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Task TREE (SPORTS ) Sat 11-Jan-25 - Provisional

Task TREE (SPORTS ) Sat 11-Jan-25 - Provisional

TO0.0 kmD01Take Off Los Tanques
2Entry45.000 km49.8 kmD12BelloHorizonte
3Entry19.000 km86.7 kmP70HOLGUIN
4Entry3.000 kmES104.4 kmG03GOL BUGALAGRANDE
GOALEntry0.400 km107.0 kmG03GOL BUGALAGRANDE

Primera Válida Nacional

Roldanillo Valle del Cauca, Colombia

RankIDNameNationGliderSponsorStartFinishTimeSpeedDistanceSpd PLO PDst PScore
10012Maxime BRETFRAPhoton/Cocoon V2CLOUDBASE COLOMBIA 11:30:00 90.350.035.4564.9600.3
20023Yeana LEEKORPhoton/Forza 2Jejuskyflyteam11:30:00
38436Florence IGIERFRAPhoton/Genie Race 4CNF-FFVL - Club St Hil'Air11:30:00
46050Simon STEINERCHEPhoton/Cocoon V211:30:00 59.300.00.0370.8370.8
52602Simon TOMASICOLPhoton/Impress 4 11:30:00
60420Frank TRIERDEUPhoton/GTO LightMe, myself and I11:30:00 58.400.00.0365.2361.5 (-)
70411Yérmenson AGUDELOCOLPhoton/Genie Race 5Quirón IPS11:30:00 91.940.054.8574.9314.9 (-)
81178Pablo HEIDENREICHDEUX2C/Lightness 3Me, myself and I11:30:00
90722Riley FERREUSAPhoton/?Entre Andes 11:30:00 47.420.00.0296.5296.5
100017Rainer DIETERLEDEUPhoton/Kanibal Race 2OGF11:30:00 47.370.00.0296.2296.2
116945Christian CARRONUSAPhoton/Range X-AlpsEnthusiast Paramotor11:30:00
128008Chris HOBBSGBRPhoton/X-Rated 711:30:00
132000Esmeralda HincapieCOLFusion 2/Alpina 4FEDEAEREOS11:30:00
142908Gontran CHEVRONFRAArtik Race/Impress 411:30:00
155976Jan RINDLISBACHERCHEAllegro Light/GTO Light 211:30:00 42.360.00.0264.9264.9
160240Thierry AUERFRAPhoton/Genie Lite 211:30:00 42.340.00.0264.8264.8
170999Daniel SANZ BERNALCOLMint/VibeCasaForte.com.co , Volemos!, Club Escuela deportiv11:30:00 41.770.00.0261.2261.2
185885Lidia CABRERIZO CRESPOCOLPhoton/? 11:30:00 41.760.00.0261.1261.1
191717Santiago Acevedo SanchezCOLMint/ImpressAG SEGUROS COL.11:30:00 41.750.00.0261.1255.9 (-)
204155Simon BussyFRAKlimber 3/Kolibri11:30:00 40.620.00.0254.0254.0
211986Sergio APARICIOCOLArtik Race/?Madre selva ecolodge11:30:00
220064Oscar Mauricio GOMEZ SARMIENTOCOLDelta 4/?UHaviation11:30:00
231010Alicia ForeroCOLRush 6/Impress 3UHAVIATION11:30:00 38.990.00.0243.8243.8
240100Kuba STOPOLPhoton/Delight 4ParaglidingStats.com11:30:00 36.580.00.0228.7228.7
250018Daniel Largo RamirezCOLMysticDELUX paragliders, escuela de campeones 11:30:00
261122Teodoro Ricardo TELLO CARRIONECUTrango/VibeViveNow11:30:00 5.500.00.034.434.4
270901German TOBONCOLPhoton/Lightness 4Self
280013Tudor DOROBANTUROUPhoton/?SlaviaPharm11:30:0015:49:4204:19:4223.82107.0189.1104.2669.10.0 (-)
280427Guillermo Leon VELAZQUEZ SIERRACOLPhoton/Genie Race 3Lucas y Abril11:30:0015:41:2304:11:2324.61107.01101.393.4669.10.0 (-)
280020Leonardo REYCOLLynx 2/GTO LightPiedechinche Paragliding 11:30:00 (-)
280046Juan Francisco MONTUANEZ SANCHEZCOLBonanza 2/X-RatedGALAPAGO11:30:00 (-)
280148Lena SEGLITZDEUAlpina 4/Impress 4 11:30:00 56.730.00.0354.70.0 (-)
281002Mauricio DUQUECOLPhoton/?PINTURAS LUMIKA11:30:00 (-)
281603Daniel BAYONA JARAMILLOCOLRise 3/GTO Light 2Velandia y la Tigra - Super Audio11:30:00 43.990.00.0275.00.0 (-)
281911Shauin KAOARGPhoton/?Terranova, Husband. 11:30:00 47.810.00.0298.90.0 (-)
PEN0420Frank TRIER-1% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN0411Yérmenson AGUDELO-50% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN1717Santiago Acevedo Sanchez-2% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN0013Tudor DOROBANTU-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN0427Guillermo Leon VELAZQUEZ SIERRA-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN0020Leonardo REY-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN0046Juan Francisco MONTUANEZ SANCHEZ-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN0148Lena SEGLITZ-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN1002Mauricio DUQUE-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN1603Daniel BAYONA JARAMILLO-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE
PEN1911Shauin KAO-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE

Task Statistics


Scoring Parameters


Task Validity


Maximum Points

Total Pilots:99 Nominal Distance:50.0 km Launch Validity:1.000 Max Distance Points:0.0
Pilots Landed Out:88 Minimum Distance:5.0 km Distance Validity:1.000 Max Time Points:0.0
Pilots at ES:11 Nominal Goal:30 % Time Validity:1.000 Max Lead-Out Points:0.0
Pilots in Goal:11 Nominal Time:01:30 Task Validity:1.000 Max Arrival Points:0.0
  Max Task Points:0.0