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2017-08-14 to 2017-08-19


2017-08-18 Task3

Race to Goal 79.7 km


Results include only those pilots where ca:glider class equals 'Sport'

No Leg Dist. Id Radius Open Close Coordinates Altitude
1 0.0 km D01138 400 m 12:15 14:15 Lat: 43.36094 Lon: 20.76885 1384 m
2 SS 5.6 km D01138 6000 m 13:45 18:30 Lat: 43.36094 Lon: 20.76885 1384 m
3 19.5 km B20109 5000 m 13:45 18:30 Lat: 43.41447 Lon: 20.48373 1098 m
4 42.9 km B90079 9000 m 13:45 18:30 Lat: 43.10484 Lon: 20.58567 790 m
5 ES 77.8 km A11102 2000 m 13:45 18:30 Lat: 43.25515 Lon: 20.08056 1020 m
6 79.7 km A11102 200 m 13:45 18:30 Lat: 43.25515 Lon: 20.08056 1020 m
StartGate(s): 13:45

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Distance Dist.
1 150 Jakub Kwiatkowski M POL Ozone Delta GCG 13:45:00 15:51:28 02:06:28 34.2 79.72 422.4 124.0 273.4 820
2 6666 Adam Grzech M POL Nova Mentor 5 cc optyk 13:45:00 15:56:14 02:11:14 33.0 79.72 422.4 131.3 247.4 801
3 3 Jan Rentowski M POL UP Trango X-Race gringofly.com 13:45:00 15:55:41 02:10:41 33.1 79.72 422.4 118.0 250.3 791
4 1001 Slawomir Zydek M POL Niviuk Artik 4 xcpilot@poczta.onet.pl 13:45:00 15:53:10 02:08:10 33.8 79.72 422.4 103.7 263.8 790
5 21 Lukasz Sieminski M POL NOVA Mentor 5 LM 13:45:00 15:57:23 02:12:23 32.7 79.72 422.4 119.0 241.6 783
5 996 Grzegorz Fiema M POL Skywalk Chili 4 www.leniwymotyl.pl 13:45:00 15:56:06 02:11:06 33.0 79.72 422.4 112.2 248.1 783
7 12 Peter Kozisek M CZE UP Summit XC4 13:45:00 15:58:18 02:13:18 32.5 79.72 422.4 110.4 237.0 770
8 6969 Marcin Bortkiewicz M POL Nova Mentor 3 L 13:45:00 15:58:50 02:13:50 32.4 79.72 422.4 104.8 234.3 762
8 2323 Jacek Krzyzanowski M POL Advance Iota 26 www.poppyfarm.pl 13:45:00 16:01:54 02:16:54 31.6 79.72 422.4 119.6 219.6 762
10 148 Walter Wojciechowski M POL BGD Cure Airaction 13:45:00 16:03:09 02:18:09 31.3 79.72 422.4 113.8 213.8 750
11 1010 Waldemar Janiszewski M POL Bruce Goldsmith Design CURE www.aquila.net.pl 13:45:00 15:57:55 02:12:55 32.6 79.72 422.4 88.0 238.9 749
11 166 Arkadiusz Slusarczyk M POL BGD Cure M 13:45:00 16:02:59 02:17:59 31.4 79.72 422.4 112.1 214.6 749
13 69 Benedykt Kroplewski M POL Niviuk Artik 3 13:45:00 16:02:25 02:17:25 31.5 79.72 422.4 105.5 217.2 745
14 532 Nebojša Rosić M SRB Nova Mentor 4 13:45:00 15:57:39 02:12:39 32.6 79.72 422.4 74.3 240.2 737
15 13 Tudor Dorobantu M ROU Niviuk Klimber P Slavia Pharm, Tellur 13:45:00 16:09:11 02:24:11 30.0 79.72 422.4 121.9 187.2 732
16 7905 Igor Popik M POL UP Summit XC3 LATAJTU:PL 13:45:00 16:06:04 02:21:04 30.7 79.72 422.4 104.8 200.7 728
17 313 Rafal Reinert M POL Advance Sigma 10 selfwinch.eu 13:45:00 16:01:25 02:16:25 31.7 79.72 422.4 82.3 221.9 727
18 4444 Janusz Wojtyniak M POL niviuk Artik 4 WWW.eltur-przewozy.pl 13:45:00 16:05:04 02:20:04 30.9 79.72 422.4 90.4 205.1 718
19 227 Robert Szczur M POL 777 Rook 2 13:45:00 16:10:43 02:25:43 29.7 79.72 422.4 102.0 180.7 705
20 121 Dragomir Milićević M SRB Skywalk Cayenne 5 13:45:00 16:13:57 02:28:57 29.1 79.72 422.4 104.2 167.4 694
21 89 Robert Skalski M POL Triple seven Queen 13:45:00 16:13:50 02:28:50 29.1 79.72 422.4 100.1 167.8 690
22 919 Miljan Petrovic M SRB BGD Cure overprintstudio.com 13:45:00 16:14:38 02:29:38 28.9 79.72 422.4 100.6 164.6 688
23 82 Miroslav Capko M AUS BGD Cure 13:45:00 16:13:43 02:28:43 29.1 79.72 422.4 91.4 168.3 682
24 1906 Radzicki Michal M POL BGD Cure 13:45:00 16:13:59 02:28:59 29.1 79.72 422.4 62.8 167.2 652
25 101 Kuba Sto M POL Ozone Alpina 2 kubasto.com 13:45:00 71.41 378.3 132.1 510
26 31 Rafal Pachulski M POL UP Trango XC 3 13:45:00 65.55 347.3 101.8 449
27 111 MAREK KROLIKOWSKI M POL Ozone Zeno nie ma 13:45:00 17:38:00 03:53:00 18.6 78.45 415.7 416
28 486 Dragodin Milovanovic M SRB Skywalk Cayenne5 Berkut 13:45:00 62.56 331.5 73.7 405
