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Event info
La XII edición del Open Trujillo, Válida Nacional de Parapente (FAI 2) se celebrará del 18 al 23 de Febrero de 2024 en el despegue "Torococo", Estado Truijllo, Venezuela. Desde el año 2013 y de manera ininterrumpida este evento de parapente se ha posicionado entre las mejores competencias nacionales.
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La Válida Nacional de Parapente Open Trujillo se desarrolla en una zona conocida como los Llanos de Monay. Es un área extensa sin irregularidades en la superficie, con suaves ondulaciones en la tierra y circunscrita principalmente en los Municipios Candelaria, Pampán y Carache del Estado Trujillo.
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Registration will open on
26/11 18:41 (America/Caracas)
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Radio coverage
We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly
Launch Transport
There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Toilets on takeoff
There are toilets at, or near, the launch
Tracklogs managed
The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Ballast on takeoff
There will be ballast water available at launch
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
Free WiFi
The organisers will have free WiFi available at HQ
Goal beers
There will usually be goal beers for winners
There will be an organised party during or after the event
Plastic reduction
The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Open
- Serial
- Sport
- EN-B
- Francisco Javier Gonzalez
- +58 424-7667135
- fgon27@gmail.com
- Jose Luis Gonzalez Briceno
- jlgonzalezb@gmai.com
Event info
La XII edición del Open Trujillo, Válida Nacional de Parapente (FAI 2) se celebrará del 18 al 23 de Febrero de 2024 en el despegue "Torococo", Estado Truijllo, Venezuela. Desde el año 2013 y de manera ininterrumpida este evento de parapente se ha posicionado entre las mejores competencias nacionales. Organizado por la Asociación Civil Open Trujillo, cuya razón de ser es la práctica, fomento y desarrollo del Parapente, rescatando y reforzando valores orientados a la sana convivencia y el amor por el entorno.
Selection and entry fee
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Application form
You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Identification documents needed
You will need to provide photo ID on arrival. This could be Passport, Driving Licence or National ID, for example.
Rescue/Medical Insurance
You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune
Cancellation Policy
Prize fund and scoring categories
General schedule
11:00 a.m. - Vuelo de práctica
05:00 p.m. - Inscripción y Carga de Balizas
06:00 p.m. - Ceremonia de Apertura
Lunes 19/02/2024
09:00 a.m. - Traslado al Despegue Torococo
11:00 a.m. - Charla informativa Manga 1
05:00 p.m. - Entrega de GPS
08:00 p.m. - Publicación de resultados
Martes 20/02/2024
09:00 a.m. - Traslado al Despegue Torococo
11:00 a.m. - Charla informativa Manga 2
05:00 p.m. - Entrega de GPS
08:00 p.m. - Publicación de resultados
Miercoles 21/02/2024
09:00 a.m. - Traslado al Despegue Torococo
11:00 a.m. - Charla informativa Manga 3
05:00 p.m. - Entrega de GPS
08:00 p.m. - Publicación de resultados
Jueves 22/02/2024
09:00 a.m. - Traslado al Despegue Torococo
11:00 a.m. - Charla informativa Manga 4
05:00 p.m. - Entrega de GPS
08:00 p.m. - Publicación de resultados
Viernes 23/02/2024
09:00 a.m. - Traslado al Despegue Torococo
11:00 a.m. - Charla informativa Manga 5
04:00 p.m. - Entrega de GPS
06:00 p.m. - Publicación de resultados
07:00 p.m. - Acto de Clausura y Premiación
Daily schedule
09:00 - Transporte al Despegue
11:00 - Meet Director / Comité de Pilotos
11:15 - Briefing de la Prueba
16:30 - Apertura de la Mesa Técnica para Entrega de GPS
22:00 - Resultados Provisionales
Accommodation and Activities
How to get here
Para llegar se toma la carretera Panamericana Troncal 1 saliendo de Barquisimeto y se desvia a la derecha despues de de la entrada a la Pastora por el distribuidor Via Carache siguiendo la via hasta la Población de Monay.
Codigo Google Maps: GGVQ+PP7, Monay 3153, Trujillo
GGVQ+PP7, Monay 3153, Trujillo, Venezuela
Torococo Venezuela
Waypoint files

- Francisco Javier Gonzalez
- +58 424-7667135
- fgon27@gmail.com
- Jose Luis Gonzalez Briceno
- jlgonzalezb@gmai.com