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Event info
***SI Applicano le local rules AeCI 2018, per quello che non è lì specificato il regolamento FAI2 ***
***We Apply local rules AeCI 2018, for what it's not specified inside those rules we will look into FAI2 rules.
- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Serial Class
- Overall Class
- Overall Female
- Sports Class
- Italian Overall
- Italian Serial
- Italian Sports
Event Organizer
- Claudio Papa
- +393395635456
- info@prodelta.it
Event info
***SI Applicano le local rules AeCI 2018, per quello che non è lì specificato il regolamento FAI2 ***
***We Apply local rules AeCI 2018, for what it's not specified inside those rules we will look into FAI2 rules.***
The Prodelta aeroclub is glad to announce the Italian Championship competition 2018. It will take place in Poggio Bustone (Rieti) from 27 of May up to 02 of June 2018. The flight area is known as one of the best zones for free flight in the center of Italy, also very well popular for the sail plane. The area is located in the middle of Italy very near to the “Appennini” mountain chain, where thermal activity is quite strong. This might be the reason that the very big distances in Cross Country regarding XC on Italy had been achieved in this location. It present a complex orography mixed of mountains high up to 2000 meters and wide plains full of green grasses. The site is very near to many Italian touristic attractions: Rome is just 80km far, Assisi and other Umbrian charming villages.
Selection and entry fee
By wire transfer:
· Bank name: UNIPOL Via Fratelli Sebastiani, 201 02100 Rieti - ITALIA -
· Owner name: "Poggio Bustone Ev"
· IBAN: IT79 J031 2714 6000 0000 0001 808
By PayPal:
· Paypal account: poggiobustoneve@libero.it
The payment has to be received necessarily within the 13th of May. Otherwise the seat will be reassigned to other pilots currently in the waiting list. All the info for proceeding to the payment have been sent to the selected pilots by email.
The inscription for Italian and foreign competitor pilots is 180 Euro, this will guarantee the transportation services, a packed lunch for all the days, an event t-shirt, as well as, the supply of map covering the competition field.
Prize fund and scoring categories
- Open Class: B, C, D and CCC certified gliders.
- Serial Class: B, C, D certified gliders.
- Sport Class: B and C certified gliders.
- Female category
General schedule
11.00 - 17.00: Trial Day
17.00 - 21.00: Registration
Monday, May 28 to Saturday, June 02, 2018
Contest flying days
Saturday, June 02, 2018
19:00: Prize-giving and closing ceremony
Daily schedule
09:00 - 1st Transport to take-off
09:30 - 2nd Transport to take-off
11:30 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
12:00 - General Briefing, Meteo briefing, Task Briefing
12:30 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens
22:00 - Provisional results
Accommodation and Activities
- B&B "Buongiorno Buona Gente" +39 3711285998 buongiornobuonagente@libero.it
- B&B "La Cascina della Vachina" +39 3470787959 lacascinadellavachina@gmail.com
- Casa vacanze "La Casetta dei Desideri" +39 3471203551 vdesideri75@gmail.com
- Agriturismo "Monte Rosato" +39 3286285222 info@monterosato.it
- B&B "L'Antico Arco +39 3451539364 sanfrancescosuite@gmail.com enzocerroni@outlook.it
- Hotel "Villa Tizzi" +39 3475458784 info@villatizzi.it
- Ostello "La Locanda Francescana" +39 0746688688/3474150455 info@locandafrancescana.com
- Casa Vacanze “Sambuco” +39 3476171996 marangeletti@gmail.com
- Agriturismo “La Collina” +39 0746481326/3489873707/3206204747 lacollinarieti@gmail.com
- Agriturismo “Poeta” +39 3398192293/3332930530
- Ostello San Felice all’Acqua, +39 0746653436 prolococantalice@libero.it
- B&B “Selvatica" +39 0746653515/3487637120
- B&B “La Mentuccia” +39 3280141910 info@lamentuccia.it
- B&B “La Fontana di Davide” +39 0746221361
- Casa Vacanze “Lina” +39 3398697835 linapetran@gmail.it
- B&B "Il Casale Di Colli Sul Velino" +39 0746639000/3456156008 ilcasaledicollisulvelino@gmail.com
- Relais"Villa D’Assio" +39 0746636200/3316747219 info@relaisvilladassio.com
- Hotel "Parco alle Noci" +39 Ø746685486 info@parcoallenoci.com
- Agriturismo "Tenuta 2 Laghi" +39 3477705131 tenutaduelaghi@gmail.com
How to get here
Poggio Bustone is located 80 km North of Rome.
Nearest Towns: Rieti and Terni.
Headquarters: HQ AeC Prodelta at the official landing area in Poggio Bustone (RI) .
Plane: The nearest airports are Rome Fiumicino (FCO) or Ciampino (CIA).
From there you can take a bus or car to arrive to Rieti.
Car: Follow A1/E35 exit Orte (coming from north) or SS4/Rieti (coming from Rome). Take the direction to the SS79. The HQ is 4km before arriving to the village.
Bus: From Rome Tiburtina Station. See http://servizi.cotralspa.it/Orari.
02018 Poggio Bustone RI, Italia
Poggio Bustone (Rieti) Italy
Waypoint files

Event Organizer
- Claudio Papa
- +393395635456
- info@prodelta.it
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Tasks and results

Task 1
28 May, 2018
46.5 km — Race to goal

Task 2
29 May, 2018
49.7 km — Race to goal

Task 4
31 May, 2018
81.3 km — Race to goal

Task 5
01 Jun, 2018
108.7 km — Race to goal

Task 6
02 Jun, 2018
78.1 km — Race to goal