29 9999 Tomasz Pietrzyk M POL SOL LOTUS 13:45:00 62.82 332.9 54.7 388
30 9 Vasily Pavlov M RUS Gradient Aspen 5 www.elevarjewelry.com 13:45:00 61.96 328.3 27.2 356
31 777 Dejan Valek M SRB BGD Cure KUMULUS 13:45:00 66.55 352.6 353
32 1 Radoslaw Orlovksi M POL Ozone Delta2 Marcopol 13:45:00 64.14 339.8 9.3 349
33 2001 Michal Adamczuk M POL Ozone Rush 4 13:45:00 63.26 335.2 335
34 96 Maciej Licznerski M POL BGD Base Fun2Fly.pl 13:45:00 60.06 318.2 318
35 693 Anna Latko F POL Skywalk Chili 4 13:45:00 59.63 315.9 316
36 90 Dragan Simović M SRB Nova Mentor 2 13:45:00 58.55 310.2 310
37 3003 Pavle Pavlović M SRB Nova Mentor 2 Pg Golija Raska, GUGI para-pro 13:45:00 58.23 308.5 309
38 8 Joanna Kocot F POL Dudek Optic 13:45:00 58.13 308.0 308
38 427 Djordje Lazarevic M SRB Nova Factor 13:45:00 56.57 299.7 8.0 308
40 1313 Artur Frankowski M POL Advance Iota successmakers.eu 13:45:00 56.37 298.7 299
41 27 Zarko Bojovic M SRB Niviuk Artik 4 NASA PEKARA 13:45:00 55.41 293.6 294
42 222 Przemyslaw Czerwinski M POL Nova Mentor 4 Move it! www.moveit.pl 13:45:00 55.24 292.7 293
43 17 Monika Makowska F POL Ozone Delta 2 13:45:00 53.26 282.2 282
44 1503 Magdalena Pawlak F POL niviuk Ikuma Kuryłowicz&Associates 13:45:00 53.11 281.4 281
45 1995 Nebojsa Novakovic M SRB UP Trango XC ParaSex 13:45:00 52.87 280.1 280
46 1300 Aleksandar Samanc M SRB Ozone Rush 3 13:45:00 52.68 279.1 279
47 1985 Tijana Krucican F SRB niviuk Artik 4 13:45:00 51.28 271.7 272
48 1101 Krzysztof Maciejczuk M POL SOL Lotus www.latajtu.pl 13:45:00 50.83 269.3 269
48 46 Piotr Gozdz M POL Dudek Colt Dudek 13:45:00 50.70 268.7 269
50 1320 Milan Bujić M SRB 777 queen 13:45:00 49.23 260.9 261
51 9947 Zoran Miskovic M SRB Niviuk Artik 4 Kroving 13:45:00 48.55 257.2 257
51 477 Emil Podlaski M POL OZONE Delta 2 Gin Gliders, Green Dragons 13:45:00 48.58 257.4 257
53 131 Ugljesa Jondzic M SRB BGD BASE PK GRUNF 13:45:00 47.81 253.3 253
54 7 Dominik Kapica M POL 777 Rook2 13:45:00 47.17 249.9 250
55 3030 Michal Wojciechowski M POL BGD Cure Grupa 303 13:45:00 47.06 249.3 249
56 132 Yue Qian F CHN Gin Explorer XXS PK GRUNF 13:45:00 46.80 248.0 248
57 515 Krzysztof Rogowski M POL Gradient Aspen 5 13:45:00 44.87 237.7 238
58 36 Aleksandr Kaliakin M RUS Niviuk Ikuma 13:45:00 42.75 226.5 227
59 2727 Mateusz Styrczula M POL Niviuk Artik 4 27 twitter.com/xcmats 13:45:00 40.67 215.5 216
60 1234 Urszula Rzepecka F POL Swing Mistral 13:45:00 19.64 104.1 104
60 1303 Przemysław Potocki M POL 777 Queen 13:45:00 19.54 103.5 104
62 413 Reinert Joanna F POL advance epslion 8 selfwinch.eu 13:45:00 18.41 97.5 98
63 110 Jovan Jovanovic M SRB Ozone RUSH 4 PK CIRUS 13:45:00 15.33 81.2 81
64 2508 Marek Mastalerz M POL Ozone Delta 2 cloudbase.pl 13:45:00 14.41 76.3 76
65 389 Piotr Mieszczak M POL Axis Vega 5 ZALTECH - World of Spices 13:45:00 13.46 71.3 71
66 106 Dragan Popov M SRB 777 Queen Gandra Fly 13:45:00 12.91 68.4 68
67 373 Grzegorz Krzyśka M POL Sol Lotus One www.bpop.pl 13:45:00 11.50 60.9 61
68 1389 Nemanja Milosevic M SRB Nova factor 2 13:45:00 10.62 56.3 56
69 3333 Marko Nedeljković M SRB Nova Factor 13:45:00 8.55 45.3 45
70 218 KAI ZHONG F CHN niviuk artik4 6.00 31.8 32
70 14 Miroslav Marjanovic M SRB UP Inretnational Makalu3 P.K."Beli orlovi" 6.00 31.8 32
70 595 Adam Ciempka M POL 777 Queen 6.00 31.8 32
70 6605 Sławomir Gut M POL Dudek Optic 6.00 31.8 32
70 1979 Milorad Popovic M SRB Ozone Buzz Z5 6.00 31.8 32
70 129 Arek Pomaranski M POL Ozone Delta 2 www.treningibezpieczenstwa.pl 6.00 31.8 32
70 966 Olga Vybyvanets F RUS 777 Rook 2 Tornado 6.00 31.8 32
70 24 Ognjen Ciric M SRB Nova Mentor 1 B-export 6.00 31.8 32
70 104 Katarzyna Wolek F POL UP Kantega XC2 www.moveit.pl 6.00 31.8 32
70 55 Anna Zezula F POL Nova Mentor 3 XS 6.00 31.8 32

