif doit à l'évidence primer sur les loisirs individuels.
Merci pour votre compréhension.
Nous espérons bien entendu pouvoir vous retrouver pour le BPO 2021.

Dear Pilots,

Following the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and all around the world, the BPO Team 2020 gathered on Friday 20th March 2020 to evaluate the situation.
Considering the various opinions expressed especially by the national paragliding associations, the FAI, the federal public service Health, the regions, etc., we came to the decision to postpone our BPO 2020 to 2021.
By taking this decision relatively early, we should be able to refund you the amount of registrations (possibly minus bank charges related to international transactions). An email will be sent to everyone in order to give the procedure to follow.
Please be sure that this decision was not an easy one to take, but the collective interest must obviously take priority over individual leisure activities.
Thank you for your understanding.
We hope and we are looking forward to seeing you for the BPO 2021.

Beste Piloten,

Het BPO Team 2020 heeft een vergadering op vrijdag 20 maart 2020 gehad om over de situatie te discussiëren betreffende de COVID-19-pandemie die zich in Europa en in de hele wereld verspreidt.
Rekenend houdend met de verschillende meningen, met name die van de vrije vlucht -federaties, de FAI, de federale overheidsdienst van Volksgezondheid, de regio's, enz., hebben we besloten onze BPO 2020 tot 2021 uit te stellen.
Door deze beslissing betrekkelijk vroeg te nemen, zouden we in staat moeten zijn om jullie het bedrag van de inschrijvingen (misschien minus bankkosten in verband met internationale transacties) terug te betalen. Een mail zal naar iedereen worden gestuurd om jullie uit te leggen hoe de procedure te volgen.
Weet dat deze beslissing niet gemakkelijk was te nemen maar het collectieve belang moet uiteraard primeren op individuele hobby's.
Bedankt voor uw begrip.
We hopen jullie natuurlijk terug te zien voor de BPO 2021.


Flying site

Laragne is the best known of the local sites . Many Paraglider and most Hang glider pilots will have heard of Laragne Chabre, but only recently have paraglider pilots discovered how good it is. Although it is better known to the Germans, Swiss, Czechs, Belgians etc. even the Brit paraglider pilots have now started to match numbers with the hang gliders, Conditions are often strongly thermal in early afternoon, especially in mid summer, as is the case with most other popular French Alpine sites. The site has enormous XC potential, particularly to the North and North East and is a great site for ridge flights to the West and back to land either to Laragne or Sisteron.
The site has a Balise on top giving weather information every 15 minutes on the FFVL frequency, 143.9875MHz this information can, however, require interpretation. There is a forest road to take off, which it is hoped will be upgraded in 2005.. Please do not park in the turning circle as it is also the emergency helicopter landing!
The main, South East, take off at Laragne only really works in thermal conditions. Flying in soaring mode means flying in relatively strong wind, not generally advised on a spine back, Take off is huge with plenty of room to lay out lots of gliders, the 30 or 40 hanggliders (or more) often found on take off in July and August set up clear of the main paragliding launch and tend to launch later than the 'floppies' they often regard as wind dummies. With three take off spots and room for at least 10 paragliders to lay out, take offs are luckily not overly pressured, unlike some sites further North. The site often has gentle breezes in the mornings and is often used by schools. However thermals become strong from midday hence the site's enormous potential for cross country flights. The terrain to the North West through South East consists of big flat open valleys with lots of fields for a 'Vache' (out landing) between the Orchards, but with big hills in, amongst and around them to find that second thermal source the site is ideal for safe departures from the hill. Indeed a recent article in a French magazine listed Laragne to Aspres (and back), as one of the five best 'cross countries for all', the article title having been changed from 5 easy cross country's.
The North take offs at Laragne are more committed and, while fine for hang gliders, require a level of confidence and competence on a paraglider. Luckily the wind generally blows from the South and if it doesn't then there are several gentler North facing sites in the area. Laragne North has no less than three huge official landing fields (two are big enough for light aircraft and used for such).

Selection and entry fee

(English text below, Nederlandstalige tekst beneden)

Chers Pilotes,

Suite à la pandémie de COVID-19 qui sévit en Europe et dans le monde, le BPO TEAM 2020 s’est réuni ce vendredi 20 mars 2020 pour faire le point sur la situation.
Tenant compte des différents avis émis, notamment par les fédérations de vol libre, la FAI, les ministères chargés de la santé publique, les régions, etc., nous avons décidé de reporter notre BPO 2020 en 2021.
En prenant cette décision relativement tôt, nous devrions pouvoir vous rembourser le montant des inscriptions (éventuellement diminué des frais bancaires liés aux transactions internationales). Un mail sera envoyé à chacun afin de vous donner la procédure à suivre.
Soyez certains que cette décision n'a pas été facile à prendre, mais l’intérêt collectif doit à l'évidence primer sur les loisirs individuels.
Merci pour votre compréhension.
Nous espérons bien entendu pouvoir vous retrouver pour le BPO 2021.

