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Event info

Der SauerlandAir e.V. lädt zum NRW-CUP 2025 ein. Mit der Editition 2.1 bauen wir diesmal auf fantastische Wetterbedingungen. Der Club freut sich, alle ambitionierten XC-Piloten, Wettkampfprofis und Neueinsteiger unter dem Motto "Zu Gast bei Freunden" im Sauerland zu begrüßen.

Expand page for more details
  • 103 Pilots Confirmed
  • 201 Pilots total registered
  • 200 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 100 Pilots max allowed
  • 28 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event
  • Registration will open on
    10/11 10:31 (Europe/Berlin)

  • 🛰️

    The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring

    Live trackers supplied
  • ⚕️

    There will be medical rescue services at launch

    Medic on takeoff
  • 📱

    The region generally has good phone coverage

    Good phone coverage
  • 📻

    We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly

    Radio coverage
  • 🚐

    There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch

    Launch Transport
  • 🥾

    There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ

    Retrieve included
  • 📢

    The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores

    Airtribune blogging
  • 🥪

    There will be daily lunch packs for pilots

    Lunch packs
  • 🗺

    The organisers will give you printed maps at registration

    Maps are supplied
  • 🍺

    There will usually be goal beers for winners

    Goal beers
  • 🍕

    There will be a social evening with food

  • 🎉

    There will be an organised party during or after the event

  • 🎵

    There will be live music or a DJ at the event

    Live music
  • 👕

    You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift

    Free gift
  • ♻️

    The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles

    Plastic reduction

Event info

Der SauerlandAir e.V. lädt zum NRW-CUP 2025 ein. Mit der Editition 2.1 bauen wir diesmal auf fantastische Wetterbedingungen. Der Club freut sich, alle ambitionierten XC-Piloten, Wettkampfprofis und Neueinsteiger unter dem Motto "Zu Gast bei Freunden" im Sauerland zu begrüßen. Gemeinsam werden wir die Frühjahrsthermik im Sauerland nutzen um, nach einer heißen Waffel am Startplatz, die deutsche Wettkampfsaison zu eröffnen. Anschließend lassen wir die Abende wieder am berühmten HQ / Campground in Elpe bei einem Glas VELTINS am Feuer ausklingen.
Die Landesmeisterschaft NRW ist erneut eingebettet in einen internationalen FAI 2-Wettbewerb und findet zum zweiten Mal in unseren Top-Geländen statt. Die großen Startplätze ermöglichen ein Teilnehmerfeld von 100 Piloten.
Als Highlight haben sich auch in diesem Jahr die Organisatoren des NRW-CUPS und der MOSEL-TROPHY aufeinander abgestimmt. Um eine doppelte Anreise in die Mitte Deutschlands zu vermeiden, wurden die Termine beider Wettbewerbe eng zusammen gelegt. Durch die günstige Lage der Feiertage sind beide Wettkämpfe mit wenigen Urlaubstagen zu fliegen. Beide Bewerbe werden den "1. Deutschen Mittelgebirgspokal" ergeben, der zusätzlich als Gesamtwertung aus beiden Wettkämpfen ausgeschrieben wird.
Geplant ist, jedem Piloten, der sich im Sauerland zur Teilnahme qualifiziert, auch an der Mosel einen Platz zu sichern. Die Ergebnisse des Mittelgebirgspokals werden am Ende des 2. NRW-CUP ausgewertet und prämiert.
Hier gehts zur Mosel-Trophy - sichert euch einen Platz ( https://airtribune.com/mosel-trophy-2025/info ).
Die Einzelwertungen beider Bewerbe bleiben hiervon unberührt!

The SauerlandAir e.V. invites all ambitious XC pilots, competition professionals and newcomers to the 2nd NRW CUP 2025 under the motto "Visiting friends".
Together we will use the spring thermals in Sauerland to open the German competition season. After enjoying a hot waffle at the take offs we’ll end the evenings again at the famous HQ / Campground in Elpe with a glass of VELTINS BEER by the fire.
The NRW State Championship is once again embedded in an international FAI 2 competition and will take place for the second time in our top terrains. The huge take off sites allow a field of 100 pilots.
To avoid a double trip to the center of Germany for many pilots, the NRW Cup and the Mosel Trophy have teamed up again and coordinated their dates closely this year. In addition and as an extra highlight, the overall results of both events will be included in a combined ranking, for our "1st German Midlands Cup",.
So, make sure to also check out the Mosel ( https://airtribune.com/mosel-trophy-2025/info ).
and secure your spot there as well. If you applied for both comps your application will be handled with priority.
The results of the German Midlands Cup will be evaluated and awarded following the 2nd NRW-CUP. However, both competitions remain independent in their rankings!

Flying site


Selection and entry fee

Comp Info 2nd NRW CUP 2025
Entry fee: 200,-€
Banc Account: named after selection

Documents required at registration

  • Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)

    FAI Sporting Licence
  • The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.

    National Licence
  • You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Application form
  • You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Waiver/Release form
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your liability (3rd party) insurance documents

    Liability Insurance
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune

    Rescue/Medical Insurance

Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy

If you decide not to participate then it is NOT possible to nominate someone to replace you - you will be refunded and the slot will be filled by another pilot at the organiser's discretion.
Refund after 1st of March 2025 150,-€
No refund for cancelations after 25th of March 2025.

Prize fund and scoring categories

General schedule

We meet every morning latest 9:30 am at the HQ. Short briefing and pickup Lunchpacks before pilots jump the busses. According to the weather we drive between 10 and 45 mins. up to our take offs. Strictly no private driving or parking on take off or roads leading to the take off.
Detailed and longer briefing on take off.

Changes and daily informations are provided at the HQ or the Airtribune Blog!
We will also set up a WhatsApp group for Pilots Information.

Daily schedule

Thursday 2025-05-01:
Training day with training task shown here on Airtribune,
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Official sign in/, download and registration

Friday 2025-05-02
DOWNLOAD and registration for late arrivals 8:00 to 8:45 am.
Mandadatory safety briefing 9:00 am at the HQ or a quick start to take off.

Saturday 2025-05-03:
9:30am short briefing before leaving to take off at 10:00am
Pilots Party in the evening

Sunday 2025-05-04:
9:30am short briefing before leaving to take off at 10:00am

Monday 2025-05-05:
9:30am short briefing before leaving to take off at 10:00am
7:00pm price giving ceremonie

Accommodation and Activities

See Downloads

How to get here

In d. Brabecke 1, 59939 Olsberg, Deutschland
Winterberg/Elpe Germany


Waypoint files


NRW-CUP 2025
Martin Risse
Event Organisation / PR / Media
Manuel Moreno
Event Organisation / Waypionts / Meteo / Tasksetting
Thomas Schweers
Sportliche Leitung MD
Stephan Schoepe
Michael Winter
Task / Meteo / Waypoints
Andreas Malecki
Werner Stempel




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


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Model =
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Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
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