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Event info

Foreign pilots can register and pay their entree free until May 14

Mercimek Tepe Cross Country Yarışması Standart Yamaç Paraşütü uzun mesafe yarışmalarından daha farklı olarak amacın En iyi OLC mesafe çıkartarak Pilotların OLC Mesafe Puanı için yarışmaları olacak.

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Flying site

Mercimektepe is one of the most popular flying sites in th east part of Anatolia, Turkey. It is located near the village of Turhal, and the city of Tokat. It is possible to fly almost all year depending of the weather condition but the winter is very long and cold there.

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  • 50 Pilots max allowed
  • 4 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Event info

Foreign pilots can register and pay their entree free until May 14

Mercimek Tepe Cross Country Yarışması Standart Yamaç Paraşütü uzun mesafe yarışmalarından daha farklı olarak amacın En iyi OLC mesafe çıkartarak Pilotların OLC Mesafe Puanı için yarışmaları olacak.
OLC Puanı Yapılan uçuş türüne gore ( Fai Üçgen,Serbest Üçgen.Serbest uçuş)hesaplanır.
Yarışmada amaç En iyi OLC Puanı almak için en uzun mesafe değil en iyi OLC Puanını verecek uçuşu elde etmek.yarışma sonuçlarını YPFORUM.COM/LEONARDO Üzerinden belirleneektir.
Yarışma 1 Antrenman Günü 3 Yarışma günü Olarak Yapılacaktır. Toplamda Yarışma Gününün OLC Puanı Hesaplanarak Yarışma Sonuçları Hesaplanacaktır.

51.0 Km Açık mesafe
85.1 Km OLC Mesafe
170.23 OLC Puanı

Fai Üçgeni uçuşu : x2 Puan
Serbest Üçgen Uçuşu : x1.75 Puan
Serbest Uçuş : x1.5 Puan olarak hesaplanır.

Only Turkish pilots can join the competition.

In Mercimek Tepe Cross-Country Competition, pilots’ goal should be to achieve the best OLC distance, namely to compete considering the OLC Distance Scores, indifferently from other long distance competitions.
OLC Score will be calculated according to the flight type (FAI Triangle, Free Triangle, Free Flight). The aim in the competition is not to gain the best OLC Score but to do the flight to give you the best OLC Score. The competition results will be defined on YPFORUM.COM/LEONARDO. The competition will be held as 1 day of training and 3 days of competing. The competition results will be announced by calculating scores in all competing days in total.

For example:
51.0 km Open Distance
85.1 km OLC Distance
170.23 km OLC Score

FAI Triangle Flight will be calculated as 2x of the Score
Free Triangle Flight as 1.75x of the Score
Free Flight as 1.5x of the Score.

Flying site

Mercimektepe is one of the most popular flying sites in th east part of Anatolia, Turkey. It is located near the village of Turhal, and the city of Tokat. It is possible to fly almost all year depending of the weather condition but the winter is very long and cold there. Take off is all white for over 4 months. First gently thermals start to appear in May and go on during all summer. Specially July and August being too hot and thermals are strong - e.g. it is possible to see +6 vario specially over the take off. There are many fruit and vegetable fields around Marcimektepe so flatlands got wet even in middle of the summer. They are the reason for many dead thermal zones there. Especially first 10 kilometers would be difficult to stay in the air. After that one reaches dry classic Anatolia thermals zone but landing becomes difficult there. Most of the time during summer evening thermals work great even after 16:00 thermals go up to 3000 meters. There are plenty of safe and large landing spots all around the flatlands.

Take-offs and landings information: There are two take off spot in Mercimektepe. One facing North and main take off facing west and southwest. Main take off spot is very large and has all grassy gentle ground. It is possible lay out 20 gliders at the same time. Slope starts very gentle at first after 50 meters rise up 40 degress but there are very long running distance so pilot can stop anytime. Official landing site is just in front of the take off spot. It is 2,4 km far from take off spot. Landing site is very large and has grassy gentle ground. Even If pilot miss landing there are many fields around for landing.

Take off
Altitude ASL 1140 metres
GPS coordinates 40°20'53.78"K 36°10'11.00"D 1487
Winds: North, west and southwest
Slope starts as flat at first and angle gently incease to 40 degree. There is a friendly grassy ground.
Take-off ground size 50 x 60 metres large possible lay out almost 20 gliders.
Because of the very large and clear area it is possible to make a top landing.

GPS coordinates 40°19'42.25"K 36° 9'29.38"D

Selection and entry fee

-Yarışma Ücreti 150 TL

Banka Detayı

Oğuzkan SADEER
IBAN: TR75 0001 5001 5800 7304 2723 19

-2015 TPS de ilk 40 ta yer almak

Ve ya

-2 adet 30 KM üzeri Uçuş gerçekleştirmiş olması

Ve ya

-P4 Sertifikasına sahip olma

Prize fund and scoring categories

Para Ödülü
-Genel Klasman

1. 1000 TL
2. 500 TL
3. 250 TL

Kupa ve Madalya Kürsüsü

-Genel Klasman
-Kadınlar Klasmanı
-Takımlar Klasmanı

General schedule


Kayıtlar ve Antrenman Uçuşları


10:00 - Takeoff Hareket
11:00 - Güvenlik Bilgilendirmesi,Yarışma uçuş komitesi seçimi
12:00 - Uçuş Rotası Bilgilendirmesi,Gün Sonu Bitiş Saati Bilgilendirilmesi.
12:30 - Uçuş


Ödül Töreni

Daily schedule

08:00 - Headquarter opens
10:00 - Transport to take-off
11:00 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:15 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definitio
12:30 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens
22:00 - Provisional results

Accommodation and Activities

Konaklama Organizasyon Tarafından Karşılanacaktır.

How to get here

60300 Arzupınar/Turhal/Tokat, Türkiye
Tokat Turkey


Turhal is 30 km far from Tokat Airport and just side by Tokat-Turhal highway. There is just one company flies from İstanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport to Tokat once a a day. Airline company name is Borajet. Borajet tickets are aprrox. 60 Euro.


All buses which comes from west to go on Tokat stop by Turhal. Anybody who will come from east will stop by Tokat. Turhal is 45 km far from Tokat and there is a local minibus service between Tokat and Turhal till 19:00.

Here is the bus rates from main cities to Tokat below:
İstanbul Turhal : 85 TL (takes 13 hours )
Ankara-Turhal : 40 TL (takes 5 hours)
Kayseri Turhal : 60 TL (takes 5 hours)

Bus compaties time tables and routes:


You should come to Sivas first then switch the train to Turhal. Railway unfortunately takes too much time.
See additional info https://yolcu.tcdd.gov.tr/view/eybis/tnmGenel/tcddWebContent.jsf


All highways from west to Tokat stop by Turhal. Turhal is 75 km far from Amasya, 45 km from Tokat. It takes 4 fours to reach Ankara and 7-8 hours to Istanbul by car.
Rent a car in Tokat http://www.erdemcanoto.com/


Waypoint files


Oğuzkan SADEER




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