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Open Guatire 2022

2022-08-31 to 2022-09-04, FAI Category 2 event


Total results (FTV: 25%)


# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 Total
1 100 Orlando Leyton M VEN Ozone Zeno2 Placivelmagica 475.1 605.7 999.0 161.9/814.6 2242
2 4 Kliber Pereira M VEN Ozone Zeno PPK Autopartes 519.7 493.6 108.1/545.9 1000.0 2121
3 1111 Luis Pepe nicoloso M VEN Ozone Zeno 279.8 637.3 864.3 566.5/771.3 2068
4 346 Gerson Avendano M VEN Ozone Zeno Www.planetparapente.com 427.9 504.5 868.5 106.1/533.5 1907
5 28 Jose Michel M VEN Ozone MANTRA 6 PPK AUTO PARTS 376.3 221.2 588.9/677.8 693.0 1658
6 1212 Cesar Espinoza M VEN GIN GLIDERS LEOPARD FURIA team, Champion 499.4 164.0 939.0 214.6/247.0 1653
7 11 Marcel Guinand M VEN Ozone ML7 ExploreLosRoques 286.4 498.4 46.6/235.3 259.5 1091
8 27 Francisco Gonzalez M VEN Ozone Mantra myself 0.0 435.0 436.8 149.8/203.9 1022
9 19 RAFAEL CURVELO M VEN Niviuk Peak 4 Casa Rústica Pizzería ca & Wok Asian food ca 471.4 470.5 0.0 0.0 942
10 171 Alberto Mannil M VEN Ozone ZeoliteGT Toyota 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0

Results include only those pilots where ca:category equals EN-D

Task Date Distance [km] FTV Validity Type
T1 MANGA 1 2022-08-31 14:40    39.7 53.57% Race to goal
T2 MANGA 2 2022-09-01 13:10    30.3 67.01% Race to goal
T3 MANGA 3 2022-09-02 13:40    38.3 99.9% Race to goal
T4 MANGA $ 2022-09-03 12:30    34.4 100% Race to goal

Report created: 2022-09-04T08:41:31-04:00

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