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Event info
The Dutch Open is postponed due to Covid rules on the moment we had to make a decision. A new week is choosen: 19-24 July 2021.
The Dutch Open 2021 is organized from 19-26 June 2021 at Hochries-Samerberg, Grainbach (Germany.
Flying site
See for info about the flying site the site of the local club: http://www.dfc-hochries.de/index.php/fluggebiet...
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Registration will open on
27/05 12:24 (Europe/Amsterdam)
Live trackers supplied
The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring
Live trackers mandatory
Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. The organiser will provide the trackers.
Launch Transport
There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch
Toilets on takeoff
There are toilets at, or near, the launch
Tracklogs managed
The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Free gift
You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall Class
- Sport class
- Class 5
Organization Director
- Annet Vieregge
- 0031625090854
- harm.annet@planet.nl
Event info
The Dutch Open is postponed due to Covid rules on the moment we had to make a decision. A new week is choosen: 19-24 July 2021.
The Dutch Open 2021 is organized from 19-26 June 2021 at Hochries-Samerberg, Grainbach (Germany).
Registration is on Saturday 19, 17hrs in the evening, at the landingplace.
The Dutch Open will be held for Class 1 (including Sportclass) & Class 5.
Separate tasks will be organized, when at least 5 pilots in these separate class are in the competition.
During the contest the results will be published in the whatsapp group DutchOpen2021.
A maximum of 50 participants are allowed.
Selection and entry fee
The tracklogs of the flights are primary evaluated through the livetrackers. Only if this data is insufficient, alternatively the records of other GPS-devices (must include altitude) will be evaluated. (Cables for download to be brought by the pilots, back up-devices are strongly recommended).
Evaluation and scoring software: GPSdump, FS-Comp.
Entry fee is € 140,-, this is including the transport by the lift to the launch and a t-shirt.
Retrieve not included, but if you want it can be arranged. Let us know if you are interested.
The following items are required for registration:
• - Pilot qualifications equivalent to IPPI 5
• - Pilot’s valid FAI Sporting License
• - Entry fee or receipt for payment of entry fee
• - Certificate of 3rd party liability insurance of at least €1,500,000.-
• - GPS for downloading waypoints
Payment by https://knvvl.rfxevents.nl/Event/110
So please register and pay as soon as possible!
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
The FAI IPPI card is an International card that states your skill level. It is issued by your National Association and matches the level or your flying Licence
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Liability Insurance
You must provide the organiser with a copy of your liability (3rd party) insurance documents
Cancellation Policy
Prize fund and scoring categories
Class 1 topless
Class 1 sportclass
Class 5 rigids
General schedule
Tuesday, July 20th 09:00 - 09:30 Mandatory welcome and safety briefing at HQ
Tuesday July 20th – Saturday 24th Contest Flying days.
Daily schedule
12:00 Briefing at take-off-area
13:00 Take off window opens
17:00 Scoring Open (evaluation through livetrackers)
21:00 Provisional Results (whatsapp-group and site)
Any changes to the schedule before the start of the competition will be posted here. After the start of the competition, changes will be announced by the Meet Director at the briefing.
Saturday June 26th 19:00 Price-giving at HQ
Accommodation and Activities
We are allowed to camp at the parking place near the landing and accommodation of the local club.
It is possible to use an organized retrieve, if you are interested, let us know.
How to get here
Brenkenweg 21
83122 Samerberg
Koordinaten: 47°46'30,72'' N, 12°13'47,01'' E
0151 577 698 01
See: http://www.dfc-hochries.de/index.php/fluggebiet/anfahrt-clubhuette-landeplatz
Grainbach Germany
Waypoint files

3447GM Woerden

Organization Director
- Annet Vieregge
- 0031625090854
- harm.annet@planet.nl