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Event info
Norwegian national championship in hang gliding is to be held in Vaagaa with the national center as base. It's also an CAT 2 Open Competition open for all and a Sports Class Competition. It'll be arranged social and fun events outside of the competition schedule.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Vågå is a municipality in Oppland county, Norway. It is part of the traditional region of Gudbrandsdal. The municipality comprises 1,330 km2. The administrative centre is the village of Vågåmo. The two take off of the Vaga flying site are Vole and Salknappen.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Open
- Sports Class
- Norgesmesterskap
- Spot Landing
Event Organizer
- Olav Opsanger
- olav.opsanger@canon.no
- Tormod Helgesen
- +4799588604
- torm-hel@online.no
- vaga-open-hg-2016.CompeGPS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GoogleEarth.kml
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GPX.gpx
- vaga-open-hg-2016.SeeYou.cup
- vaga-open-hg-2016.FS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.UTM.utm
- vaga-open-hg-2016.CompeGPS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GoogleEarth.kml
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GPX.gpx
- vaga-open-hg-2016.SeeYou.cup
- vaga-open-hg-2016.FS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.UTM.utm
Event info
Norwegian national championship in hang gliding is to be held in Vaagaa with the national center as base. It's also an CAT 2 Open Competition open for all and a Sports Class Competition. It'll be arranged social and fun events outside of the competition schedule.
Transportation to launch and retrevial will be available at pretty reasonable rates (remember this is Norway). Transport to and retrevial is priced according to the distance away from Vågå.
Selection and entry fee
Before 1th March: 750,- NOK
After 1th March: 1 000,- NOK
After 4th June: 1 250 ,- NOK
To get the listed rates Norwegians must pre-pay, foreigners is allowed to pay at registration.
For pre-payment in Norway, use account 1644 33 33 200. Kontonavn Norgestreffet, Merk med dit navn i KID-feltet!
Prize fund and scoring categories
1,2,3 in the Nationals
1,2,3 in Sport Class
General schedule
10:00 Welcomebriefing and information. Current forecasts.
10:30 Transport to launch.
13:00 Training task.
21.00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Sunday, 7/9:
10:00 Briefing.
10:30Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21.00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Monday, 7/10:
10:00 Briefing.
10:30Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21.00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Tuesday, 7/11:
10:00 Briefing.
10:30Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21.00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Wednesday, 7/12:
10:00 Briefing.
10:30Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21.00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Thursday, 7/13:
10:00 Briefing.
10:30 Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21.00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Friday, 7/14:
10:00 Briefing.
10:30 Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21.00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Saturday, 7/15:
10:00 Briefing.
10:30 Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21.00 Prize giving dinner at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Daily schedule
10:30 Transport to launch.
12:00 Briefing at launch.
21:00 Todays video/photos at Pizzabaker'n / Klubben
Accommodation and Activities
If you wonder where to sleep in Vågå, you have several options:
The National hang and paragliding center in Vågå offers cheap accommodation, but have now only 10 places inside. The center will also have two minibuses in action during the event to get people to the start and pick up pilots all around afterwards. You can put up your tent there or stay in your "mobile home"
For booking use: rikssenteret@gmail.com or call +47 95521275 (You may have to wait a litle before they answer)
Other places to stay in Vågå
