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- Registration
Event info
This event is the New Zealand Paragliding Open for 2023.
Queenstown / Wanaka is hugely popular and probably the most scenic and spectacular mountain flying region in Australasia.
Not since 2018 has a National event been held in Wanaka.
Flying site
The meeting area and bomb-out is at Treble Cone located 20km west from the township
The principal Launch site is “Pub Corner"
-Height ASL 3,500 feet.
Pub Corner is OK for 2WD vehicle access.
Other sites are available and may be used to ensure the optimum flying experience.
- left before start of event
Registration will open on
31/08 00:00 (Pacific/Auckland)
Helicopter rescue
The region supports helicopter rescues
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Radio coverage
We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly
Live trackers mandatory
Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. You must provide your own livetracker.
PWCA Letters
This event awards PWCA letters
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall
- Womens
- Serial
- Sports
- Fun
Landowners / Airspace
- Doug Patterson
- dougpatterson@live.com.au
Organiser / Weather / Tasks / IT
- Louis Tapper
- yakernz@gmail.com
Media / General Assist
- Kylie Parkes
- 02108836032
- addictedtoparagliding@gmail.com
Organiser / Director / Scorer
- Timothy Brown
- 0211824243
- tjbro137@gmail.com
- Wanaka Skydive Parachute Area
- EmergencyPlan NZPGO23
- NZ PGO23- CompSpecificRules
- Glendhu bay landing area
- Landing area information
- Pilots - Code of Conduct to Landowners
- Waypoints List - Sthn21
- Map Waypoints 2023
- NZ Competition RulesV24
- Airspace All NZ 2022
- Airspace NZ abbreviated 2022
- How to upload your track to score
- Rescue Calling Card
- Safety Management Plan
- TC conflict mapV6
- Pilots, numbers and Wings
Event info
This event is the New Zealand Paragliding Open for 2023.
Queenstown / Wanaka is hugely popular and probably the most scenic and spectacular mountain flying region in Australasia.
Not since 2018 has a National event been held in Wanaka.
This particular competition aims to be a simple, no-frills, challenging, yet professional FAI Cat2 paragliding event.
The principal takeoff is at Pub Corner on Treble Cone, about 20km west of Wanaka. Various other launches around the Otago and Canterbury region may be used to ensure the best and most enjoyable experience. 4WD vehicles may be required to access those 'other' launches.
This competition is a not-for-profit paragliding event hosted by the Southern Hang Gliding ad Paragliding Club for and on behalf of the members and participants so as to promote the sport of paragliding and to aid in the selection of New Zealand National champions to represent New Zealand at world class events. Any surplus funds from managing this event will be donated back into the Southern Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club to progress the sport in the future. We thank all those volunteers of the SHGPC for giving up their time and energy to organise and conduct this National Paragliding event on behalf of the wider free-flying community.
The competition is aimed at New Zealand and International experienced inland intermediate to advanced rated, competition familiar pilots that are competent flying in a mountainous environment with its associated hazards. It is also open to enthusiastic and motivated, suitably qualified, novice pilots that they gain experience flying in competition with some of the best at National level.
Points will contribute to the NZ and to FAI and other world rankings.
Traditionally Wanaka / Queenstown has proved to be New Zealand's most reliable and consistent, fun location to fly.
Socially and for non-competition activities Wanaka is a gem!
Pilots are required to arrange their own retrieves.
Pilots are encouraged to carry and use Airband radios where possible. ( You must be licenced to use them!)
Pilots and attendees must be registered on Treble Cone's Health and Safety Application - ZeroHarmFarm for access to Treble Cone. (https://southernclub.co.nz/treble-cone/)
Do make yourself familiar with the Southern Clubs website: https://southernclub.co.nz/
Pilots require a CiVL / FAI ID number and FAI Rules require for competitors to possess a valid 'Nationality' issued FAI Sports Licence.
GPS trackers are compulsory. Ensure your tracker is registered with the Airscore / HighCloud scoring platform prior to the competition.
BlueRidge ferries for Cook Straight crossings offers a special deal for members of the NZHGPA. See 'Sponsors' for the link.
Selection and entry fee
Completion of Waiver form ( usually done online)
Pilots must have a CiVL / FAI ID number, a valid National FAI Sports licence and a GPS tracker linked to Geoff Wongs 'Highcloud' Spot tracker App (http://highcloud.net/spot/ ). It can take several days for this to be linked.
Do read the Airtribune 'Preparation' Blogs as they arise.