Dear Pilots,

Following the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and all around the world, the BPO Team 2020 gathered on Friday 20th March 2020 to evaluate the situation.
Considering the various opinions expressed especially by the national paragliding associations, the FAI, the federal public service Health, the regions, etc., we came to the decision to postpone our BPO 2020 to 2021.
By taking this decision relatively early, we should be able to refund you the amount of registrations (possibly minus bank charges related to international transactions). An email will be sent to everyone in order to give the procedure to follow.
Please be sure that this decision was not an easy one to take, but the collective interest must obviously take priority over individual leisure activities.
Thank you for your understanding.
We hope and we are looking forward to seeing you for the BPO 2021.

Beste Piloten,

Het BPO Team 2020 heeft een vergadering op vrijdag 20 maart 2020 gehad om over de situatie te discussiëren betreffende de COVID-19-pandemie die zich in Europa en in de hele wereld verspreidt.
Rekenend houdend met de verschillende meningen, met name die van de vrije vlucht -federaties, de FAI, de federale overheidsdienst van Volksgezondheid, de regio's, enz., hebben we besloten onze BPO 2020 tot 2021 uit te stellen.
Door deze beslissing betrekkelijk vroeg te nemen, zouden we in staat moeten zijn om jullie het bedrag van de inschrijvingen (misschien minus bankkosten in verband met internationale transacties) terug te betalen. Een mail zal naar iedereen worden gestuurd om jullie uit te leggen hoe de procedure te volgen.
Weet dat deze beslissing niet gemakkelijk was te nemen maar het collectieve belang moet uiteraard primeren op individuele hobby's.
Bedankt voor uw begrip.
We hopen jullie natuurlijk terug te zien voor de BPO 2021.


Prize fund and scoring categories

General schedule

Saturday 30 May 2020
14:00-19:00 :
- Official Registration and equipment inspection
20:00 :
- General briefing at Laragne Camping Site:
- Presentation BPO STAFF, week programme, information
- Safety BRIEFING and presentation of flying domain
- Pilots comitee election

Sunday, 01 June, - Friday, 05 June, 2020
Contest flying days

Friday, 05 June, 2020
19:30 - Prize-giving

Daily schedule

Typical competition day schedule
09:00 :
- RDV at Laragne Camping Site, lunch packs, weather briefing
09:30 :
- Debriefing of previous day's task & results
10:00 :
- Buses to Take-Off
10:30-12:00 :
- Briefing Takeoff
PM :
- Task
17:00-20:30 :
- GPS Download Laragne Camping Site
21:00 :
- Results publication

Accommodation and Activities

David & Rachael's Villa/Gite, Rebinelle at Ribiers, and where we live so it gets a good plug at the top of the list. Luxury 4 star Gite, with pool available for B&B or weekly rental (Saturday to Saturday inclusive) Prices from £25 (35 Euro) per person per night in shared rooms. http://www.allez-up.com/fra/home.htm

Laragne Campsitz:
The campsite will be the base for the competition and many of the events. Caravans mobile homes also available. http://www.camping-monteglin.com/
Les Glycines:
A delightful B&B plus appartment owned and run by Remko & Sheila, situated in Mison just 5km from Laragne. They speak Dutch, French and English and probably German too. You'll also find Remko driving a retrieve bus. https://les-glycines.com/

Les Vieux Gallets:
Owned by Mr. Sinner - 3 tastefully renovated appartments each sleeping 2 to 4 persons just outside Sisteron. Mr Sinner speaks good French German and English. http://visuel.intern.free.fr/

Barret sur Meouge Camping:
Situated between Laragne and Sederon in the Meouge valley just 15 minutes from Laragne or Sederon. Chalets, Bungalows and Caravans available. Pool and all facilities http://www.camping-meouge.com/

Gite Le Moulin, Orpierre:
A traditional, stone-built Provencal Mas comprises three charming gites and two B&B rooms set in a huge garden close to Orpierre village, just 10minutes drive from Laragne. Although ideal for groups and extended families, up to 35 people in total, individual gites or rooms can be rented. A communal reception room is available for dining and evening gatherings. http://gites-lemoulin.com/

Gîte Del Païs:
Traditional gite in the heart of the village of Lagrand. less than 10 minutes from Laragne.Sleeps up to 10 people in 4 bedrooms. http://www.gitedelpais.com/

How to get here

Arriving by Car
Note - Autoroute signs are Blue

Driving from the North, use the Autoroutes to Grenoble, then get on the south bypass (Rocade Sud) after which you follow the Sisteron signs to join the main road (N75) over the Col de Croix Haute to Aspres and then Laragne.

