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Event info

This Event is CANCELLED
Fai Asian Oceanic Continental Pg RaceXc Championships TEST Event for the forthcoming 2020 Cat1 A/O Continental Champs.
or FAI AO Continental Test. Bright 2019
Training/Rego/Opening Day on Saturday 7th December 2019
First Task Sunday 8th through to Saturday 14th December (7 task Days)
The Event is Registered with FAi as Cat2 Event.

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Flying site

Bright is located within the Alpine shire in North-Eastern Victoria. In an area known as the Victorian Alps, it is surrounded by the beautiful mountainous landscape of various national parks. It is situated in between Mount Buffalo, Mount Bogong and Mount Feathertop which dominate about 1000-1200 m above the valley with peaks about 1500-1800 ASL.

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  • 19 Pilots Confirmed
  • 19 Pilots total registered
  • 480 USD Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 85 Pilots max allowed
  • 4 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Event info

This Event is CANCELLED
Fai Asian Oceanic Continental Pg RaceXc Championships TEST Event for the forthcoming 2020 Cat1 A/O Continental Champs.
or FAI AO Continental Test. Bright 2019
Training/Rego/Opening Day on Saturday 7th December 2019
First Task Sunday 8th through to Saturday 14th December (7 task Days)
The Event is Registered with FAi as Cat2 Event.
The event is in process of sanctioning to count towards the Australia national ladder as a AA event & as an International Fai 2 towards Australian Yeam selection.

Pilots are invited to register here to be placed on the waiting list and confirm their place with payment of fee.

NOTE: Paragliding in Australia is legally controlled through Sports Aviation Fedaration Australia (formerly HGFA) through direct affiliation with Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).
By Law, all Pilots flying in Australia must be current financial Members of SAFA (full or visiting pilot membership)
These are laws which help to protect the interests of its citizens, their safety and their property from those that would disregard them.
Australian Law requires all visiting and local pilots to have a current SAFA membership and the 3rd party insurance it includes, to legally fly in Australia.
The inclusive insurance is compulsory and not optional.

On confirmation of your place, please Visit and complete your temporary or full membership at https://www.safa.asn.au/visiting-international-pilots a membership fee applies.

Similarly our prime competition launch at the Mystic flying site is privately owned and administered by the NEVHGC local club under regulation from the owning authority.
Use of this site is dependent on all pilots being current financial members of NEVHGC.
HOWEVER the NEVHGC Club will waiver the FEE payment to all event registered Visiting Pilots .
The Comp Org will register you as visiting pilot on arrival.
If you do fly outside of the competition period, as curtesy to the club, please complete your NEVHGC Club membership at https://nevhgc.tidyhq.com/public/membership_levels

Pilots membership to both the above will be checked at Registration.

Flying the Task Zone
Bright flying site is located in Victorian Alps to the North East of Melbourne surrounded by beautiful mountainous landscape of various national parks. It is situated in between Mount Buffalo, Mount Bogong and Mount Feathertop that dominate about 1000-1200 m above the valley with peaks about 1500-1800 ASL. There are two mostly common used takes off Mystic and Gundowring. Both sites are privately owned.

These sites have been host to the annual Bright Open AAA for over 20 years, a very successful PWC in Feb 2018, several Club and State level comps as well as a training ground for International Teams.

The XC Flying season is early September to May. December offers good Xc conditions outside of the really hot periods of Jan/Feb with comfortable thermic activity and adequate cloud bases for competitive Xc Tasking.

Flight info:
Ridge soaring, once above the height of the trees behind launch is quite easy (but sometimes bumpy). In order to get to that height, passes across the launch bowl in the best lift are often required. Once below launch height, head towards the landing paddock and try to catch a thermal above the spur on the way down.
When thermalling there are a number of places to head for. Thermals seem to gather above the spurs to the left and right. In general, the whole hill is a trigger point so be prepared for some monster lift straight away. During summer, the lift is quite strong and rough between 12 and 3:30pm. It is safer and more enjoyable to launch before or after. Many excellent XC flight have been achieved after launching as late as 5:30pm. During other seasons Bright hill can be flown almost anytime.
The site is centred amongst prime alpine flying country, so excellent XC flights are possible. Over the back to Harrietville, right to Tawonga Gap and the Kiewa Valley, or left to Porepunkah Hill, the Ovens Valley, Mt Buffalo, Myrtleford and onwards. On epic days try for Wangaratta or the McDonalds on the Hume Highway SW of Wangaratta.