Completion of a Treble Cone access (ZeroHarmFarm: safety App) registration prior to the first day. (https://southernclub.co.nz/treble-cone/)
(It may take several days to process this application. Be prepared)
Registration is open to all from the 1st September 2022, but confirmed entry will be limited and a selection system will be in place. The selection system will be such that places will first be offered first to the top 20 NZ pilots ( NZPRS). Then also on 1st November 10 places will be offered to Visiting / International Pilots above 1600 pts WPRS until 1st Nov 2022. 25% of places are reserved for international pilots as per FAI Cat2 Rules. 5 'wildcard' places will be available until 1st December. Remaining places will be offered on a first come first served basis. Pilots have 14 days from when they are offered to pay their entry fee.
Note: The entry fee does NOT include any transport or lunches.
Pilots are required to upload their own tracklogs for this event using the Airscore /Highcloud website. ( instructions are as per 'downloads') There will be some limited help (e.g. laptop and assistance) available to help with this. All competitors must be registered on this site so as to be able to score. Contact the scorer before the competition to ensure you have a 'Airscore number'.
All pilots must have the following or they will not be allowed to participate in the competition.
* A valid NZHGPA membership.
A CiVL/FAI number
A FAI Sports Licence
* A wing, certified up to CCC.
* Helmet, reserve and certified back protection in your harness
* GPS Tracker
* Altimeter
* UHF Radio (476 to 477 Mhz) ( non-programmable)
Pilots from overseas, please check and understand current requirements to enter New Zealand.
Join the NZHGPA.
Registration is open to All. There are 70 places available. Paying is the only way to secure a place in this event.
Entry Fee: $120NZD ( $125 if by PayPal)
Entry fee will include:
Task setting
Weather Information
Launch and Safety Infrastructure
FAI Sanctioning
Daily and Final Presentations and more stuff.
'T-shirts' are not included or being considered as a 'comp' thing. However, if you'd like one we'll come up with a design and they may be available on request to Kylie.
Pilots who are deemed to detract from the safety, or successful organisation, of the competition may be refused entry. A reason may nor may not be given and correspondence on this will probably not be entered in too.
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Application form
You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Cancellation Policy
Refund request received before 01 December 2022 = 50% refund
Refund request received after 01 December 2022 = no refund
All refunds will have any administration fee, such as bank transfer deducted.
If you decide to drop out then it is possible to nominate someone to replace you or you can be refunded and the slot will be filled by another pilot at the organiser's discretion
Pilots who are deemed to detract from the safety, or successful organisation, of the competition may be refused entry. A reason may nor may not be given and correspondence on this will probably not be entered in too.
CANCELLATION ( By Organiser):
100% refund if cancellation occurs 6 weeks before the start of the event.
80% refund if cancellation occurs 4 weeks before the start of the event.
60% refund if cancellation occurs 2 weeks before the start of the event.
any refunds within a week of the start of the event is at the Organisers discretion.
Please note, this refund policy is only applicable if the event is cancelled by the organisers.
Organisers will be keep an eye on Government restrictions and endeavour to inform registered pilots of any necessary news ASAP. l pilots to plan Pilots are advised to plan their trip very carefully taking into account refund policy's on travel and accommodation.
Prize fund and scoring categories
There will be Classes of Competition: Fun, Sport, Serial and Open Classes, and also a 'Womens' category. Some other novel prizes may be offered.
Fun - EN B
Sport - EN C
Serial - EN D
Open /Overall (incl. CCC)
General schedule
Registration 1500 - 1730
Mandatory Safety Briefing- Lakes Centre, Wanaka - 1900-2030
January 8th
0900 - First competition briefing.
Locations for Morning briefings thereafter will be indicated daily by WhatsApp.( You will need to join the WhatsApp group) Commonly though at 'Kais' or at the launch meeting venue prior to moving up the hill.
Contest flying days
January 8th - January 14th
BBQ and social event dates will be announced at a later date.
Mentoring type lectures may also be offered on non-flyable days.
January 14th - Prize Giving ( location / time TBA)
(should the final day be not flyable then the presentation might be brought forward).
Daily schedule
On prior competitions, "Kai's" restaurant and bar becomes the de-facto HQ and meeting place for pre /after flight social.
Keep posted to the WhatsApp for meetings and social events.
Notice will be given ASAP (by utilising the Comp 'What's App' link), sometimes the night before, as to where and when to meet next morning. ( you must be logged onto that Competition WhatsApp site.)
This may be first thing in the morning as some locations require a lengthy drive, so then...
drive to a site, brief, and fly.
Report back safely and score with your colleagues at a social venue. ( Usually Kai's)
Accommodation and Activities
Many, many and varied.
Wanaka is a major back-packers / family hoilday / adventure activity centre.
It is a very busy time of year. Get in early and Book.
There is a caravan park / camp ground, right in town. Easy walk to cafes, HQ etc: Wanaka Lake View Holiday Park.