From the South follow the A51 Autoroute from Aix en Provence or Marseille direct to Sisteron (watch out as the signs sometimes indicate Gap rather than Sisteron). Get off the motorway at the Sisteron Nord exit and follow the signs up the N75 to Laragne.
From Nice either take the A7 motorway to Aix and then follow the A51 as above or take the croos country route via the N202 to St Andre les Alpes and Barreme, then the N85 to Digne, Chateau Arnoux to Sisteron and the N75 to Laragne - this route is much quicker than going via Grasse.

Those travelling from the East may choose to come via Montgenevre or Col de Larche to Gap, then following the signs to Sisteron and Laragne.

For those travelling from the UK ferry fares in our experience are considerably cheaper through agents or on the net rather than directly through the bigger companies.

Arriving by Air
Marseille Provence airport (Marignane) is the nearest airport, approximately one and a quarter hours drive from Laragne and there are good bus and train connections, (the airport bus goes direct to either the Bus station at Aix or the train station at Marseille, however the last bus and train services to Laragne or Sisteron (check both) run at around 1800 hrs, so make sure your flight gets in at a good time. From the UK, Easyjet Ryanair and BA have cheap daily flights to Marseille airport. Several other carriers now fly in to Marseille from Scandinavia and Northern Europe and of course there are several Air France flights daily from many French destinations.

Nimes airport is just over 2 hours drive, and Grenoble 3hrs, Ryanair have flights into both from London, East Midlands Glasgow and Liverpool.

Nice airport is just under three hours away. Either by Autoroute or through the mountains, Innumerable airlines operate into Nice from all over Europe including most of the budget airlines. Buses and Trains are available to Sisteron, check the Nice airport website.

There are also a number of other airports within a three to four hour drive - Lyon Toulon or Montpellier.

Car Hire is available at all the above airports see below.

Arriving by Train
Now the fast TGV link has been completed to near Marseilles, travel by rail is a real possibility, especially when there are special offers available. There are SNCF stations at both Sisteron and Laragne, with direct trains to Aix en Provence and Marseille and links to Gap, Grenoble and Lyon. There is a bus from the Aix TGV station to the Aix bus station from where there are also direct buses to Sisteron and Laragne.

At some times of year there are direct Eurostar www.eurostar.com, services from to Avignon (Eurostar) and from Paris to Gap (SNCF), www.voyages-sncf.com, including a sleeper service on the Gap route. Also to book try Rail Europe. http://www.raileurope.co.uk/europeantickets/index.asp

The SNCF voyages website has details of train services and bookings can be made on line. See www.voyages-sncf.com

Train services run direct from Paris to Gap including a sleeper service or there are connecting buses from Veynes to Laragne from this service.

Car Hire is also available from most train stations.

Arriving by Bus
Buses run direct from Nice, Geneva, Marseille, Aix and Gap to Laragne and Sisteron with connections to Avignon and most other French destinations. The French bus services are generally very good and on time.

Car Hire
Car hire costs vary greatly in France. We recommend using one of the internet booking agents who can often supply the same car direct from the bigger companies at a third of the direct unreserved cost. There are more and more companies doing good deals particularily in partnership with the budget airlines. Please note most companies do charge an after hours fee if collecting the car outside normal office opening times. Also some of the bigger companies (especially the biggest European one) have very long queues at Nice for car collection.

Camping Laragne
Laragne-Montéglin France


Marseille Airport. Then see train section


don't even bother


Laragne-Montéglin station. take a train from Marseille-Saint-Charles, direction Briançon


Use a GPS


Shout "hep, taxi !"


Waypoint files


Potes En Ciel
Potes En Ciel
Belgian Paragliding Club
Rue de Maastricht 5
4607 Belgium

Email: belgianparaglidingopen2020@gmail.com
Belgian Free Flying Federation
TEL/FAX: 015 32 18 20
Stefan Werner
Meet Director
Brett Janaway



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