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Event info

**English below**

C'est parti pour la première édition de l'Ubaye paragliding contest, une semaine de compétition à Saint-Jean de Montclar au coeur des Alpes du sud. Au programme bonne ambiance et de quoi vous faire profiter de ce site exceptionnel!



And off we go with the 1st edition of the Ubaye Paragliding Contest, a week-long competition in the heart of the Southern French Alps, in Saint-Jean de Montclar.

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Flying site

Montclar is the well known flying site in the Southern Alps, famous due to its generous aerology. For the last twenty years this paragliding site has hosted many important competitions, such as the French open, World championship, British Opens and several Pre-PWCs.

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  • 39 Pilots Confirmed
  • 39 Pilots total registered
  • 250 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 100 Pilots max allowed
  • 8 Countries presented
  • ✅ All wing types allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Leisure
  • Sport
  • Serial
  • Overall Women
  • Overall


Event info

**English below**

C'est parti pour la première édition de l'Ubaye paragliding contest, une semaine de compétition à Saint-Jean de Montclar au coeur des Alpes du sud. Au programme bonne ambiance et de quoi vous faire profiter de ce site exceptionnel!



And off we go with the 1st edition of the Ubaye Paragliding Contest, a week-long competition in the heart of the Southern French Alps, in Saint-Jean de Montclar. Good times guaranteed and tasks that will allow you to make the most of this exceptional flight area.


Flying site

Montclar is the well known flying site in the Southern Alps, famous due to its generous aerology. For the last twenty years this paragliding site has hosted many important competitions, such as the French open, World championship, British Opens and several Pre-PWCs.

Flying site: https://goo.gl/maps/FmUQRntwYyp

Take off plateau de La Chau: 1907 m ASL 6°22'20.2" E 44°24'10.8" N
The main take off used for competitions is the "plateau de La Chau", (1900m) just under the mountain of Dormillouse (2500m). The launch is covered in lush grass and is very large. The wind is usually coming from the south-west to north-west. It is possible to fly with south wind and north wind, but it's more difficult to fly away. It's possible to fly good distance from 13h. If you reach the crests, with another chairlift, the take off can be earlier, from 11h sometime, with east breezes before the sun turns to the south. The easier way to leave is to follow the crests to the south (the sky highway to St André les Alpes). The first 25km are easy, until you reach the "Estrop" (2961m). To the north, the "Grand Morgon" (2324) is often a good waypoint after having crossed the serre-ponçon lake during 5km, reaching the crests of "La vieille" (Old Woman crest).

Landing col Saint-Jean: 1335 m ASL - 6°21'06.0" E 44°25'03.3" N
At the landing aera, the ground used is of grass and large, at the "", before the entrance of the ski resort of Montclar (1340m). The wind is usually coming from the north. It can be turbulent with south wind. Sometime, especially in the evening, a big convergence can help you to climb easily to 2,000m or higher.

Take off St Vincent les Forts 1254m ASL - 6°22'17.6" E 44°26'35.7" N
Another famous flight site is not so far, which is called St Vincent les Forts (1240m). It is a small cliff where you land at the side of the car park and then take off again. It works with north wind, even when north wind is too strong to fly elsewhere in France. The launching area made of a green carpet, however it is a bit small for a large competition. Also the area where the pilots can wait for the start is well known and used by many tandem/bi-gliders. The landscape is wonderful, especially in the evening when you are flying in the last solar breeze, with the sun falling on the lake... It's also a site where you can reach easily the top of Dormillouse (2500m), resting on ridgy afforested.

Take off Chabanon - 1968m ASL - 6°17'40.7" E - 44°20'03.9" N
The last launching area, Chabanon, can also be reached with a chairlift, from the little ski resort of chabanon, over the village of Selonnet. It works early in the morning, with south or north wind, but is very difficult to leave, because there is no thermal areas working in the immediate area.

For free flying, the best time to visit is August and September, with thermal strengh that can easily reach 4m/s at 2pm. The thermal duration : it start from 11h over 2000m, 12-13h at the take off, until 7pm with convergence. The best time to launch is 2pm, when thermals start to be large and easy to take. Competitions will often come earlier in the season when there are less tourists, allowing better access to the facilities for the competitors.

