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Event info

Traditional paragliding competitions. Best time for fly begin from the middle of July to the first decade of September,
Competitions have FAI-2 status and PWC NAT Kazakhstan Championship status.
Dates: 23.

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Flying site

Flying site Ushkonyr is located 40km from the big city Almaty in the mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau. There is a paved asphalt road from the Ushkonyr village to the start site and a small segment of about 50 meters of dirt road.

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  • 53 Pilots Confirmed
  • 53 Pilots total registered
  • 170 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 90 Pilots max allowed
  • 4 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event
  • 🚁

    The region supports helicopter rescues

    Helicopter rescue
  • ⚕️

    There will be medical rescue services at launch

    Medic on takeoff
  • 🥾

    There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ

    Retrieve included
  • 💩

    There are toilets at, or near, the launch

    Toilets on takeoff
  • 📢

    The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores

    Airtribune blogging
  • 🏋️

    There will be ballast water available at launch

    Ballast on takeoff
  • 🥪

    There will be daily lunch packs for pilots

    Lunch packs
  • ♻️

    The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles

    Plastic reduction

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Overall
  • Women
  • Sport
  • Russian Overall
  • Fun Class
  • Serial Class
  • Teams
  • Kazakhstan Overall

Event info

Traditional paragliding competitions. Best time for fly begin from the middle of July to the first decade of September,
Competitions have FAI-2 status and PWC NAT Kazakhstan Championship status.
Dates: 23.08.2021 - 29.08.2021
We plan second competition 2021 Open CIS Cup dates: 30.08.2021 - 04.09.2021

Августовские соревнования в Алматы — это прекрасная традиция!
Место встречи мастеров и начинающих, старых и новых друзей.
Конец августа в Алматы известен хорошей погодной статистикой, место отлично подходит для гонки и интересных безопасных полетов.

Сразу после завершения соревнований планируются следующие - 2021 Open CIS Cup
даты 30.08.2021 - 04.09.2021

Согласно требованиям Российского NAC пилоты не имеющие валидные лицензии на момент подачи результатов соревнований в FAI - будут исключены из протоколов которые подаются в FAI.

Flying site

Flying site Ushkonyr is located 40km from the big city Almaty in the mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau. There is a paved asphalt road from the Ushkonyr village to the start site and a small segment of about 50 meters of dirt road.
Getting to start takes about 50 minutes from inexpensive hotel Keleshek, usual place of residence during the competition.
On the northern edge of the plateau there is a large spacious area, accommodating a large number of hang gliders and allowing to start in several rows. Earthen slopes are covered with grass, the steepness is 35-45°.
Take off Ushkonyr - 1960 m ASL 43.126697, 76.467904
Exposure North, it is possible to start to the West and East.
Direction and strength of wind: N, NW, NE, 1-5 m / s, rarely up to 10 m / s.
Shuttle flights: along the mountains to the W and E, to the valley in the NW and NE direction.
The lower limit of clouds - 3000-4000 m, thermals +4 mps, record flight of this area of about 150 km
Averaged valley altitude in the vicinity of the plateau Ushkonyr - 900 m ASL The relative height difference between the start and landing sites ranges from 800 - 1000 m.
Landing field 1: 43.179094, 76.513215;
Landing field 2: 43.163194, 76.379937;
Landing field 3: 43.168318, 76.459322
Within the flight area there are a lot of landing sites between small villages, well-developed road infrastructure. Along the roads there are located power lines, somewhere high-voltage. There are also shelterbelts between agricultural fields and shallow gullies.

Дельтадром Ушконыр находиться в 40 км от крупного города Алматы в горах Заилийского Алатау. От поселка Ушконыр на сайт проложена асфальтированная дорога, с небольшим отрезком, около 50 метров, грунтовой дороги. Время подъема на старт примерно 50 минут, от недорогого отеля Келешек, обычного места проживания на соревнованиях.
На северном краю плато большая просторная площадка, вмещающая большое количество дельтапланов и позволяющая стартовать в несколько рядов. Склоны земляные, покрытые травой, крутизна их 35-45°.
Экспозиция старта - север, также имеется возможность стартовать на запад и восток. Направление и сила ветра - север, северо-запад, северо-восток, 1-5 м/с, редко до 10 м/с. Маршрутные полеты: вдоль гор на запад и восток, в долину на северо-запад и северо-восток. Нижняя граница облаков- 3000-4000 м, термики +4 м/с Рекорд местности около 150 км.
Старт Ушконыр – 1960 м ASL 43.126697, 76.467904
Посадки – средняя абсолютная высота долины в окрестностях плато Ушконыр – 900 м ASL. Относительный перепад высот между стартом и посадочными площадками колеблется в пределах 800 - 1000 м.
1) 43.179094, 76.513215; 2) 43.163194, 76.379937; 3) 43.168318, 76.459322
В радиусе полетов много посадочных площадок между небольшими селами, хорошо развита инфраструктура дорог, вдоль дорог расположены линии электропередачи, местами магистральные высоковольтные линии электропередачи, лесополосы между сельскохозяйственными полями, неглубокие овраги.