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name
57 Azaric Savica
269 Péclat Christian

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 72.166
task_distance 79.715
launch_to_ess_distance 77.753
no_of_pilots_present 136
no_of_pilots_flying 136
no_of_pilots_lo 68
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 108
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 70
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 68
sum_flown_distance 7919.14800000001
best_dist 79.715
best_time 1.91194444444444
worst_time 3.88333333333333
no_of_pilots_in_competition 138
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 7155.698
sum_real_dist_over_min 7155.698
sum_flown_distances 7919.148
best_real_dist 79.715
last_start_time 2017-08-18T13:45:00+02:00
first_start_time 2017-08-18T13:45:00+02:00
first_finish_time 2017-08-18T15:39:43+02:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 3.29467523691435
no_of_pilots_with_time_points 68
goalratio 0.5
arrival_weight 0
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.20216875
time_weight 0.37545625
distance_weight 0.422375
smallest_leading_coefficient 1.23589763483905
available_points_distance 422.375
available_points_time 375.45625
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 202.16875
available_points_arrival 0
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 1
stop_validity 1
day_quality 1
ftv_day_validity 1
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2016
min_dist 6
nom_dist 40
nom_time 1
nom_launch 0.96
nom_goal 0.15
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 4
jump_the_gun_factor 0
jump_the_gun_max 0
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 0
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 0
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 1
use_leading_points 1
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 1
use_time_points 1
scoring_altitude gps
leading_time_ballance 0
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 60
score_back_time 5
use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 1
double_leading_weight 1
Report created: 2017-08-21T10:19:14+02:00