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Event info
EN: 4th round of Czech paragliding league will be held in the highest Czech mountains - Krkonoše. General info about czech league can be found on webpage of paragliding union of Czech light aircraft association.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Krkonoše is a national park in the Liberec and Hradec Králové regions of the Czech Republic. It lies in the Krkonoše Mountains which is the highest range of the country. The park has also been listed as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve site.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Open
- Sport
- Women
Web, Rules
- Robert Kulhánek
- ₊420 728 533 237
- robertkulhanek@gmail.com
Marketing, Sponsors, Media
- Jiří Hanč
- jirahanc@gmail.com
Event info
EN: 4th round of Czech paragliding league will be held in the highest Czech mountains - Krkonoše. General info about czech league can be found on webpage of paragliding union of Czech light aircraft association. You can see the annual schedule of Czech paragliding league here .
CZE: Čtvrté kolo české ligy paraglidingu se uskuteční po dvouleté pauze opět v nejvyšších horách České republiky - Krkonoších. Závod bude vyhlášen jako FAI 2, tudíž bude bodován nejen do českého, ale i do světového rankingu.
Obecné informace o České lize paraglidingu naleznete na webu svazu PG LAA ČR.
Selection and entry fee
Other pilots : 1200 / 45€ Kč before the date of 22.6.2015 or 1300 Kč / 50 € during the registration in the camp
fee do NOT include
* Cable cars to take off (3 of 5 possible spots)
* Accommodation
* Transport under flying site
30 places are reserved for CZECH pilots
How to pay?
- transfer to a bank account
bank account: 43-3048850227/0100 ;
IBAN: CZ2901000000433048850227
in the description for recipient write „PG family name of the competitor“
amount : depends on the date - Entry fee, chapter before
- in cash during the registration
Prize fund and scoring categories
Sport ( max. EN-C)
Newcomers (pilot licence 2013+, max. EN-B)
General schedule
3 - 6.7 2015 Competition days
Party day depend on weather.
6.7. 2015 - prize giving ceremony
Daily schedule
8:00 - Sraz v HQ Camping Vejšplachy
8:30 - 11:00 - Přesun na start
11:30 - 12:00 - Předletový briefing
12:00 - 19:00 - Závod
19:30 - Odevzdání tracklogu v HQ nebo na web
23:00 - Průběžné výsledky závodu
Accommodation and Activities
HQ of the competition is camping Vejšplachy (http://www.vejsplachycamp.cz/) near town Vrchlabí.
Other accommodation options can be found there (http://www.penziony.cz/ubytovani/vrchlabi/).
How to get here
The competition is situated to Krkonoše - the highest mountain range in Czech Republick. Main Headquarter will be placed in the camp Vejšplachy in Vrchlabí city.
The easiest way to get there is by car. Straightly to the campsite Vejšplachy.
BUS - From Prague by the city transport to the end of the metro line B - station Černý most. From there by bus to the Vrchlabí (11 times per day https://amsbus.cz/koupitjizdenku/).
TRAIN - do not try this, bus is much better.
If you have a problem with the journey, contact us and we will recommend you a route.
Vrchlabí Czech Republic
The nearest airport is Prague.
From Prague by the city transport to the end of the metro line B - station Černý most. From there by bus to the Vrchlabí (11 times per day https://amsbus.cz/koupitjizdenku/).
About 140 km to the East from Prague along E65 highway.
The easiest way to get there. Straightly to the campsite Vejšplachy.
Waypoint files

Web, Rules
- Robert Kulhánek
- ₊420 728 533 237
- robertkulhanek@gmail.com
Marketing, Sponsors, Media
- Jiří Hanč
- jirahanc@gmail.com