- Blog
- Summary
- Details
- Pilots
- Results
- Registration
Event info
We will be going to the best spots around Central Otago/Canterbury and hope to get everyone flying far. While the base will be Wanaka, we are setting ourselves up to be as flexible as possible with the competition locations.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Flying sites will be announced closer to the date. It is intended that the Omarama area, Little Mt Ida, Grandview and even the Garston areas will be options in addition to our standard sites below.
Principle Launch site is “Pub Corner – Treble Cone (Wk 002)
-Height ASL 3,500 feet.
- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Fun Class
- Recreation Class
- Sport Class
- Serial Class
Meet Director
- Tim Brown
- 021 182 4243
- tjbro137@gmail.com
- SthIslandAirspace2018PG
- WaiverForm 2019
- Alex-Omarama-Garston Wypts.gpx
- Wanaka-Queenstown Wypts.gpx
- Wypts Alex Omarama.wpt
- Wypts-WanakaQueenstown.wpt
- Wypts-NevisGarston.wpt
- CompSpecificRules-SthnFun2019
- Safety Plan Comps 2019
- How to Score your flight
- Wypts Sthn-ALL-2019-V1
- Wypts Sthn-ALL-2019-V1
Event info
We will be going to the best spots around Central Otago/Canterbury and hope to get everyone flying far. While the base will be Wanaka, we are setting ourselves up to be as flexible as possible with the competition locations. Be prepared to move with the weather and pack some camping gear, just in case the venue is moved from Wanaka to chase the best locations.
It's a great way to increase your flying skills and fly with other pilots, whatever your level.
For those chasing points on the NZ ladder this will be the comp to attend. The last couple of years this competition has generated the best attendance and points of any of the regionals.
A BBQ night will be announced on the week and will be based on the best evening weather window.
Pilots are encouraged to get and use airband radios.
Selection and entry fee
A minimum pilot qualification of PG2 (or international equivalent) plus 40 hours logged flying, or, Approved as being capable of competing by an NZ registered paragliding instructor.
Completion of Waiver form.
Completion of a Treble Cone access (health&safety) registration prior to the first day. ( it may take several days to process this application)
Confirmation is on a 'first-come-first served' basis.
Prize fund and scoring categories
Fun - EN B and less than 100 hours total logged flight time. This class is to encourage new pilots and inclusion in this category is at the discretion of the organisers.
Recreation - EN B
Sport - EN C
Serial - EN D
General schedule
08:00 -Registration
09:00 Mandatory Safety Briefing
11:00 First competition briefing
Morning briefings will be at "Ray White R/E” Meeting Room 1 Helwick St, Wanaka. It's next to Kai’s but in Helwick St. The beers and snacks aren’t far away!
Contest flying days
December 27th and 28th 29th 30th
BBQ dates will be announced at a later date but may occur on the night prior to the competition (26th Dec).
Pilots are encouraged to use Airband radios where possible.
Pilots are encouraged to carry and use satellite trackers.
Daily schedule
08:20 - Deadline for protests of the previous day, except for the last day (see 4.2)
08:30 – General pilot briefing, Previous task official results
09:00 / 09:20 - Transport to take-off
10:00 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
10:45 - Pilots' briefing / Task definition
11:15 - Take-off window opens
17:00 - Scoring office opens at the Headquarter
18:00 – Goal closure
18:15 – Landing Deadline
18:45 - Safe landing report deadline
19:00 - Scoring office closes/ Flight downloads completed
21:30 - Provisional results
23:00 - Complaints resolution published
Accommodation and Activities
Choosing accommodation in Wanaka for a night or a month is all about selecting somewhere that feels right to you and meets your budget.
Ranging from luxury lodges, mountain chalets, resorts, high-end apartments, B&B's through to lakeside camp grounds the Wanaka region has plenty of options.
Flying Kiwi Backpackers has some good paraglider friendly accommodation options
How to get here
Getting to Wanaka is easy. It’s a short, scenic 60-minute drive to Wanaka from the closest international airport, where you will find all major rental car companies and scheduled bus services that provide transport to Wanaka throughout the day.
Kai- Cnr Helwick & Ardmore Streets, Wanaka 9305
Wanaka New Zealand
Waypoint files

Meet Director
- Tim Brown
- 021 182 4243
- tjbro137@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Progressive results - final?
A great competition inspite of loosing two days. Not uncommon in NZ!. Lots of beginner pilots and a few oldies ensured lots of briefs and mentoring. Fantastic to go to some new sites and fly some different conditions. Mt Ida in particular provided an introduction to some flatland flying for many of the pilots. At a BBQ on Day3 it was decided to can the rest of the competition due weather. Good efforts by Chris Adams and Jan Necas. Melanie Heather took the ladies prize and Mark Hardman won the Serial and Overall on a UP Meru. (Neither were present at the BBQ). We look forward to some different flying again next year. You beaut!