To fly Mystic it is compulsory that all piots hold NEVHGC temporary or full club membership. Mystic flying pass must be purchased before using this site, and can only be obtained over the NE Vic HG club web site at www.nevhgc.net.
Detailed info here:
Local no landing zones are gazetted at https://siteguide.org.au/siteguidemap.html?type=open&spn=0.4,0.19&ll=-36.5922711,146.9375181
with OpenAir format download files on https://siteguide.org.au/siteGuide.OpenAir.txt

Mystic Hill is an excellent site which is often on because it faces the valley wind and cooks up some strong thermals. IMystic Hill is located 2Km south of Bright just off the road to Wandiligong. Take off is unobstructed as all pine trees have been cut down over the entire face of the hill. It boasts the safest launch area (about 100m wide) of all the sites in this region. If possible, have one of the numerous local pilots show you the site for the first time as there are some shortcomings which have caught many pilots off guard. At T/O the landing paddock cannot be seen as it is shielded by the spur to the east. It is a good idea to survey the landing paddock first and then on the drive up, stop as you round the spur and sight it again from above before you fly.
Mystic is one of the most popular Victorian Inland Sites which has hosted numerous state & AAA national competitions including a Paragliding World Cup events in 1998 and 2018.

There is a weather station on Mystic Hill access via http://www.freeflightwx.com/mystic/

Mystic Take off
N (valley wind)
797m / 2614ft ASL, 477m / 1564ft AGL
Launch: S36.75855, E146.96575

Mystic Landing
For paragliders and hang gliders (if they can tolerate the relatively short approach), there is a new landing ground on the right hand side of the road on the way to Wandilagong. A car park is situated at the end of the landing ground.
The main bombout for hang gliders is across the Wandiligong rd, east of the smaller paddock. Look for the stile over the fence. The main dangers are the trees (normally) upwind producing turbulence, as the valley breeze blows most of the time from the NW. Expect turbulence on any normal summer’s day.
Strong lift in spring & summer during the middle of the day. Power lines along road beside landing ground. Large expanses of 'tiger' country to South, and between Pyramid Hill and the Kiewa valley. Before going XC, it is essential to check the map for allowed and forbidden landing paddocks in the area.

The hill is privately owned . The owner welcomes anyone to fly from the hill as long as the flier is a member of the HGFA, this insures both yourself and him.
HGFA site description is here http://www.vhpa.org.au/Sites/Gundowring%20%28Savhill%29.html
This site has huge potential with reliable valley winds and thermals. The hill has a very large W thu NW grassy launch
This site requires 4WD capable vehicles to access by car
Gundowring Takeoff
640m / 2100ft ASL, 400m / 1310ft AGL
W-NW launch: S36.39551, E147.09023
Strictly no smoking while on the property. Please take all your rubbish home with you. There are no toilets on the hill. Please be discrete. Ideally dig a hole, do the toilet and fill in the hole.
Driving on the property is at your own risk. Be careful if at any time you have to go off the cut track, there are many wombat holes on the property. The majority of the local land owners are happy for pilots to land on their property. Please show them the greatest respect, be polite and follow the normal country code.

Please respect our landowners who are generally very friendly. Continued flying at Mystic is dependent on their collective good will toward our sport and our pilots.