Selection and entry fee

Entry Fee: 150 Euro till 30.06.2021 and 170 Euro after 30.06.2021
Payment methods: You will receive in Email when the status changes to "Waiting for payment"

Стартовый взнос -

Selection will be phased in according to the rating of WPRS.
Quota for Russian pilots - 55 places.
Quota for pilots from Kazakhstan - 20 places.
Pilots who are not members of the Eurasian Union - it is necessary to obtain their own local registration in the migration service and a visa.
To participate you must have:
- Medical insurance covering paragliding (proof will be checked at competition registration)
- VHF radio 2m
- Certified helmet and rescue parachute
- Compatible GPS with cable for connection to PC
- Pilots who are not members of the Eurasian Union - Valid registration at the migration office (for absence - heavy fines when leaving the country)

Prize fund and scoring categories

Russian Overall
Russian Women
Russian Sport
Kazakhstan National Overall
Kazakhstan Women
Kazakhstan Sport

General schedule

23 August 2021 Official training day

09:00 Official Registration and equipment inspection
11:00 Depart to takeoff
12:00 Briefing
13:00 - 17:00 Official training day
17:00 - 19:00 Registration

24 August - 29 August 2021
Contest flying days

29 August 2021
20-00 Prize-giving and closing ceremony

Daily schedule

08:00 - Headquarter opens
9:30 - Transport to take-off
10:30 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:00 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definitio
12:00 - Take-off window opens
17:30 - Scoring office opens
22:00 - Provisional results

Accommodation and Activities

Camp: Montazhnik (Svyazist)
in tent XXXX tg day (~5 $ per person)
in building: XXXX tg day (~10 $ per person)
Price is subject to change.

How to get here

The easiest way to get there is to come by taxi - 60 km from the airport, 65 km from the train station.
Price approx: 5000-10000 tg (27$ - 54$)
Or contact with organizers for support.

Каргалы, Казахстан
Almaty Kazakhstan


Plane. The nearest airport is Almaty.
Web: http://www.alaport.com/ru/


Train. The nearest train station is Almaty.
Web: http://rzd.ru


From Almaty about 30 km by road A2 to turn left through the village Ushkonyr, then through the village Kargala, left at the second traffic light and then left for the field to the hotel Keleshek, 43.160369, 76.384464


Airport to Kargaly 65 km by taxi.
Trail station Almaty-1 to Kargaly 29 km: by taxi.
Price aprox: 5000-10000 tg (27$ - 54$)

Аэропорт - Каргалы 65 км, такси
Алматы 1 - Каргалы 30 км, такси
Цены от 27 $ до 54 $


Waypoint files


XC Monsters Club
JF SLA of Russia
Federation of Aviation Sport
Samuryk club
Sergey Lazarev-Marchenko
Meet director
Mikhail Krapivin
Event Director
Evgeniy Oreshkin
Safety Director




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
Please sign in and register before posting your own classifieds.

Rus&Kaz Open 2021

Price Giving


  1. Kirill Kostiuchenko (586)
  2. Andrei Samokhvalov (23)
  3. Aleksandr Isaev (8)


Overall results

Serial Class

  1. Kirill Kostiuchenko (586)
  2. Aleksandr Isaev (8)
  3. Denis Klimov (5)

Serial Class


  1. Sergei Grishko (235)
  2. Konstantin Grebenshchikov (1234)
  3. ilgiz yagudin (1956)

Sport Class

Fun Class

  1. Дмитрий Стаховский (1209)
  2. Nikolay Sadykov (71)
  3. Aleksey Bannikov (404)

Fun Class

Russian Overall

  1. Kirill Kostiuchenko (586)
  2. Andrei Samokhvalov (23)
  3. Wladislav Kuzin (13)



  1. Natalia Lipatnikova (979)
  2. Irina Tarasova (125)
  3. Laura Vinchuk (1017)


Kazakhstan Overall

  1. Denis Klimov (5)
  2. Sergei Grishko (235)
  3. Alexandr Trapezin (177)



  1. Без Вариантов
  2. Золото Сибири
  3. Топчик KZ


Tasks and results

Task 2

25 Aug, 2021

66.9 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 3

26 Aug, 2021

53.4 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 4

27 Aug, 2021

146.1 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 5

28 Aug, 2021

36.7 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
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