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- Summary
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- Results
- Registration
Event info
Skärmflygklubben Göteborg invites you to a Swedish Cup in the southwest.
The comp will be held from april 28th to may 1st 2018 and will be FAI cat2 sanctioned.
Location: Ålleberg / Falköping
The classic hill of Ålleberg (flyable on the West or East sides) near city of Falköping, will be our HQ.
- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Sport (En C)
- Fun (En B)
- Serial (En D)
- Open (up to CCC)
- Västra Götaland DM
Meet Director
- Gillis Bengtsson
- +46739229026
- gillis@swingkids.se
Comp Coordinator
- Fredrik Ahl
- +46708499800
- fredrikpilot@gmail.com
Event info
Skärmflygklubben Göteborg invites you to a Swedish Cup in the southwest.
The comp will be held from april 28th to may 1st 2018 and will be FAI cat2 sanctioned.
Location: Ålleberg / Falköping
The classic hill of Ålleberg (flyable on the West or East sides) near city of Falköping, will be our HQ.
If the wind is not suitable for Ålleberg we'll be towing from Falköpings Flygplats 5km from Ålleberg near Falköping city.
All participants must be prepared to get to the takeoff choosen every day by their own.
Comp beginner friendly!
We especially encourage comp-rookies to join as all tasks shall be made so everyone will have a decent chance of reaching goal or at least get away on nice XC flights.
Elapsed time will be used on all tasks and re-starts will be allowed (until the time the start cylinder is closed) so if you bomb out you'll wanna hurry back to TO or get in the towing que...
Pilot Quantity:
We have estimated that around 40 pilots will be the maximum participating amount of pilots due to the towing capacity.
25% or 10 participant spots are held for international pilots until 15 days prior to the event according to CIVL rules for a cat2 event. Beside this 40 pilot limit the Meet Director got the option of give out five ”wild cards” for extra pilots...
800 SEK or 80 EUR.
Swish: 1235830856 (swedish mobile app payment only)
Plusgiro: 199089-4 (swedish banktransfer)
Mottagare: Skärmflygklubben Göteborg
OR international:
IBAN: SE21 3000 0000 0311 9211 1443
BIC-kod (SWIFT-adress): NDEASESS
Airtribune app: (livetrack + we get pilot logs)
It's MANDATORY to get and use the app. It will be used for check in to the event, live tracking and also to report back and for retrieve.
PLEASE download it in now (you also need to register an account on www.airtribune.com) and try it out and get used to it and try the livetrack before the comp when you go flying.
Please also check all buttons in the app and you'll see the Swedish West Cup as a upcoming event for you. Let us know if you have any issues to get it working and we will help you out.
We will double check at the comp briefing that everyone has the app.
The scorer/meet directors will then also be able to download the tracklogs (TLs will be uploaded automatically to airtribune!) and this makes scoring really simple for us.
Download links:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airtribune.tracknblog&hl=en
Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/airtribune/id869285811?mt=8
Tracklogs and Scoring:
It's MANDATORY to use the airtribune app... (see info above)
If this app or system is bugging, your phone run out of battery or that tracklog is incomplete the pilots must be prepared to email your backup log from another instrument (or app) to the meet director/scorer: gillis@swingkids.se
Tracklogs handed in later than 1900 wont be in the provisional results.
We will NOT have an oldschool scoring office at HQ.
Please ask us or some friend for help in that case you don't have a clue about theese matters.
The competition will be valid if minimum 1 task with minimum 10 pilots participating is done according to the Swedish Cup rules.
Swedish pilots need Swedish P2 + Comp1 (or Comp2 of course) + FAI license.
Foreign comp pilots need of course also FAI license.
If the comp isn't full then swedish Pilots without Comp1 och P2 is welcome to join but will not get official scoring valid for FAI ranking.
More rules...
International comp rules FAI CIVL Sporting Cod Section 7: https://www.fai.org/page/sporting-code-section-7
We also use the Swedish Cup (Sverige Cup) rules (Swedish only, foreigners might try run it thru google translate...)
Mandatory Equipment:
Certified equipment: Glider, harness, reserve, helmet.
2m radio. (charged!)
Smartphone (charged and bring a powerbank for charging during/after flight!) with airtribune app installed.
Instrument/Vario with GPS recorder for spare tracklog.
Towing bridles.
First aid kit.
Official Waypoints are set and can be downloaded and installed in your instruments now here below... https://airtribune.com/swestcup18/info/details__downloads
All pilots must be familiar with the airspaces in Western Sweden. We'll of course include airspace regards in the briefings.
Please download the airspace files for your instruments of choice here: http://www.segelflyget.se/Verksamhet/Luftrum
Retrieve/ report back
We'll have a touristbus for retrieve from goal and along the way there.
We'll inform at at first briefing (or in advance) about the retrieve and report back system in airtribune app.
Official Facebook page
Please make sure follow the official facebook page where we post news and where pilots can discuss everything:
Price Class Categories:
Fun (En B)
Sport (En C)
Serial (En D)
Open (up to CCC Class)
Best Rookie (Best performing first time competion pilot)
Västra Götaland Distriktsmästerskap (A comp between pilots in clubs in VGR sponsored by Västra Götalands Flygsportsförbund).
