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Vågå Open and Nationals 2022

2022-06-19 to 2022-06-26, FAI Category 2 event

NM etter 2 dager

Total results


# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 Total
1 2112 Olav Opsanger M NOR Moyes Liitespeed RX 3.5 Pro 838.8 956.7 1796
2 15 Nils Åge Henden M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5 Pro 885.7 832.3 1718
3 10 Arnfinn Markeng M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 3,5 Pro 708.4 643.9 1352
4 111 Johnny Nilssen M NOR Icaro Z9 667.8 645.4 1313
5 77 Dag Ring M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5 Pro 483.8 683.9 1168
6 314 Jens Krotseng M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5 Pro 433.0 695.6 1129
7 23 Stig Kilvik M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5 Pro 557.4 406.5 964
8 28 Tormod Helgesen M NOR Wills Wing T3 154 455.7 469.5 925
9 24 Trond Olsen M NOR Wills Wing T3 154 570.7 325.5 896
10 42 Oystein Krag M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 4 Pro 225.2 575.5 801
11 13 Kjell Keogh M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5 Pro 0.0 776.0 776
12 1978 Stein Gjøsund M NOR Wills Wing T3 144 227.9 416.1 644
13 6 Harald Steen M NOR Icaro Z9 434.5 76.7 511
14 12 Arne Karstensen M NOR Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5 Pro 50.0 76.7 127
14 1 Stein Edgar Strandli M NOR Wills Wing T2C 144 50.0 76.7 127
16 14 Henrik Kindem M NOR 0.0 76.7 77
16 11 Kjetil Færøy M NOR 0.0 76.7 77

Results include only those pilots where Nation code equals NOR

Task Date Distance [km] Day Quality Type
T1  2022-06-19 12:46    70.9 100% Race to goal
T2 Day 2 2022-06-20 12:45    97.3 100% Race to goal with 6 start gates

Report created: 2022-06-20T22:48:16+02:00

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