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Okolchitza Open 2022

2022-08-13 to 2022-08-21

Task 6


Race to Goal

Speed Section distance (realistic): 39.71 km

Take-off to ESS distance: 39.96 km

Total task distance: 40.06 km


No Type Shape Id Radius
1 TOFF CIRCLE S02104 0.4 43.15220 23.58640
2 SSS CIRCLE P10108 2.0 43.13783 23.59587
3 TURN CIRCLE P06028 1.6 43.27285 23.42885
4 TURN CIRCLE P10108 0.4 43.13783 23.59587
5 ESS CIRCLE L01037 0.5 43.18877 23.59105
6 GOAL CIRCLE L01037 0.4 43.18877 23.59105

Window times: from 09:00 to 18:00

StartGate(s): 2 gates every 30 min from 13:00

Task deadline: 18:00

# Id Name G
NatSVL uses IOC country codes
Glider Sponsor Tracklog Quality Distance
SSS ESS Time Speed
Status Dist.
1 8 Dimitar Halachev M BUL ICARO Laminar MR
40.06 13:30:00 15:02:12 01:32:12 25.84 GOAL 404.2 9.8 94.3 16.8 525.2
2 5 Nasko Stoyanov M BUL La Mouette Racer 14
33.42 13:00:00
DF 1.8 km from sector #4 [P10108] @ 15:00:06
370.8 9.2 0.0 0.0 380.0
3 1 Oleksandr Sirosh M UKR Aeros Combat 09
23.02 13:00:00
DF 12.2 km from sector #4 [P10108] @ 14:31:49
293.3 15.2 0.0 0.0 308.4
4 10 Yani Klimentov M BUL Aeros Discus 15C
21.70 13:00:00
DF 13.5 km from sector #4 [P10108] @ 14:25:51
280.2 11.6 0.0 0.0 291.8
5 2 Dmitri Kalibmet M MDA Aeros Combat GT
16.78 13:00:00
DF 18.4 km from sector #4 [P10108] @ 13:41:42
227.6 23.6 0.0 0.0 251.2
6 9 Angel Boyanov M BUL Eclipse
9.31 13:00:00
DF 7.6 km from sector #3 [P06028] @ 14:59:51
136.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 136.6
7 4 Angel Katsarski M BUL Moyes Litespeed 5.00 MIND 91.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 91.1
7 6 Borislav Dimitrov M BUL Orion Delta Joy
MIND sector #1 [S02104] @ 12:50:32
91.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 91.1
7 11 Orlin Germanski M BUL ICARO Laminar 5.00 MIND 91.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 91.1
7 14 Tzvetan Chokoev M BUL Malibu 5.00 MIND 91.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 91.1
11 7 Plamen Stoyanov M BUL Airwave K2 0.00
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
11 3 Thierry Ranner M NED Moyes Gecko 155 0.00
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Result overrides

Id Name Type Description
11 Orlin Germanski MIND Pilot did fly, but had minimum distance
4 Angel Katsarski MIND Pilot did fly, but had minimum distance
14 Tzvetan Chokoev MIND Pilot did fly, but had minimum distance
3 Thierry Ranner ABS Pilot was absent
7 Plamen Stoyanov DNF Pilot did not fly

Scoring parameters

Name Value Default Custom
Competition class HG
Arrival-time ratio 12.5
Goal ratio from time points false
Leading weight PROPORTIONAL
Leading weight addend 0.0
Leading-time ratio 17.5
Minimum distance 5.0
Nominal distance 40.0
Nominal launched pilots 96.0
Nominal pilots in goal 20.0
Nominal time 60.0
Progress curve FALLING
Proportional leading if no goal false
Real Leading Points false
Score-back time 10.0
Speed section REALISTIC
Stop glide ratio 5.0
Time exponent denominator 3.0
Time exponent numerator 2.0
Time points if no goal 80.0
Use distance difficulty true

Task performance numbers

Name Value Description
Pilots present 11
Pilots flying 11
Pilots landed out 9
Pilots reached ESS 1
Pilots reached GOAL 1
Goal ratio 0.1000
Best progress coefficient 2.06218
Best ESS time 01:32:12 time from SSS to ESS crossing
Best ESS time and GOAL 01:32:12 time from SSS to ESS crossing and also making to the GOAL
Maximum task time 15:06:48 clock time to which the task is scored
Time validity 1.0000
Launch validity 0.9906
Distance validity 0.5441
Combined task validity 0.5390
Available distance points 404.3
Available time points 94.3
Available leading points 23.6
Available arrival points 16.8
Report created by SVL version 0.97 at 2022-08-21 14:21:12 local time