Flying site

Bright is located within the Alpine shire in North-Eastern Victoria. In an area known as the Victorian Alps, it is surrounded by the beautiful mountainous landscape of various national parks. It is situated in between Mount Buffalo, Mount Bogong and Mount Feathertop which dominate about 1000-1200 m above the valley with peaks about 1500-1800 ASL. The two most commonly used take offs are Mystic and Gundowring. The sites are centred amongst prime alpine flying country, so excellent XC flights are possible.

Selection and entry fee

Pilot selection:
The top 30 from the previous season's Aussie National ladder will be invited to pay first by 31 Aug to secure a place.
After the 31 Aug the remaining places are then open to all national and international pilots.
All remaining places are then allocated in order of WRPS ranking as stated on 1st September.
A minimum of 25% of entries (20) will be set aside for International visiting pilots.
Max of 80 Places will be allocated. 5 wildcard places will be awarded at the Comp Organisers discretion.
Standard Entry fee: Aus $480 , (NOTE: After 01 November 2019 a late payment fee of $530 applies).

Payment details:
We are now accepting payment of fees to confirm your entry to the event.
Entries will now be accepted on first come first served basis, based on date stamp of our receipt of your payment.

Please be sure to add YourName FAI AO 2019 to the description on transfer.

Please forward your payment by EFT to:
Bank:- ANZ
Account Name: Victorian Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
BSB:- 013427
Account number:- 316841877
Branch Address:- 110 Acland St, St Kilda VIC 3182, Australia

Please contact the Organisation if you have any problem in making international funds transfer via dasnowden@outlook.com

Refunds of competition fee less any bank charges due to pilot cancellation will be possible before 1st November. There will be no refunds after the 1st of November 2019.

The competition is open to all registered FAI competition pilots pilots holding a minimum of an Australia PG4 rating or IPPI4 equivalent.
Transport and Retrieves will be provided, we may use a site which requires 4WD only to access.
Please inform the Organisation if you wish to use your own vehicle. (please note there are no concessions on entry fee for use of own transport)

Prize fund and scoring categories

Scoring Catagories.
Overall (up to & incl CCC). Male and Female. 1st,2nd,3rd.
Team Overall First Place.
Serial (upto EnD) First Place.
Sport (EnC) First Place.
Fun (all others) First Place.
Trophies and prize pool awards.
Open / un-certified / test gliders are not permitted.

General schedule

Saturday 07 December 2019
10:00 Site inductions & membership checks for Event Pilots new to Bright.
11:00-16:00 Registration (Pioneer Park Sports Complex Bright)
11:00 - 16:00 freeflight & training day. Transport from Pioneer Park.
17:00 - Opening Ceremony
Sunday 08 December
08:00 Mandatory Pre Event briefing.
09:30 First Call Announcement.
19:00 Checkin deadline
08 Dec to 14 Dec - Competition days
09:30 First Call Announcement.
19:00 Checkin deadline

09 Dec - Welcome BBQ, free for comp pilots

14 Dec - Presentation ceremony, buffet dinner, free for comp pilots

Daily schedule

Daily schedule (typical)
08:30 Previous Day deBrief. Pioneer Park Sports Complex Bright
09:15 First Call Announcements
10.00 load and move to Site.
11.00 Launch Briefing and Task delivery
19:00 Checkin deadline. In person at Pioneer Park Sports Complex Bright.

Accommodation and Activities

The Event organisation is happy to assist foreign Pilots source house share or other accommodation.
Contact organisation for further details on accommodation packages.
For a guide to the Bright region including alternate activities , take a look at
Accomodation can be booked via
Popular budget Pilot camping or basic cabin accommodation can be booked at
There are several motels in Bright which offer comfortable rooms.