Vågå Hotel Tlf: 61239550 Fax: 61239551 e-post:post@vagahotel.no
Smedsmo Camping & Fritid 61 23 74 50 Vågåvegen 70, 2680 Vågå
Holongsøy Camping Tlf: 61 23 72 70
Valbjør gard Nordherad, 2680 Vågå. Tlf 908 22 989, post@valbjoer.no
for more info please visit: www.visitvaga.no
How to get here
Vaga is located in the Otta valley and there is several options to get there, the most commen is: From Oslo and Trondheim take road E6 in the Gubrandsdal valley. When you arrive at Otta turn of E6 and follow the signs to Lom. After 30 minutes of driving you will arrive at Vågåmo. There will be a sign to the national center of Hang and paragliding
Vågå Norway
Oslo Airport (http://www.osl.no/en/osl), located 140 km south of Lillehammer. A major international airport with flights from the USA and major European cities. Northbound trains (to Lillehammer and Oppland) pass through the station in the basement of the airport. The E6, the main northbound road, is close to the airport.
The small Fagernes airport (http://www.fagernesairport.com/) serves the Valdres region, few daily flights.
Express buses mainly traveling on E6 (Oslo-Lillehammer-Trondheim, Oslo-Lillehammer-Skjåk, Oslo-Lillehammer-Måløy, Oslo-Lillehammer-Kristiansund) and E16 (Oslo-Fagernes-Årdal-Sogndal, Lillehammer-Fagernes-Bergen)
Nor-Way Bussekspress (http://www.nor-way.no/). edit. Most express buses running through the region are operated by this company. Connections to Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen, Nordfjord and Møre
Valdresekspressen (http://www.valdresekspressen.no/), ☎ +47 61 36 59 00, fax: +47 61 36 16 00, e-mail: post@valdresekspressen.no. edit. Route (Up to six daily departures): Oslo-Hønefoss-Valdres-Sogn and Oslo-Hønefoss-Valdres-Jotunheimen.
Øst-Vest Xpressen (http://www.ostvestxpressen.no/), ☎ +47 61 36 59 00, fax: +47 61 36 16 00, e-mail: jvb@jvb.no. edit. Route (One departue per day): Bergen-Voss-Lærdal-Valdres-Land-Lillehammer.
Gudbrandsdalekspressen (http://www.gudbrandsdalekspressen.no/). edit. Route: Oslo-Gardermoen-Lillehammer-Gudbrandsdalen.
JVB (http://www.jvb.no/ local buses), ☎ +47 61 36 59 00, fax: +47 61 36 16 00, e-mail: jvb@jvb.no. 08-16. edit. Connections to Gjøvik, Gol, Lærdal and Gjende.
There are a number of buses into the Jotenheim including the Fjord 1 service along the Sognefjellet to Sognal from Otta and Lom, and buses to Gejnde.
Oppland is served by three lines: The Gjøvik line from Oslo (terminates at Gjøvik), the main line north to Trondheim runs through, and the Rauma line Åndalsnes-Dombås:
NSB's regional trains (http://www.nsb.no/) run 1-2 times per hour between Oslo and Lillehammer. They stop at the Oslo airport and in Hamar.
NSB regional trains go Oslo-Gjøvik, stopping at several places.
NSB intercity trains go between Oslo and Trondheim, 3-4 times per day. In Oppland, they stop at Lillehammer, Hunderfossen, Ringebu, Vinstra, Otta, Dombås.
NSB Rauma line from Åndalsnes to Dombås.
Norway's main road, the E6, runs south-north through Oppland and connects most of Oppland to other parts of Norway. Road E16 runs western (Valdres) and southern Oppland, the E16 connects Oppland to Bergen in the west and central Sweden in the east.
Waypoint files
- vaga-open-hg-2016.CompeGPS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GoogleEarth.kml
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GPX.gpx
- vaga-open-hg-2016.SeeYou.cup
- vaga-open-hg-2016.FS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.UTM.utm
- vaga-open-hg-2016.CompeGPS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GoogleEarth.kml
- vaga-open-hg-2016.GPX.gpx
- vaga-open-hg-2016.SeeYou.cup
- vaga-open-hg-2016.FS.wpt
- vaga-open-hg-2016.UTM.utm

Event Organizer
- Olav Opsanger
- olav.opsanger@canon.no
- Tormod Helgesen
- +4799588604
- torm-hel@online.no
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |

- Olav Opsanger (12)
- Bjoern Joakimsen (7)
- Arnfinn Markeng (14)
The winner of the Open competition was also the National Champion of 2016
Open resultsTasks and results

Task 3
22 Jun, 2016
Class 1 — 69.1 km — Race to goal

Task 4
23 Jun, 2016
Class 1 — 90.2 km — Race to goal

Task 5
25 Jun, 2016
Class 1 — 60.5 km — Race to goal