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Task FIVE (FEMALE) Mon 13-Jan-25 - Provisional

Task FIVE (FEMALE) Mon 13-Jan-25 - Provisional

TO0.0 kmD01Take Off Los Tanques
1Entry15.000 kmSS1.9 kmP54LIMONES
2Entry1.000 km15.9 kmP54LIMONES
3Exit22.000 km36.9 kmP54LIMONES
4Entry0.600 km58.3 kmP54LIMONES
5Exit15.000 km72.8 kmP54LIMONES
6Entry0.400 km87.4 kmP54LIMONES
7Entry2.000 kmES100.8 kmG01GOL LA VICTORIA
GOALEntry0.400 km102.4 kmG01GOL LA VICTORIA

Primera Válida Nacional

Roldanillo Valle del Cauca, Colombia

RankIDNameNationGliderSponsorStartFinishTimeSpeedDistanceSpd PLO PDst PScore
10404Magdalena JANAWAYGBRZeno 2/Genie Race 5FlyEvent11:30:0014:54:2503:24:2529.03102.43293.798.8380.5773.0
20112Agata KOWALSKAPOLZeolite2 GT/Range X-Alps 211:30:0014:53:3403:23:3429.15102.43297.694.5380.5772.6
30023Yeana LEEKORPhoton/Forza 2Jejuskyflyteam11:30:0015:14:2803:44:2826.43102.43206.169.2380.5655.8
48436Florence IGIERFRAPhoton/Genie Race 4CNF-FFVL - Club St Hil'Air11:30:0015:20:0303:50:0325.79102.43182.953.6380.5617.0
55885Lidia CABRERIZO CRESPOCOLPhoton/? 11:30:00 96.940.022.8360.1382.9
61010Alicia ForeroCOLRush 6/Impress 3UHAVIATION11:30:00 65.710.00.0244.1244.1
77178Lill-elisabeth JENSENNORZeno 2/? 11:30:0015:08:3903:38:3927.14102.43230.856.1380.5133.5 (-)
80148Lena SEGLITZDEUAlpina 4/Impress 4 11:30:00 82.440.00.0306.298.0 (-)
90722Riley FERREUSAPhoton/?Entre Andes 11:30:00
101911Shauin KAOARGPhoton/?Terranova, Husband. 11:30:00 98.470.019.3365.80.0 (-)
102000Esmeralda HincapieCOLFusion 2/Alpina 4FEDEAEREOS11:30:00 90.640.00.0336.70.0 (-)
PEN7178Lill-elisabeth JENSEN-80% of own pointsAIRSPACE VIOLATION
PEN1911Shauin KAO-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE VIOLATION
PEN2000Esmeralda Hincapie-100% of own pointsAIRSPACE VIOLATION

Task Statistics


Scoring Parameters


Task Validity


Maximum Points

Total Pilots:98 Nominal Distance:50.0 km Launch Validity:1.000 Max Distance Points:0.0
Pilots Landed Out:37 Minimum Distance:5.0 km Distance Validity:1.000 Max Time Points:0.0
Pilots at ES:62 Nominal Goal:30 % Time Validity:1.000 Max Lead-Out Points:0.0
Pilots in Goal:61 Nominal Time:01:30 Task Validity:1.000 Max Arrival Points:0.0
  Max Task Points:0.0