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2022-05-01 to 2022-05-07, FAI Category 2 event

Overall Sport Task 4

Total results (FTV: 25%)

Results include only those pilots where ca:Club equals EN-B

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 Total
1 67 Jetsada Machom M GBR Ozone Rush 6 244.6/485.8 762.7 1007
2 3 Albert Pol Font M ESP Niviuk Ikuma P FAC 264.2/524.8 557.7 822
3 122 Rainer Dieterle M GER Ozone Swift5 OGF 86.9/172.6 649.3 736
4 51 Frederic Bru M FRA niviuk ikuma 2 129.2/256.7 583.5 713
5 15 Benno Schmidt M GER UP Kangri UP, Woody Valley 9.7/19.3 641.7 651
6 110 Paulo Milko M BRA Ozone Rush 5 Milka Chocolates 9.7/19.3 622.6 632
7 47 Fernando Stecconi M ESP Advance Xi 111.4/221.3 470.7 582
8 146 Zoltan Fordos M HUN Nova Mentor 6 33.8/67.2 459.2 493
9 99 Maurice Debras M BEL Nova Phantom M2DL 9.7/19.3 62.3 72
10 16 Bjorn Ceulemans M BEL Ozone Delta 4 CMento 0.0 0.0 0
10 114 Peter Bobvos M HUN Phi Maestro 0.0 0.0 0

Task Date Distance
FTV Validity
T1 Task 1 2022-05-01 12:15    88.5 99.94% Race to goal
T2 Task 4 2022-05-04 13:15    43.5 98.54% Race to goal

Report created: 2022-05-06T10:20:47+02:00

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