Usual distance flights start from the Plateau de la Chau or St Vincent, then reach the top of Dormillouse (2500m), then turn the north waypoint (Morgon) or the south waypoint (Estrop) and way back to Dormillouse.

The famous distance flight, reaching St Andre from Dormillouse or the other way, is a classic 80km flight, recently done by many pilots during the B-Stof in July 2014.

On non-flyable days, there are plenty of other activities in the area.:
- kiting/windsurfing on the lake
- hiking to the castle on top of Montclar
- downhill biking in Monclar
- market in Seyne

Selection and entry fee

Sélection basée sur l'ordre chronologique des inscriptions.
100 places disponibles, dont 25 réservées aux pilotes internationaux, et 10 pour l’organisation.

Si une place vous est proposée, ou si vous êtes contacté préalablement, vous avez 7 jours pour confirmer votre intérêt. Après 7 jours, vous retournerez à la fin de liste d'attente, la place sera attribuée aux personnes qui vous suivent et vous devrez attendre d’être de nouveau sélectionné.

Si une place vous est proposée vous devrez effectuer le paiement des frais d'inscription dans un délai de 7 jours.
Les frais de 250 € doivent être transférés par chèque ou par virement bancaire. Pour les pilotes internationaux, seul le virement bancaire est accepté.

Coordonnées bancaires à venir

(Cette politique sera confirmée le jour de la sélection et pourra être modifiée en fonction du nombre de personnes en liste d'attente)

Si vous annulez votre inscription, vous retournez au bas de la liste d'attente.
Annulation 2 mois ou plus avant le début de l’événement : vous récupérez 80% de vos frais, indépendamment du nombre de personnes sur la liste d'attente.
Annulation entre 1 mois et 2 mois avant le début de l’événement : vous récupérez 60% de vos frais, indépendamment du nombre de personnes sur la liste d'attente.
Annulation durant le mois précédent l’événement : aucun remboursement, sauf en cas de problème de santé grave et inconnu à la date d'inscription.

Quoi qu'il en soit si vous rencontrez un souci n'hésitez pas à nous contacter rapidement. Il n'y a jamais de problème, que des solutions.
Selections will be based on chronological order of registration.
100 places are available, of which 25 are reserved to non-French pilots, and 10 VIPs (Director's pick).

If you are offered a place, or if you are contacted regarding your registration, you have 7 days to confirm your interest. After 7 days you will be placed back at the end of the waiting list, your place will be attributed to the next person down, and you will have to wait to be selected again.

If you are offered a place, you will be given 7 days to make the payment. The registration fees of 250 € must be paid by bank transfer (SEPA). If SEPA is not available to you, TransferWise may be an easy option to trigger a payment to an IBAN.

Banking details to follow soon.

(This policy will be confirmed at the time of selections and may be modified depending on the number of pilots on the waiting list)

If you cancel your registration you return to the bottom of the waiting list.
Cancellation 2 months or more before the event: Reimbursement of 80% of registration fees, regardless of the number of pilots on the waiting list.
Cancellation between 1 and 2 months before the event: Reimbursement of 60% of registration fees, regardless of the number of pilots on the waiting list.
Cancellation during the month preceding the event: No reimbursement possible, except in the case of a severe health problem that was unknown at the time of registration.

If you encounter any troubles, please don’t hesitate to let us know as soon as possible. There are never any problems, only solutions.

Prize fund and scoring categories

Général et féminin
Classement Série EN D
Classement Sport EN C
Classement Loisir EN A-B
(dépendant d'un nombre minimum de pilotes)

Pour le scoring et la sécurité l'organisation fournis des trackers à tous les pilotes. Les pilotes doivent néanmoins pouvoir fournir une trace igc de leurs manches au besoin (contestation ou dysfonctionnement d'un tracker, on est jamais trop prudent). Aucune réclamation ne pourra être traitée sans celle ci.
Ranking categories:
General and women's rankings
Series ranking EN D
Sport ranking EN C
Leisure ranking EN A-B
(if a minimum number of pilots is met)

For scoring and safety purposes, trackers will be provided and obligatory for all pilots. Nevertheless all pilots will be required to have another device as backup that can produce an igc track of your flight if needed (for ex: contestation, dysfunctional tracker, better safe than sorry). No contestation will be considered without an igc track.

