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2022-05-01 to 2022-05-07, FAI Category 2 event

Task 1 Sport

2022-05-01 Task 1

Race to Goal 88.5 km

Results include only those pilots where ca:Sport equals EN-C

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time
1 138 Szilard Forgo M HUN Advance Sigma 11 14:00:00 16:21:18 02:21:18 36.4 88.45 425.9 115.3 321.7 862.9
2 5 Alexey Boldyrev M FRA BGD Cure no 14:00:00 16:35:50 02:35:50 33.0 88.45 425.9 86.5 249.2 761.6
3 117 Pierre-Antoine Durand M FRA Niviuk Artik 6 Gunnair Club 14:00:00 16:38:31 02:38:31 32.4 88.45 425.9 89.6 236.6 752.1
4 113 Peter Kepes M HUN Advance Sigma 11 14:00:00 16:39:14 02:39:14 32.3 88.45 425.9 90.6 233.3 749.8
5 11 Artem Malyshev M SUI Ozone Alpina 4 14:00:00 16:39:45 02:39:45 32.2 88.45 425.9 80.8 230.9 737.6
6 137 Subir Sidhu M USA Ozone Alpina 4 14:00:00 16:42:31 02:42:31 31.6 88.45 425.9 79.8 218.2 723.9
7 42 Enric Moyes Valls M ESP Niviul Artik 6 - 14:00:00 16:51:40 02:51:40 29.9 88.45 425.9 75.9 177.2 679.0
8 98 Mathilde Chivet F FRA AirDesign Volt 4 CNF - rue de l'air - Syride 14:00:00 16:49:03 02:49:03 30.4 88.45 425.9 59.3 188.7 673.9
9 119 Piotr Karolak M POL Niviuk Artik 6 14:00:00 16:50:34 02:50:34 30.1 88.45 425.9 55.0 182.0 662.9
10 64 Jakub Kwiatkowski M POL 777 Queen 2 glideclubgdynia.pl 14:00:00 16:58:15 02:58:15 28.8 88.45 425.9 45.1 148.5 619.5
11 79 kevin vandoolaeghe M FRA ozone delta 4 14:00:00 17:02:15 03:02:15 28.2 88.45 425.9 43.7 131.5 601.1
12 91 Marek Dmochowski M POL 777 Rook 2 14:00:00 17:03:53 03:03:53 27.9 88.45 425.9 44.5 124.5 594.9
13 3 Albert Pol Font M ESP Niviuk Ikuma P FAC 14:00:00 17:16:34 03:16:34 26.1 88.45 425.9 27.0 71.9 524.8
14 72 Josep Ramon Penella Ros M ESP Ozone Delta 3 Ager aventurat 14:00:00 17:20:31 03:20:31 25.6 88.45 425.9 19.9 55.8 501.6
15 29 Claire Jomard F FRA OZONE Delta 4 14:00:00 17:23:51 03:23:51 25.2 88.45 425.9 28.7 42.4 497.0
16 67 Jetsada Machom M GBR Ozone Rush 6 14:00:00 17:26:55 03:26:55 24.8 88.45 425.9 29.8 30.1 485.8
17 57 Hung Nguyen M FRA Gin Bonanza 2 ligue idf 14:00:00 17:36:15 03:36:15 23.8 88.45 425.9 1.9 427.8
18 9 Andrei Gaia M FRA Ozone Delta 4 14:00:00 79.35 382.1 382.1
19 71 Jose Fernando Gavin Gracia M ESP Niviuk Artik 6 14:00:00 66.59 320.6 320.6
20 143 Valérie OLLIER DUREAULT F FRA Ozone Alpina 4 CNF 14:00:00 54.37 261.8 261.8
21 103 Miguel Villarta M ESP Skywalk Cayenne 5 Federació Aèria Catalana 14:00:00 53.68 258.5 258.5
22 51 Frederic Bru M FRA niviuk ikuma 2 14:00:00 53.30 256.7 256.7
23 121 Rafael Rosa Prat M ESP Ozone Alpina4 FAC Strip-Air 14:00:00 52.06 250.7 250.7
24 82 Lars Funder M DEN BGD Cure 2 VVBF 14:00:00 51.28 246.9 246.9
25 85 Luis Pol Bernal M ESP Niviuk Artik 6 NIVIUK 14:00:00 51.21 246.6 246.6
26 105 Miquel Pifarré Boix M ESP Ozone Alpina 3 Àger Aventura't 14:00:00 49.55 238.6 238.6
27 41 Enes Mentese M USA Ozone Alpina 4 Mentese Labs 14:00:00 46.84 225.6 225.6
28 60 Ionut Ulici M ITA Ozone Delta 4 14:00:00 46.39 223.4 223.4
29 47 Fernando Stecconi M ESP Advance Xi 14:00:00 45.95 221.3 221.3
30 22 Carlos Ignacio Pena M ESP Advance Sigma 11 Club de Vuelo Libre Draco 14:00:00 44.23 213.0 213.0
31 36 David Polo Gutiérrez M ESP Advance Sigma11 FAC - Draco 14:00:00 43.90 211.4 211.4
32 62 Ivo Geens M BEL Niviuk Artik6 14:00:00 43.11 207.6 207.6
33 58 Iarly Souza M BRA Gin Camino Windista Labs 14:00:00 36.07 173.7 173.7
34 134 Slawek Kedziak M POL Gin Bonanza 2 :-) 14:00:00 36.03 173.5 173.5
35 44 Eva Vinuesa Prieto F ESP Ozone Delta 4 14:00:00 35.99 173.3 173.3
36 122 Rainer Dieterle M GER Ozone Swift5 OGF 14:00:00 35.85 172.6 172.6
37 100 Max Kotchouro M USA DaVinci Tango 14:00:00 34.60 166.6 166.6
38 20 Candice Olliet F FRA Niviuk ARTIK 6 LIGUE AURA 14:00:00 24.03 115.7 115.7
39 52 Gadi Wolff M ESP BGD Lynx 14:00:00 21.89 105.4 105.4
40 146 Zoltan Fordos M HUN Nova Mentor 6 14:00:00 13.96 67.2 67.2
41 54 Han Boetes M NED BGD Cure 14:00:00 6.72 32.4 32.4
42 129 Rossen Nikolov M BUL Flow Fusion CloudBase Sopot 14:00:00 5.58 26.9 26.9
43 104 Miquel Serralta M ESP Skywalk Cayenne 6 14:00:00 5.35 25.8 25.8
44 43 Eric OLLIER M FRA Ozone Alpina 4 Pancakes 14:00:00 5.13 24.7 24.7
45 23 Charlotte Dussart F FRA Gin Bonanza 2 CNF/CCI 14:00:00 4.19 20.2 20.2
46 15 Benno Schmidt M GER UP Kangri UP, Woody Valley 14:00:00 4.00 19.3 19.3
46 99 Maurice Debras M BEL Nova Phantom M2DL 4.00 19.3 19.3
46 74 Juan Luis Morales M ESP PHI-AIR Allegro 14:00:00 4.00 19.3 19.3
46 61 Ivar Hølaas M NOR Ozone Delta 2 MoreBetterParagliding 4.00 19.3 19.3
46 55 Harriet Short F GBR Ozone Alpina Ruggy Bear 4.00 19.3 19.3
46 25 Chloe Mamet F FRA Niviuk Artik 14:00:00 4.00 19.3 19.3
46 116 Pierre Garin M FRA Ozone Delta 4 14:00:00 4.00 19.3 19.3
46 110 Paulo Milko M BRA Ozone Rush 5 Milka Chocolates 4.00 19.3 19.3
ABS 114 Peter Bobvos M HUN Phi Maestro 0.0
ABS 16 Bjorn Ceulemans M BEL Ozone Delta 4 CMento 0.0

