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Lap 2020

2020-08-27 to 2020-09-30, FAI Category 2 event

CAP Sport

Total results

Results include only those pilots where ca:Sport equals SP and ca:Feada equals SI

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 T 3 Total
1 2 Jose Jiménez Belda M ESP Gin Bonanza 2 GRANALTURA 828.7 797.5 63.7 1690
2 12 Daniel Martínez Alarcón M ESP Skywalk Cayenne 6 DRACO 860.1 175.6 296.0 1332
3 34 Manuel Benitez Fraise M ESP Ozone Delta 3 SUR DE LOS DEPORTES AÉREOS 0.0 578.2 590.1 1168
4 10 Rodrigo Plegezuelo Gomez M ESP Nova Mentor 5 GRANALTURA 158.5 639.6 328.7 1127
5 11 Daniel Vasile Man M ESP Nova Secor ALMERÍA 664.8 64.4 267.2 996
6 26 Manuel Miranda Villanueva M ESP Ozone Delta 4 GRANALTURA 723.0 0.0 207.0 930
7 9 Guillermo Sanchez Janavel M ESP Nova Mentor 5 EOLOX 263.4 176.2 103.1 543
8 1 Daniel Blanco Navarro M ESP Advance Sigma 10 VUELO LIBRE MÁLAGA 95.3 194.5 88.1 378
9 24 Jose Antonio Gil Navarro M ESP Ozone Rush 5 CIVA 100.2 172.9 36.7 310
10 35 Juan Jesus Bayona Guzman M ESP Advance Iota PEGALAJAR 0.0 178.4 117.0 295
10 23 Juan Carlos Zapata Mantas M ESP Advance Sigma SUR DE LOS DEPORTES AÉREOS 102.4 39.2 153.0 295
12 40 Rafael Marcos Sancho Matas M ESP Niviuk Takoo TT VUELOS Y ARTIMAÑAS 0.0 0.0 233.3 233
13 6 Carlos López-Fé M ESP Ozone Buzz Z6 SEVILLA PARAPENTE 88.6 63.0 0.0 152
14 31 Pilar Montero Gonzalez F ESP Swing Mitos EOLOX 0.0 0.0 111.6 112
15 36 Javier Sanchez M ESP Mentor 5 0.0 39.2 71.1 110
16 37 Gonzalo Ortuzar Yague M ESP Gin Bonanza 2 GRANALTURA 0.0 0.0 65.8 66
17 57 Jan Hooyberghs M CIVA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
17 65 Jose Maria Vaquerizo Boiso M PEGALAJAR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
17 53 Marcelo Sanchez Vilchez M CVL GRANADA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
17 41 Lothar Keller M ALMERÍA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
17 50 Isidoro Espinosa Moyano M SEVILLA PARAPENTE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

Task Date Distance
Day Quality
T1 Manga 1 2020-08-27 14:10    65.1 100% Race to goal with 11 start gates
T2 Manga 2 2020-08-29 17:00    40.8 99.76% Race to goal
T3 Manga 3 2020-08-30 13:30    60.8 99.82% Race to goal

Report created: 2020-11-15T20:08:48+01:00

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