How to get here

A limited transport service will be available from Melbourne or Albury Airports 2-3 days before the start of the competition.
Contact the Organisation with flight info when known.
The nearest is Melbourne international airport (Tullamarine).
There is a shuttle bus that runs every 10 min from the airport to Melbourne Southern Cross train station.
Check fares and more: http://www.skybus.com.au/
The VLine bus service connects Bright with Wangaratta Railway Station. Buses 2-3 times a day.
Check time table here http://www.vline.com.au/
The nearest train stations are Wangaratta and Albury. Public transport by bus/taxi from Albury and Wangaratta stations

Via Wangaratta
There is a train to Wangaratta from Melbourne Southern Cross 3 times a days. It takes about 3 hours to Wangaratta and then you can change for a bus to Bright. Check time table here http://www.vline.com.au/

Via Albury
There is a train going to Wangaratta from Albury 2-3 times a day. Check time table here http://www.vline.com.au/
The journey takes about 1.5 hours. There is no public bus to Bright from Albury only taxi or transfer.

Car Hire is readily available from all major cities Melbourne Sydney Canberra and most regional Towns.
Bright is situated on the Great Alpine Road (B 500) about 75 kms from the Hume Highway (M31) which is the main road connecting Melbourne to Sydney. Bright is just over three hours drive from Melbourne, seven hours drive from Sydney, five hours drive from Canberra and twelve hours drive from Adelaide.

A great circular tour from Melbourne is to travel from Melbourne to Bairnsdale on the Princes Hwy then over the High Country on the Great Alpine Road and then back to Melbourne via the Hume Hwy.

If you are coming from Sydney or Canberra experience the stunning drive via the Snowy Mountains through Thredbo, Corryong to the Great Alpine Road and on to Bright.

BUT which ever way you come leave plenty of time to spend many days based in Bright and exploring the Ovens Valley and Alpine High Country.

NB Chains need to be carried on the Great Alpine Road between Harrietville and Omeo in the snow seasons and also should be carried between Thredbo and Khancoban in winter. The event is held outside of Snow season.

It is 115 km from Albury and if you arrived there you can take a taxi.
Taxi – based in Bright. Contact 0408 589 370

See other useful "How to get" tips at http://www.brightvictoria.com.au/getting-here.aspx

65 Coronation Ave, Bright VIC 3741, Australia
BRIGHT Australia


The nearest is Melbourne international airport (Tullamarine).
There is a shuttle bus that runs every 10 min from the airport to Melbourne Southern Cross train station.
Check fares and more: http://www.skybus.com.au/


The VLine bus service connects Bright with Wangaratta. Busses 2-3 times a day.
Check time table here http://www.vline.com.au/


The nearest train stations are Wangaratta and Albury.

Via Wangaratta
There is a train to Wangaratta from Melbourne Southern Cross 3 times a days. It takes about 3 hours to Wangaratta and then you can change for a bus to Bright. Check time table here http://www.vline.com.au/

Via Albury
There is a train going to Albury from Melbourne Southern Cross 2-3 times a days. Check time table here http://www.vline.com.au/ The journey takes about 4 hours. it can be a direct train or with change at Seymour. There is no public bus from Albury only taxi or transfer.


Bright is situated on the Great Alpine Road (B 500) about 75 kms from the Hume Highway (M31) which is the main road connecting Melbourne to Sydney. Bright is just over three hours drive from Melbourne, seven hours drive from Sydney, five hours drive from Canberra and twelve hours drive from Adelaide.

A great circular tour from Melbourne is to travel from Melbourne to Bairnsdale on the Princes Hwy then over the High Country on the Great Alpine Road and then back to Melbourne via the Hume Hwy.

If you are coming from Sydney or Canberra experience the stunning drive via the Snowy Mountains through Thredbo, Corryong to the Great Alpine Road and on to Bright.

BUT which ever way you come leave plenty of time to spend many days based in Bright and exploring the Ovens Valley and Alpine High Country.

NB Chains need to be carried on the Great Alpine Road between Harrietville and Omeo in the snow seasons and also should be carried between Thredbo and Khancoban in winter


It is 115 km from Albury and if you arrived there you can take a taxi.
Taxi – based in Bright. Contact 0408 589 370

See other useful "How to get" tips at http://www.brightvictoria.com.au/getting-here.aspx


Waypoint files


Victoria Hang Gliding Association
Air Sport Australia Commission
David Snowden
Competition & Event Organiser




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