First task day/start of the comp:
On thursday evening we will have a good picture of the weather conditions for the weekend and will go official (here on Airtribune + the official facebook page + emails to all pilots) if we find it safe to start the comp on saturday 28th. If the day is cancelled without any breifing at all, we will postpone everything 24h.
First Day:
0900-1000 Mandatory Registration
1000 Mandatory Safety and Competition Briefing + Task and Security committee nomination etc.
Daily preliminary schedule:
1100 Task committe meeting
1130 Briefing / Task presentation at Takeoff of the day.
1200 Takeoff/Startgate open (Elapsed time tasks)
1600 Start close
1900 Goal close
1930 Deadline report back time / Tracklogs
2200 Provisional results posted online
BBQ party on the 30th...
If the weather is nice and we had a task on the 30th april (day before last day...) we'll have a barbecue party that night at Ålleberg. Thats the classic "Valborg evening" in Sweden celebrating the spring arrival (or something like that...)
Selection and entry fee
25% of pilot spots reserved for international pilots (according to FAI cat2. rules) until 15 days prior to the comp...
Important message to international pilots and you guys on the waiting list regarding the last slots:
All Swedish spots for swedish pilots has been full since long ago and according to FAI rules we hold 25% (or 10 spots n this comp with 40 spots) for international guests.
BUT all international pilots will only be on "Waiting payment" status until 14 days before the comp according to same FAI rules. So If you havent paid until 15 april then we can and will make all the last international spots available for the waiting list pilots from Sweden.
So please pay 80 EUR (or 800 SEK) latest 14 april:
IBAN: SE21 3000 0000 0311 9211 1443
BIC-kod (SWIFT-adress): NDEASESS
Prize fund and scoring categories
Sport Class (En C)
Serial (En D)
Open (up to CCC Class)
Best Rookie
Västra Götaland Distrikts Mästare.
Trophy to the winner in every class and lots of give away stuff from sponsors!
General schedule
0900-1000 Mandatory Registration
1000 Mandatory Safety and Competition Briefing + Task and Security committee nomination etc.
Daily preliminary schedule:
1100 Task committe meeting
1130 Briefing / Task presentation at Takeoff of the day.
1200 Takeoff/Startgate open (Elapsed time tasks)
1600 Start close
1900 Goal close
1930 Deadline report back time / Tracklogs
2200 Provisional results posted online
Accommodation and Activities
How to get here
Waypoint files

Meet Director
- Gillis Bengtsson
- +46739229026
- gillis@swingkids.se
Comp Coordinator
- Fredrik Ahl
- +46708499800
- fredrikpilot@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Results and summary
RESULTS, summary and thank you all for this year!
As all participants know we ended the comp on sunday due to weather and we just had the saturday task with towing starts.
Driving to Falköping on saturday early morning with total grey rainy weather was a bit interesting but the meet directors had feeling and hoped it had a chance to clear up at 1400.
Registration and breifings was held, it started to cleaar up and a task of 26km was set. That distance would be just little longer than what nominal distance according to swedish cup rules must be (25km). Start was 1400 and the sun showed it self sometimes betweeen the clouds...
Fredrik Ahls and his car with the payout worked really hard going back and forth on the runway sending pilots up as fast as possible as this was the only tow until the eWinches was up and running also. (And wow how cool the eWinches worked when they was up and running)
The comp and task wont be "valid" but we still have winners flying longest and we got the scoring to work ok in the end after all. (we yet havent had one good XC day for a club/test task to try the scoring).
14 pilots managed to leave the 3km startgate before it closed and 7 of them reached minimum distance (8km) and got distance points and got points, while all other pilotes came 8th according to the scoring program (se attached pics)
Thank you all for patience and all positive feedback. Thank you all volounteers. Thank you to Falbygdens Fk for letting us use their airport. We now have great contact with them and we seem to be welcome back maybe for some XC towing on epic South or North days.
Scoring pdf link: https://www.dropbox.com/…/Swedish%20West%20Cup%20Task1%20Sc…
Open class:
1. Henrik Collin, Omega X-Alps (En D)
2. Bengt Pettersson, Skywalk Cayenne 5 (En C)
3. Johnny Bergholtz, Omega X-Alps II (En D)
Serial Class:
1. Henrik Collin, Omega X-Alps (En D)
2. Bengt Pettersson, Skywalk Cayenne 5 (En C)
3. Johnny Bergholtz, Omega X-Alps II (En D)
Sport Class:
1. Bengt Pettersson, Skywalk Cayenne 5
2. Ulf Carling, Niviuk Artik 4
3. Lars Liljegren, Gin Carrera+
Fun Class:
1. Lars Liljegren, Gin Carrera+
2. Fredrik Gustafsson, Gin Explorer
3. Peter Persson, Gin Carrera
Västra Götaland DM:
1. Bengt Pettersson, Skywalk Cayenne 5 (En C)
2. Johnny Bergholtz, Omega X-Alps II (En D)
3. Ulf Carling, Niviuk Artik 4
ROOKIE of the year/comp:
Lars Liljegren