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Event info

Lijak Open 2022

Official FAI-2 Paragliding competition (Lijak, Nova gorica)

Društvo jadralnih padalcev Polet Nova Gorica
Šmihelj 5
5261 Nova Gorica

Vodja tekmovanja / Meet director: Tomaž Bavdaž

Informacije za pilote / Information for pilots:
Vse informacije o tekmovanju se bojo sporočale preko WhatsApp skupine / All information regarding the competition will be delivered by WhatsApp group (LijakOpen-INFO):

Expand page for more details

Flying site

Lijak is all year round flying site with easy XC to the W to Nanos mountain and back.
Landing site is located on the meadow near the Livešče village, well visible from takeoff.

more info: http://www.polet-ng.

Expand page for more details
  • 42 Pilots Confirmed
  • 42 Pilots total registered
  • 100 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 100 Pilots max allowed
  • 6 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event
  • Registration will open on
    12/08 17:00 (Europe/Ljubljana)

  • 🛰️

    The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring

    Live trackers supplied
  • 🚁

    The region supports helicopter rescues

    Helicopter rescue
  • ⚕️

    There will be medical rescue services at launch

    Medic on takeoff
  • 📱

    The region generally has good phone coverage

    Good phone coverage
  • 📻

    We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly

    Radio coverage
  • 🛰️

    Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. The organiser will provide the trackers.

    Live trackers mandatory
  • 🚐

    There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch

    Launch Transport
  • 🥾

    There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ

    Retrieve included
  • 💩

    There are toilets at, or near, the launch

    Toilets on takeoff
  • 🛰

    The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring

    Tracklogs managed
  • 📢

    The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores

    Airtribune blogging
  • 🥪

    There will be daily lunch packs for pilots

    Lunch packs
  • 🍺

    There will usually be goal beers for winners

    Goal beers
  • 🎵

    There will be live music or a DJ at the event

    Live music
  • ♻️

    The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles

    Plastic reduction

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • FUN

Event info

Lijak Open 2022

Official FAI-2 Paragliding competition (Lijak, Nova gorica)

Društvo jadralnih padalcev Polet Nova Gorica
Šmihelj 5
5261 Nova Gorica

Vodja tekmovanja / Meet director: Tomaž Bavdaž

Informacije za pilote / Information for pilots:
Vse informacije o tekmovanju se bojo sporočale preko WhatsApp skupine / All information regarding the competition will be delivered by WhatsApp group (LijakOpen-INFO):

Tekmovalni prostor / Competition place
Vipavska dolina/Vipava Valley

Vzletišče: Lijak

Tekmovalna pisarna: Lijak landing (45°56'50.6"N 13°42'37.6"E)

Take off: Lijak

Headquarters: Lijak landing (45°56'50.6"N 13°42'37.6"E)

Flying site

Lijak is all year round flying site with easy XC to the W to Nanos mountain and back.
Landing site is located on the meadow near the Livešče village, well visible from takeoff.

more info: http://www.polet-ng.si/index.php

Selection and entry fee

Registracija in vplačila / Registration and payment:

Največje število pilotov: 100
Maximum number of pilots: 100

Štartnina/ pilot entry fee: 100 EUR

Štartnina pokriva / Entry fee includes:
prevozi in pobiranja / transport and retrieval
takse za vzletiščca / takeoff fees
zemljevid z obratnimi točkami / a map with turnpoints
suhi dnevni obrok / lunch packets
collection of flight data, calculating and posting
nagrade in pokali / prizes and trophies for winners

Štartnino vplačajte na račun / Entry fee is payed to:

Društvo jadralnih padalcev Polet Nova Gorica Šmihelj 5 5261 Nova Gorica Slovenija
IBAN: SI 56 6400 0945 0108 417

Documents required at registration

  • Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)

    FAI Sporting Licence
  • The FAI IPPI card is an International card that states your skill level. It is issued by your National Association and matches the level or your flying Licence

    FAI IPPI Card
  • The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.

    National Licence
  • You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Application form
  • You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Waiver/Release form
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your liability (3rd party) insurance documents

    Liability Insurance
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune

    Rescue/Medical Insurance

Cancellation Policy

V primeru odpovedi tekmovanja zaradi višje sile (slabo vreme, Covid-19 omejitve, ...) bo organizator zadržal 20% štartnine.

In case the event gets cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions or in case of a bad weather forecast the organiser reserves the right to keep 20% of the participation fee of each individual to cover registration costs.

Prize fund and scoring categories

OVERALL (certified gliders EN/LTF A, EN/LTF B, EN/LTF C, EN/LTF D, CCC)
SPORT (certified gliders EN-C)
FUN (certified gliders up to EN-B)
FEMALE (certified gliders EN/LTF A, EN/LTF B, EN/LTF C, EN/LTF D, CCC)

General schedule

Dnevni urnik / Daily Schedule
Prijave in registracija pilotov 10. 9. 2022 od 7:00 naprej v tekmovalni pisarni (pristanek Lijak)

Registration and reception of pilots 10. 9. 2022 from 7:00 onward at HQ (Lijak Landing)

Daily schedule

Sobota / Saturday, 10. 9. 2022
-7:00-9:00, registration office open
- 9:00, transport to TO
- 11:00, task briefing at TO

Nedelja / Sunday, 11. 9. 2022

- 9:00, transport to TO
- 11:00, task briefing at TO

- 17:00, provisional results
- 18:00, final results, (award ceremony)

We will offer transport to the take-off each day from 9:00 onwards.

Accommodation and Activities




How to get here

Šmihel 14b, 5261 Šempas, Slovenia
Nova Gorica Slovenia


Waypoint files


DJP Polet Nova Gorica
Šmihelj 5
5261 Nova Gorica
Tomaz Bavdaz
Meet director




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
Please sign in and register before posting your own classifieds.


  1. Matej Jarm (79)
  2. Veronika Stampfl (1)
  3. Rok Lorger (6301)

FUN results


  1. Blaz Kesnar (42)
  2. Peter Kocjan (69)
  3. Holger Pauly (77)

SPORT results


  1. Veronika Stampfl (1)
  2. Magdalena Janaway (404)
  3. Ursa Rojec (1234)

WOMEN results


  1. Jurij Vidic (2111)
  2. Rok Kaver (515)
  3. Damjan Cretnik (273)

OVERALL results

Tasks and results

Task 1

10 Sep, 2022

35.5 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 2

11 Sep, 2022

48.2 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
Please sign in first.