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Event info

This is XC FreeFLy event of a group of paragliders flying in the mountain area in Pokhara, Nepal. It is done for the purpose of livetracking and friendly competition. We will also set some training tasks to practive competition flying and "just for fun.

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Flying site

Sarangkot mountain is a peak about 1500 ASL located not far from Pokhara the third largest city of Nepal. In good weather Sarangkot opens a spectacular view of one of the largest mountains including Annapurna, which is the 10th highest mountain in the world.

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Event info

This is XC FreeFLy event of a group of paragliders flying in the mountain area in Pokhara, Nepal. It is done for the purpose of livetracking and friendly competition. We will also set some training tasks to practive competition flying and "just for fun". To get info communication please join our facebook group.

Flying site

Sarangkot mountain is a peak about 1500 ASL located not far from Pokhara the third largest city of Nepal. In good weather Sarangkot opens a spectacular view of one of the largest mountains including Annapurna, which is the 10th highest mountain in the world.
Three eight-thousand meter tall peaks (Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Manaslu) can be seen from the city. The Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) mountain with an elevation of 6,993 m is the closest to the city. The surrounding mountains are about 1500 - 2500 meters ASL, the floor of the valley is 600 - 700 meters ASL.
Famous for its rich history and a number of ancient temples Pokhara is a popular tourist destination in Nepal. There are more than 300 hotels including 5-star. It's the center of many cultural and sports events including Annapurna circuit – the reckoned tracking event.
The climate is sub-tropical; however, the elevation keeps temperatures moderate: summer temperatures average between 25 to 35 °C, in winter around - 2 to 15 °C. Pokhara and nearby areas receive a high amount of precipitation. Snowfall is not observed in the valley, but surrounding hills experience occasional snowfall in the winter. Summers are humid and mild; most precipitation occurs during the monsoon season (July - September). Winter and spring are dry and the skies are generally clear and sunny.
Sarangkot is a famous paragliding place in Nepal offering good conditions even for beginner-pilots. The usual flights are made above the Phewa Lake and along the valley. Usual flying routes are Nord - Nord West. Best flying season is end of February – March. Usual cloud base during February and March is 2500 - 3500 meters ASL.
Thermal strength in up to 5 m/s. Usual best hours to start is about 11:00. Thermals begin at about 10 a.m. and last until 5 p.m. The conditions are good for flying - no strong winds in this region. But sometimes overdevelopment is possible in the afternoon.
The longest flights made from there exceed 100 km. And the pilots managed to climb as high as 5000 meters ASL.
This place has already host a number of paragliding events: XC Russian Open Cup in 2011, 2012 and Nepal Open Cup 2013
"Pokhara cheat sheet" - thermal GPS waypoints for downloading by Stanislaw Radzikowski and Kostya Marchenko can be found here:

Take-off - 1450 ASL (28.243152, 83.950996)
Exposure East. Winds NE. The launch ground is located in 3km fro the nearest town and can be reached by taxi or Jeep. It takes 25 minutes to get there.
The slope descend is about 15 degrees, it is covered by dusty grass. The take off ground is large enough to allow 4 simultaneous launches. Top landing is difficult, but possible.

Landing - 600 ASL (28.221071, 83.949917)
Ground is covered with grass. The landing is located in 500 meters to the city, near the road

Selection and entry fee

5 EUR (PayPal) mpei@inbox.ru
300 Russian Rubles (Sberbank +7 916 656 02 59 - Sergey Alexeevich)
4276 38OО 2756 6459
or cash in Pokhara (600 Rupee)

Prize fund and scoring categories

A separate Fund for prizes. 500 оку 1000 Nepali rupee per day. Amount goes to the prize Fund
The prizes are awarded for first 3 places! 50%-30%-20% prize Fund..
Calculate the results in FS.COMP

Сделаем несколько тасков для междусобойных соревнований. Призовой фонд сформируем отдельными взносами на таск - 500 или 1000 рупий.
Призовой фонд разделяется между первыми 3-мя местами. 50%-30%-20%.

General schedule

Free Flights every day.
Tasks will delight you in the days when not a good free flight weather. (e.g. low cloud base) and period 28 February-5 March.

The day will fly Task:
- the night before - a warning about Task tomorrow's in Event blog and in a separate group on facebook(https://www.facebook.com/groups/465193190537371/).
- at 10: 30 a.m. setting Task and Briefing on the top start.
- In the evening after 21 it will be processed on the tracks of the participants in FS.COMP and results uploaded to the website airtribune.

Daily schedule

Free Flights every day.
Task set as "open distance", and not calculates in FS.COMP.

The day will fly Task:
- the night before - a warning about Task tomorrow's in Event blog and in a separate group on facebook.
- at 10: 30 a.m. setting Task and Briefing on the top start.
- In the evening after 21 it will be processed on the tracks of the participants in FS.COMP and results uploaded to the website airtribune.

Tasks will delight you in the days when not a good free flight weather. (e.g. low cloud base) and period 28 February-5 March.

Простые полеты каждый день .
Ставится упражнение "открытая дальность" для лайвтрекинга.

если планируется соревновательный таск - то об этом вечером предыдущего дня объявляется в группе на Facebook. Утром в 10-30 брифинг на старте и постановка задачи. Вечером результаты всех кто летит по таску - обсчитываются в программе FS.Comp и заливаются на Airtribune.

Треки берутся прямо из Airtribune. Или высылаются участниками на E-mail

Accommodation and Activities

Hotels in Lakeside

How to get here

Taxi from Airports Kathmandu

Лейк Сайд, Покхара 33700, Непал
Pokhara Nepal


To get to Pokhara one should arrive to Katmandu International Airport http://www.tiairport.com.np/.
From there you can take local airplane Kathmandu – Pokhara, 65Usd, EMAIL egorterentyev@gmail.com to order the tickets.


Pokhara is a popular tourist center. Touristic bus every morning at 7:30 starts from the center of Kathmandu to Pokhara.


To arrive to Pokhara from Katmandu you can take a taxi axi, 5-8 hours, 90-110 USD/car. It takes up to 3 pilots with gliders.


Waypoint files


Proxy (MyMySer)
Aleksandr Kulishov




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
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  1. Andrey Shalygin (1000)
  2. Aleksandr Kulishov (31)
  3. Sergey Lazarev-Marchenko (105)

Overall results


  1. Aleksandr Vasilev
  2. Anna Ermakova
  3. Albert Abdullin

Sport results


  1. Anna Ermakova
  2. Olga Plotnikova
  3. Elena Aprelkova

Woman results

Tasks and results

Task 1

28 Feb, 2017

49.6 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 2

01 Mar, 2017

45.0 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 3

02 Mar, 2017

40.1 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 4

04 Mar, 2017

58.3 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 5

05 Mar, 2017

41.4 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
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