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Event info

Stratus CUP 2015 FAI2 competition to take place from 1 to 3 of May in Birstonas, Lithuania.
Competitors will be towed up with payout winch. Towing will take place on roads near Birstonas. In case of not suitable weather conditions, organizers will choose optional starting fields to start from.

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Flying site

Birstonas offers fine soaring over beautiful flat lands of Lithuania, with plenty landing fields.
In May usually there are gentle thermals of 1-3 m/s with cloud base of around 1500 m and light to moderate winds.

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  • 45 Pilots max allowed
  • 3 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Open class
  • Women
  • Sport class
  • Club class


Event info

Stratus CUP 2015 FAI2 competition to take place from 1 to 3 of May in Birstonas, Lithuania.
Competitors will be towed up with payout winch. Towing will take place on roads near Birstonas. In case of not suitable weather conditions, organizers will choose optional starting fields to start from.

Main site for competition: http://stratus.lt/

Flying site

Birstonas offers fine soaring over beautiful flat lands of Lithuania, with plenty landing fields.
In May usually there are gentle thermals of 1-3 m/s with cloud base of around 1500 m and light to moderate winds.
Birstonas is place where most records are set in Lithuania. XC flights of 100 km and more have been flown here.

Precautions: Biggest concerns is that the place is located near to Russian border and Kaunas CTR, so keep an eye on GPS! Landings are easy to set, but as usual be careful for wires and fences.

Takeoff Birstonas airfield - (54.590291 N, 24.054481 E). Start will take place on roads. Airfield is located next to highway A16 Vilnius-Birstonas. Launch method is with payout winch.

Landing will depend on weather conditions. Main landing is same as start.

Selection and entry fee

By cash - 30 euro
Payment during registration.

Prize fund and scoring categories

3 best pilots awarded in case no less than 5 pilots presented in each of the following categories (if less, only winner is awarded):
- Open class - all participating CCC, EN, DHV, etc sertified gliders
- Women
- Sport class – all gliders up to ENC category with aspect ratio <6,5
- Club class – all gliders up to ENB category with aspect ratio <5,5

General schedule

May 1
Registration at competition place 9:00 – 10:30
Opening briefing, selection of pilots’ comittee 10:30
Competition briefing 11:00
Competition flights from 12:00
Results download 19:00

May 2
Competition briefing 10:30
Competition flights from 12:00
Results download 19:00

May 3
Competition briefing 10:30
Competition flights from 11:00
Results download 18:00
Prize giving 20:00

Daily schedule

08:00 - Headquarter opens
09:30 - Transport to take-off
11:00 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:15 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
12:30 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens
22:00 - Provisional results

Accommodation and Activities


How to get here

Birstonas, Lithuania
(alternate place Klabiniai or other places used for towing. To be confirmed 2 days before competition date according to wind direction).

Ryčio sodyba
Birstonas Lithuania


The nearest is Vilnius International airport. http://www.vilnius-airport.lt.


The place is located 90 km away from Vilnius. It takes about 1 hour 15 min to get there by car via A4.


Waypoint files


Stratus club
Darius Gudukas




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
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  1. Ruta Araminaite (1981)
  2. ()
  3. ()

Women results

Tasks and results

Task 1

01 May, 2015

38.8 km — Race to goal

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