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КБН №10 2022

2022-06-20 to 2022-06-26, no FAI sanctioning


2022-06-25 Task5

Elapsed time 35.6 km


No Leg Dist. Id Radius Open Close Coordinates Altitude
1 0.0 km D05 2000 m 11:00 20:00 Lat: 58.47907 Lon: 30.3276 66 m
2 SS 1.0 km D05 3000 m 11:00 20:00 Lat: 58.47907 Lon: 30.3276 66 m
3 19.6 km B24 16000 m 11:00 20:00 Lat: 58.71225 Lon: 29.9144 57 m
4 24.5 km B24 20000 m 11:00 20:00 Lat: 58.71225 Lon: 29.9144 57 m
5 29.5 km B24 16000 m 11:00 20:00 Lat: 58.71225 Lon: 29.9144 57 m
6 ES 31.1 km C111 6500 m 11:00 20:00 Lat: 58.51415 Lon: 29.82788 59 m
7 35.6 km C111 2000 m 11:00 20:00 Lat: 58.51415 Lon: 29.82788 59 m

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Distance Dist.
1 221 Панафидин Евгений M RUS Ozone Зена 14:09:49 16:49:30 02:39:41 11.3 32.44 643.8 644
2 213 Пахомов Сергей M RUS Niviuk Icepeak X-One 14:27:23 29.00 575.4 575
3 1 Козинцев Михаил M RUS Niviuk Peak 5 - 12:24:29 26.13 518.4 518
4 29 Митянин Максим M RUS Boom 10 14:00:14 25.26 501.2 501
5 212 Семенов Владислав M RUS Niviuk Artik 5 14:14:10 21.92 434.9 435
6 36 Абдрашитов Дмитрий M RUS UP Kangri 12:24:14 20.06 398.0 398
7 19 Энгельсон Анастасия F RUS Ozone LM No 16:12:14 15.66 310.7 311
8 17 Зайцев Иван M RUS Paraavis Ray 14:14:22 15.46 306.8 307
9 12 Коваленко Сергей M RUS Ozone Enzo 3 http://www.asa-fly.ru/ 13:12:14 15.27 303.0 303
10 78 Лозовой Артем M RUS Niviuk Klimber 12:24:05 14.31 284.0 284
11 26 Молоснов Вадим M RUS Ozone Zeno - 12:24:36 13.75 272.9 273
12 7 Олексина Марина F RUS OZONE LM7 TEHNOROS 13:22:04 12.70 252.0 252
13 51 Рыбалко Сергей M RUS Ozone zeno 14:10:30 11.01 218.5 219
13 777 Маньков Евгений M RUS Niviuk Icepeak 7 14:16:38 11.01 218.6 219
15 258 Смирнов Егор M RUS Niviuk Ikuma 2 14:10:25 7.81 154.9 155
15 1961 Котенев Михаил M RUS Niviuk Artik 5 14:14:17 7.81 154.9 155
17 77 Пырников Михаил M RUS Niviuk Ikuma 2 14:28:35 6.85 135.8 136
18 242 Розенблюм Антон M RUS Ozone Rush 15:08:37 6.79 134.8 135
19 50 Хансиверов Али M RUS Niviuk Ikuma 2 allegri-trade.ru 15:01:43 6.73 133.5 134
20 27 Гордеев Дмитрий M RUS Niviuk Ikuma 2 13:57:10 6.59 130.7 131
21 9 Ледванов Евгений M RUS Davinci Tango 13:36:43 6.23 123.6 124
22 369 Иван Звездин M RUS U-turn Blacklight No 14:41:34 5.49 108.9 109
23 42 Резяпкин Илья M RUS Paraavis Ray 4.00 79.4 79
23 44 Дюльдина Мария F RUS Niviuk Ikuma 14:30:05 4.00 79.4 79
23 55 Григорьева Мария M RUS Niviuk Hook 4 4.00 79.4 79
23 1893 Ильин Сергей M RUS Niviuk Ikuma 2 4.00 79.4 79
23 13 Денисенко Антон M RUS Ozon Rush SIX Shkid 14:22:03 4.00 79.4 79

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name
33 Чернов Павел
222 Шкредов Алексей

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name
4 Алиев Максим

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 30.093
task_distance 35.593
launch_to_ess_distance 31.093
no_of_pilots_present 27
no_of_pilots_flying 27
no_of_pilots_lo 27
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 4
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 1
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 0
sum_flown_distance 322.356
best_dist 32.443
best_time 0
worst_time 2.66138888888889
no_of_pilots_in_competition 30
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 230.257
sum_real_dist_over_min 230.257
sum_flown_distances 322.356
best_real_dist 32.443
last_start_time 2022-06-25T16:12:14+03:00
first_start_time 2022-06-25T14:09:49+03:00
first_finish_time 2022-06-25T16:49:30+03:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 0
no_of_pilots_with_time_points 0
goalratio 0
arrival_weight 0
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0
time_weight 0.1
distance_weight 0.9
smallest_leading_coefficient 0
available_points_distance 643.779
available_points_time 71.531
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 0
available_points_arrival 0
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 0.715
stop_validity 1
day_quality 0.715
ftv_day_validity 0.715
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2018
min_dist 4
nom_dist 25
nom_time 1
nom_launch 0.9
nom_goal 0.10
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 4
jump_the_gun_factor 0
jump_the_gun_max 0
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 0
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 0
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 1
use_leading_points 0
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 1
use_time_points 1
scoring_altitude GPS
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 60
score_back_time 5
use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 1
leading_weight_factor 1
turnpoint_radius_tolerance 0.005
turnpoint_radius_minimum_absolute_tolerance 5
Report created: 2022-06-25T19:21:24+03:00

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