General schedule

Dimanche 18 : Enregistrement des pilotes de 8h00-10h00, et de 15h00-16h00. Manche d'entrainement. Briefing Sécurité obligatoire à 18h00
Lundi 19 : 1ère manche
Mardi 20 : 2ème manche.
Mercredi 21 : 3ème manche. Repas de mi-semaine
Jeudi 22 : 4ème manche.
Vendredi 23 : 5ème manche. Remise des prix et repas festif
Sunday 18th: Pilot registration from 8h00-10h00 and 15h00-16h00. Training task. Mandatory Security Briefing at 18h00
Monday 19th: 1st task.
Tuesday 20th: 2nd task.
Wednesday 21st: 3rd task. Mid-week dinner
Thursday 22nd: 4th task.
Friday 23rd: 5th task. Prize-giving ceremony and closing dinner.

Daily schedule

09h00 : Ouverture du HQ
09h30 : Briefing météo
09h45 -10h00 : Montée au déco
11h00 : Briefing pour la manche et annonce des résultats de la veille
12h00 : Ouverture de la manche
16h30 : Ouverture du HQ pour le scoring
22h00 : Résultats provisoires
09h00 : HQ opens
09h30 : Weather briefing
09h45 -10h00 : Going up to take-off
11h00 : Task briefing and previous day results
12h00 : Task start
16h30 : HQ opens for scoring
22h00 : Preliminary results available

Accommodation and Activities

Saint-Jean de Montclar est un village de vacances alpin, hiver comme été. Il propose une multitude d'options pour tous les budgets.

La compétition se déroulera au centre du village. Il sera bien indiqué lors de votre arrivée.
Le village dispose d'une multitude de logements avec des chambres entre 15 et 50 euros par personne, selon vos goûts.

Est à seulement 100 mètres à pied. Le camping accueille des tentes, des caravanes et des camping-cars. Il dispose de douches sur place, d'un bar et d'un restaurant ainsi que de plusieurs piscines et saunas, intérieurs et extérieurs.

Est juste au dessus du PC course et propose des tarifs préférentiels pour les compétiteurs. Il dispose lui aussi d'un hammam, saunas, ainsi qu'un bar-restaurant. N'hésitez pas à les contacter pour en savoir plus 04 92 35 37 00

Quelques appartements et gîtes sont également disponibles. Plus de renseignements sur le site internet de la station : https://www.montclar.com/

- Kitesurf / planche à voile sur le lac
- Randonnée au château au sommet de Montclar
- VTT à Montclar
- Marché à Seyne

Le terrain principal d'atterrissage est également situé à quelques minutes à pied et sera le terrain de but privilégié pendant la compétition.

Saint-Jean Montclar is an alpine holiday village with plenty of accommodation options available year round, for all budgets. The competition HQ will be located at the centre of the village. It will be well indicated with signs as you arrive.

Rooms run between 15 and 50 euros per person, depending on your preferences and requirements.

Only 100 meters away on foot, the campsite welcomes tents, caravans and RVs. Showers are available as well as a bar, a restaurant, and several indoor and outdoor pools and saunas.

Just above the competition HQ, Hotel Espace has preferential rates available for competition pilots. The hotel has a hammam and saunas, as well as a restaurant-bar. For more information they can be reached at 04 92 35 37 00.

A few apartments and guesthouses are also available. More information available on the Montclar website: https://www.montclar.com/

- Kitesurfing / windsurfing on the lake
- Hiking up to the castle at the top of Montclar
- Mountain biking at Montclar
- Seyne market

The main landing is also located a few minutes away on foot and will be the preferred goal throughout the competition.

How to get here

Saint-Jean de Montclar France


The nearest main international airport is Nice (3 hours drive) or Marseille (2 hours). Both airport are serviced by several airlines from around Europe.


An hour's drive from Gap.

St Jean Montclar is about a 10 hour drive from Calais/Dunkirk, about 3 hours from southern France and just under 3 hours from Nice Airport. There are other airports in the region too.

Car hire:
There are a multitude of car hire companies operating out of all the airports.


Waypoint files


Piment d'Elles
6 Chemin du bachais
38240 Meylan





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Men     confirmed


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