There are other campgrounds at Albert Town ( 5 km north-east from HQ), Wanaka Top10 Holiday Park ( 2.5km west) and Glendhu Bay ( 10km west). Glendhu Bay is half-way to takeoff from town and gets incredibly busy and crowded. Also good camping at Lake Hawea 30 minutes north. ( Lake Hawea is sometimes a goal)
There are many, many adventure / social / scenic and family orientated activities. Do bring the whole family. They'll all have a great time.
If accomodation is hard to find in Wanaka, some pilots elect to stay in Cromwell about 30min easy drive to the SthEast. Cromwell is sort of central to Queenstown and Wanaka.
There are so many 'non-flying day' and family activities. I'll name a few:
Qtn / Wanaka / Cromwell have become mountain bike / e-bike meccas. Numerous businesses hire bikes for family and serious mountain biking. There is now a classic route (50km) from Cromwell to Clyde by the lake! ( some of it over the lake!). Glendhu Bike Park has been great supporter of PG ops over the years and it is on the way to TC launch. Sometimes they have been our de-facto HQ for the day.
Rock-climbing also at Glendhu Bay.
Tons of public golf courses.
Fishing ( charters can be arranged ( trout) for on the lake and rivers.
Numerous wineries and restaurants especially in the Gibbston Valley ( nr Queenstown) and Cromwell.
Try the Whiskey Distillery for local spirits and lunch at Cardrona. And then there's the iconic Cardrona Pub!
'Puzzle World' ( in Wanaka) for the kids and adults.
It's OK to swim in the lake by the town in Wanaka.
Some spectacular drives, such as up the Matukituki River towards Mt Aspiring. Country over which we may fly!
Tons of activities in the Queenstown Basin. Restaurants and bars in quaint old Arrowtown. Gold Panning in the local rivers. Cycling. Walking tracks abound.
Take the SS Earnslaw boat over to Mt Nicholson Station. A bit touristy but I'm told the boat trip and on-board lunch is especially good.
Try the Luge at the Skyline and also the "I-Fly" indoor free fall experience in the wind-tunnel. Both family entertainment.
And, of course, there's Tandem paragliding flights with Wanaka Paragliding and 'G-Force' ( Queenstown), and parachuting.
Go jet-boating in Queenstown and Wanaka.
Try Bungy jumping!
So much to do!
How to get here
Wanaka is a major tourist and commercial centre.
Access is by road.
The nearest airport is in Queenstown, a 50 minute drive to Wanaka ( over the Crown Range high pass. A windy road (or 1h30m via Cromwell).
Cromwell, an easy drive about 30 minutes SthEast from Wanaka may have accommodation and is quite central.
93 Ardmore Street, Wānaka 9305, New Zealand
Wanaka New Zealand
- Wanaka Skydive Parachute Area
- EmergencyPlan NZPGO23
- NZ PGO23- CompSpecificRules
- Glendhu bay landing area
- Landing area information
- Pilots - Code of Conduct to Landowners
- Waypoints List - Sthn21
- Map Waypoints 2023
- NZ Competition RulesV24
- Airspace All NZ 2022
- Airspace NZ abbreviated 2022
- How to upload your track to score
- Rescue Calling Card
- Safety Management Plan
- TC conflict mapV6
- Pilots, numbers and Wings
Waypoint files



Landowners / Airspace
- Doug Patterson
- dougpatterson@live.com.au
Organiser / Weather / Tasks / IT
- Louis Tapper
- yakernz@gmail.com
Media / General Assist
- Kylie Parkes
- 02108836032
- addictedtoparagliding@gmail.com
Organiser / Director / Scorer
- Timothy Brown
- 0211824243
- tjbro137@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
'The best comp ever'
The NZ PG Open for 2023 proved to be the most succesful PG competition in over 20 years. 70 pilots competed from about 6 different countries., notably Australia. Many of the flights were flown in pretty grunty conditions, certainly different from what the Aussies are used to, But 'Hey, the scenery was spectacular!" the first task from Coronet Peak to Wanaka set the bench mark for task setting. It was bold but the Harris Ra. proved to be it's usual bouyant ( strong) self and lifted pilots well into the Matutuki Valley. There were sevral dramas with Treble Cone permission being denied but then the new site at Long Gully proved to be a gem. The flying was exhausting. High bases and strong thermals were the rule. What a great comp!

- Mark Hardman (1410)
- Jorgen Andersen (987)
- Phil Hystek (1201)
Louis Tapper din't fare his usual best as Mark Hardman pipped him at the post for competition winner and New Zealand Champion. Mark Simpson, our American based pilot graced this competition and came in 4th behind our local kiwi Chris Connolly. Jorgen Andersen from Tahiti was constantly in the top three and so took second pplace in his first ever competition. Phil Hystek from Australia came third.