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2017 Russia HG Open Championship

2017-08-26 to 2017-09-03


2017-08-29 Task-3

Race to Goal 73.3 km


No Leg Dist. Id Radius Open Close Coordinates Altitude
1 0.0 km A01 400 m 13:15 15:15 Lat: 43.12667 Lon: 76.46796 1961 m
2 SS 5.6 km A43 16000 m 13:45 15:45 Lat: 43.27585 Lon: 76.28923 790 m
3 21.4 km A43 400 m 13:45 18:45 Lat: 43.27585 Lon: 76.28923 790 m
4 46.4 km A61 400 m 13:45 18:45 Lat: 43.1591 Lon: 76.01642 967 m
5 ES 73.3 km A32 2000 m 13:45 18:45 Lat: 43.16278 Lon: 76.37734 952 m
StartGate(s): 13:45, 14:00, 14:15, 14:30, 14:45, 15:00

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Distance Dist.
1 33 Igor Snisarenko M RUS Aeros Combat L 14,2 14:00:00 15:48:38 01:48:38 37.4 73.26 822.7 13.9 97.6 17.4 952
2 24 Alexander Barvinskiy M RUS Aeros Combat Росэнергоатом 13:45:00 72.93 820.8 24.4 845
3 174 Vladimir Strelkov M RUS Combat Росэнергоатом 13:45:00 63.13 753.8 6.5 760
4 3 Azat Masalimov M RUS Discus 14:15:00 63.31 755.0 755
5 123 Stanislav Taranov M KAZ Aeros Combat 14:00:00 61.37 737.4 14.5 752
6 139 Sergei Sukleta M RUS Aeros Combat GT 13,5 Росэнергоатом 13:45:00 55.39 676.0 16.0 692
7 5 Stepan Zubashev M KAZ Moyes Litespeed RX 14:15:00 55.07 673.2 673
8 113 Oleg Andreev M RUS Moyes Росэнергоатом 13:45:00 52.14 645.9 3.2 649
9 131 Denis Ivanov M RUS Moyes 13:45:00 51.50 638.2 7.3 646
10 77 Aleksey Melehin M RUS Combat Росэнергоатом 14:15:00 51.80 642.1 642
11 54 Ivan Mahaev M RUS Aeros Combat Росэнергоатом 14:00:00 51.39 636.6 1.5 638
12 111 Igor Okhrimenko M RUS Combat 14:00:00 50.30 618.4 618
13 82 Alexandr Kaluzhin M RUS Combat 14:00:00 50.03 613.5 1.7 615
14 78 Dmitriy Testov M RUS Combat 14:00:00 48.80 588.7 1.1 590
15 13 Nikolay Sharaev M RUS Moyes 14:15:00 32.94 443.5 444
16 16 Boris Syromyatnikov M RUS Raven 13:45:00 32.88 443.1 443
17 17 Nikolay Sitnikov M RUS Aeros Combat Министерство спорта Саха 14:00:00 31.27 428.2 428
18 55 Alexandr Gorbunov M RUS WW T2144 Министерство спорта Саха 14:15:00 26.21 372.9 373
19 555 Nurbek Koybulatov M KAZ Combat 14:15:00 23.09 347.2 347
20 22 Egor Sadyrev M RUS Sparrow 14:15:00 22.03 337.4 337
21 7 Sergey Iachmenko M RUS Combat Росэнергоатом 13:45:00 16.04 278.7 279
21 1 Sergey Borodkin M RUS Aeros 14:15:00 16.04 278.8 279
23 11 Vladimir Polyanin M KAZ Combat 14:00:00 14.74 266.1 266
24 12 Anton Kolaisnikov M RUS Aeros Combat 14:15:00 14.08 258.8 259
25 19 Vitaliy P'yankov M RUS Combat L 14 14:15:00 13.76 254.8 255
26 28 Vitaliy Kovalenko M KAZ Sport 10.00 198.7 199
26 9 Denis Plusnin M RUS Aeros Diskus 13:45:00 10.00 198.7 199
26 98 Konstantin Zhigalov M RUS X-14 10.00 198.7 199
26 15 Sergey Ukrainskiy M UKR Target Министерство спорта Саха 10.00 198.7 199
26 8 Sergey Lagun M RUS Moyes 13:41:08 10.00 198.7 199
26 140 Maxim Andreichikov M RUS Seedwing 14:00:00 10.00 198.7 199
26 10 Konstantin Valitov M RUS Prizrak 10.00 198.7 199
26 31 Anna Belova F RUS Wills Wing 10.00 198.7 199
26 27 Maksim Pliasunov M RUS Discus 14:30:00 10.00 198.7 199
26 108 Maria Yakutova F RUS Diskus 14:15:00 10.00 198.7 199
26 20 Olesya Ovcharova F RUS Avian 10.00 198.7 199


Note: % penalty is used to calc penalty as a % of total score. Both types can be combined. None affect the scoring of other pilots.
Id Name % penalty points penalty Reason
8 Sergey Lagun 77 Jumped the gun

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name
14 Boris Beliy
21 Anna Kadkina
49 Suyundyk Doszhanov

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 67.632
task_distance 73.263
launch_to_ess_distance 73.263
no_of_pilots_present 36
no_of_pilots_flying 36
no_of_pilots_lo 35
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 14
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 1
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 1
sum_flown_distance 1099.727
best_dist 73.263
best_time 1.81055555555556
worst_time 1.81055555555556
no_of_pilots_in_competition 39
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 793.487
sum_real_dist_over_min 793.487
sum_flown_distances 1099.727
best_real_dist 73.263
last_start_time 2017-08-29T14:30:00+06:00
first_start_time 2017-08-29T14:00:00+06:00
first_finish_time 2017-08-29T15:48:38+06:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 3.15612441501818
no_of_pilots_with_time_points 1
goalratio 0.0277777777777778
arrival_weight 0.0181176027734911
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.0253646438828875
time_weight 0.10145857553155
distance_weight 0.855059177812071
smallest_leading_coefficient 1.65137842446622
available_points_distance 822.71361294917
available_points_time 97.6205547010496
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 24.4051386752624
available_points_arrival 17.4322419109017
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 0.962171548236384
stop_validity 1
day_quality 0.962171548236384
ftv_day_validity 0.962171548236384
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2015
min_dist 10
nom_dist 40
nom_time 1.5
nom_launch 0.96
nom_goal 0.25
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 5
jump_the_gun_factor 3
jump_the_gun_max 300
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0.8
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 1
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 1
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 1
use_leading_points 1
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 0
use_time_points 1
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 60
score_back_time 15
Report created: 2017-08-29T18:54:34+06:00