Task definition

No Leg Dist. Id Radius Open Close Coordinates Altitude
1 0.0 km D01 400 m 12:15 15:15 Lat: 42.04635 Lon: 0.74599 1560 m
2 SS 2.1 km G01 3000 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.0038 Lon: 0.76657 602 m
3 9.4 km B15 6000 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.09543 Lon: 0.61814 1052 m
4 37.0 km B23 2000 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.00273 Lon: 1.01811 874 m
5 53.7 km B28 1400 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.1614 Lon: 1.09163 952 m
6 66.1 km B30 1000 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.19946 Lon: 1.25242 1131 m
7 78.1 km B28 3000 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.1614 Lon: 1.09163 952 m
8 ES 87.9 km G06 1000 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.22224 Lon: 0.97436 506 m
9 88.5 km G06 400 m 14:00 20:00 Lat: 42.22224 Lon: 0.97436 506 m


Id Name Note
114 Peter Bobvos Pilot Absent
16 Bjorn Ceulemans Pilot Absent

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 85.605
task_distance 88.453
launch_to_ess_distance 87.853
no_of_pilots_present 140
no_of_pilots_flying 140
no_of_pilots_lo 76
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 108
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 64
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 64
sum_flown_distance 8280.12799999999
best_dist 88.453
best_time 2.1194
worst_time 3.6506
qnh_setting 1013.25
no_of_pilots_in_competition 147
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 7743.72
sum_real_dist_over_min 7743.72
sum_flown_distances 8280.128
best_real_dist 88.453
last_finisher_start_time 2022-05-01T14:00:00+02:00
last_start_time 2022-05-01T14:00:00+02:00
first_start_time 2022-05-01T14:00:00+02:00
first_finish_time 2022-05-01T16:07:10+02:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 3.5753
goalratio 0.4571
arrival_weight 0
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.162
time_weight 0.4121
distance_weight 0.4259
smallest_leading_coefficient 1.3213
available_points_distance 425.9357
available_points_time 412.0643
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 162
available_points_arrival 0
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 1
stop_validity 1
day_quality 1
ftv_day_validity 0.9994
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2021
min_dist 4
nom_dist 40
nom_time 1
nom_launch 0.96
nom_goal 0.15
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 4
jump_the_gun_factor 0
jump_the_gun_max 0
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 0
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 0
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 0
use_leading_points 1
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 1
use_time_points 1
scoring_altitude QNH
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 30
score_back_time 5
use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 1
leading_weight_factor 1
turnpoint_radius_tolerance 0.005
turnpoint_radius_minimum_absolute_tolerance 5.0
number_of_decimals_task_results 1
number_of_decimals_competition_results 0
redistribute_removed_time_points_as_distance_points 1
use_best_score_for_ftv_validity 1
use_constant_leading_weight 1
use_pwca2019_for_lc 1
use_flat_decline_of_timepoints 1
Report created: 2022-05-02T10:13:14+02:00

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