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Event info

The Nordic Open is a paragliding competition FAI category 2 organized by Sportive Club de vuelo y montaña Pedro Bernardo and the Pedro Bernardo Town Hall
It will be held from Sunday, September 6th to Saturday the 12th 2020
At south west of the central massif, it is located one of the best Spain fliyng site Pedro Bernardo.

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Flying site

Pedro Bernardo is a flying site located in the province of Ávila, Castile and León, in central Spain. It is located on the south side of the Central System in the Sierra de Gredos and looking towards the valley of Tietê.

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  • 126 Pilots Confirmed
  • 126 Pilots total registered
  • 240 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 130 Pilots max allowed
  • 20 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event
  • 🛰️

    The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring

    Live trackers supplied
  • 🚁

    The region supports helicopter rescues

    Helicopter rescue
  • 🥾

    There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ

    Retrieve included
  • 🏋️

    There will be ballast water available at launch

    Ballast on takeoff
  • 🥪

    There will be daily lunch packs for pilots

    Lunch packs
  • ♻️

    The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles

    Plastic reduction

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Open FAI II
  • Serial FAI II
  • Sport FAI II
  • Women FAI II
  • Nordic Overall
  • Nordic Serial
  • Nordic Sport
  • Nordic Female


Event info

The Nordic Open is a paragliding competition FAI category 2 organized by Sportive Club de vuelo y montaña Pedro Bernardo and the Pedro Bernardo Town Hall
It will be held from Sunday, September 6th to Saturday the 12th 2020
At south west of the central massif, it is located one of the best Spain fliyng site Pedro Bernardo. A magic montain where usually Spanish and internationals competitions have been performed as British open at 2019, Nordic Open 2014, etc.180 klms task are allowed on this area and also big triangles at the Tietar valley

Flying site

Pedro Bernardo is a flying site located in the province of Ávila, Castile and León, in central Spain. It is located on the south side of the Central System in the Sierra de Gredos and looking towards the valley of Tietê. Pedro Bernardo offers good thermal conditions during most of the year. For its beautiful panoramic view of the valley and the Montes de Toledo, is known as the Balcony of Tiétar.
It has 3 take offs facing south, east and west. The prevailing wind in the valley is the SW although one can fly very well with winds of this component. Several flights of more than 200km in different directions have made Pedro Bernardo a very popular flying site.

Take off West - Risco de la Sierpe
1250 m ASL (30 T 0337890 UTM 4457853)
AVL:800 m
Exposure: W, SW

Take off East
1000 m ASL (30 T 0339345 UTM 4457311)
AVL:550 m
Exposure: E

480 m ASL (30 T 0339941 UTM 4454803)

Selection and entry fee

The entry fee is 240 Euros and will include:

Transport to take-off and Retrieval at main road
Daily weather info
Emergency service (doctor and Helicopter in about 30 minutes)
Live tracking
Lauch packet
Welcome pack

Selection Criteria for the Nordic Open:

The selection is in accordance with FAI section 7 rules. The organizing country is Denmark. The other Nordic countries are considered “other nations” under the section 7 rules. This implies that if all positions of the comp are filled with Nordic pilots, the section 7 rules have still been upheld. There is no other quota for other nationalities outside of the Nordic Countries.

1. The first 2 weeks of selection are open ONLY to the top 28 pilots from each Nordic nation, according to WPRS as of 01.FEB.2020 5 of the 28 spaces are reserved for female competitors. The female spots will be allocated to men for a total of 28 if they are not filled. The pilots are given 7 days to make payment for their entry – and will then revert to the second round of selection if they fail to make payment. The selection criteria will begin on April the 1st

2. Weeks 2 to 6 are then open for selection to general Nordic country entries, according to same WPRS. If Nordic pilots with 0 WPRS or equal points register, they will be ranked by time of registration.

If a selected pilot fails to meet the payment deadline, they shall revert to the waitinglist, and must contact the organizer directly for re-selection.

3. After week 6, selection is open to all other nations, according to same WPRS.
If a selected pilot fails to meet the payment deadline they shall revert to the waitinglist, and must actively contact the organizer to be considered for re-selection.

The organizer may appoint no more than 4 spaces for “Team pilots” or wildcards for the event.

Eligible Nordic pilots: Pilots who appear in the WPRS ranking in the country rankings. This means that each pilot must submit a CIVL ID number to apply.
If pilots apply as being from one of the Nordic countries, and does not appear in the ranking, the organizer doing the selection must seek approval from the Nordic representative who shall investigate the matter with the country in question. The organizer is responsible for checking each pilot against the rankings, and for only allowing Nordic pilots who appear in it into the selection before the deadline of the Nordic selection.

Denmark and Greenland: http://civlrankings.fai.org/?a=326&l=0&ladder_id=3&ranking_date=2020-02-01&nation_id=67&;

Finland: http://civlrankings.fai.org/?a=326&l=0&ladder_id=3&ranking_date=2020-02-01&nation_id=80&;

Iceland: http://civlrankings.fai.org/?a=326&l=0&ladder_id=3&ranking_date=2020-02-01&nation_id=107&;

Norway: http://civlrankings.fai.org/?a=326&l=0&ladder_id=3&nation_id=166&ranking_date=2020-02-01&;

Sweden: http://civlrankings.fai.org/?a=326&l=0&ladder_id=3&ranking_date=2020-02-01&nation_id=214&;

Cancellation Policy
Any pilots who cancels after paying their entry fee may apply for a refund as follows:
Cancellation date before 1st April 2019 = 80% refund of entry fee.
Cancellation after 6th July 2019 = 40% refund of entry fee.
Cancellation after 6th Agost 2019 = 20% refund of entry fee.
Cancellation after 1st September 2019 = 0% refund of entry fee

Bank account information

Bank: La Caixa
Beneficiary: Real Federación Aeronáutica Española
Account Number: ES26 2100 8739 91 2200023876

Please include the following information in the bank transfer:

" Nordic your Name Lastname "

Once the payment is done please send an email to: Nordic.open.PB.2020@gmail.com with the proof of payment

Prize fund and scoring categories

General schedule

Sunday, September 6th, 202'0
11:00 - 17:00 - Training task. No retrival
18:00 - 20:30 - Oficial registration
20:30 - 21:00 - Mandatory Safety Briefing
21:00 - Opening ceremony

Monday, Sep 7th, - Saturday, Sep 12
Contest flying days
10:00 Transport to take off

Saturday, Sep 12th
22:00 - Prize-giving and closing ceremony

Daily schedule

09:00 - Headquarter opens
09:30 - Transport to take-off
12:00 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
12:30 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens
21:00 - Provisional results

Accommodation and Activities

Hostal El Cerro www.hostalelcerro.com
Posada La Gatera www.posadalagatera.es/
Casa Rural el Rincón del Duende www.elrincondelduende.com
Cámping Balcón del Tiétar www.campingpedrobernardo.com/
Casa Rural Las Fábulas www.fabulascasarural.com/
Apartamentos Los Adobes www.apartamentoslosadobes.es/
La casa del Risco https://www.casasrurales.net/casas-rurales/la-casa-del-risco--c6063

How to get here

Pedro Bernardo Spain


The nearest airport is Madrid (Barajas).


Waypoint files


Larry Pino
Technical meet director
Joanna Di Grigoli
General meet director
Maite Moreno Benito
General Affairs
Samuel Aguilera Romero
Alfonso Diaz Malagon




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
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