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- Registration
Event info
LFL (LLL) 2016 is Lithuanian Flatland League (Lietuvos Lygumų Lyga)
3rd round Vilnius Cup 2016 (Vilniaus taurė 2016) is an open competition in XC discipline will be held 24-26 days of June.
Competitors will be towed up with payout winch.
Flying site
Leonpolis is a flatland fligint site in Ukmergės region of Lithiania. It located on the bank of Dovydiskiu tvenkenys water basin. Take off methos is towing. It offers fine soaring conditions over crop fields of central part of the country.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall - EN/LTF A-B-C-D,CCC
- Sport - EN/LTF A-B-C
- Standard - EN/LTF A-B
- Female
- Dainius Liegus
- +37067244452
- dainius.liegus@gmail.com
- Tadas Sidaravičius
- +37068555333
- tadas@pg.lt
Event info
LFL (LLL) 2016 is Lithuanian Flatland League (Lietuvos Lygumų Lyga)
3rd round Vilnius Cup 2016 (Vilniaus taurė 2016) is an open competition in XC discipline will be held 24-26 days of June.
Competitors will be towed up with payout winch. Towing will take place on roads near Leonpolis (Ukmergės region). In case of not suitable weather conditions, organizers will choose optional starting fields to start from.
More infor can be found here: http://www.skrydis.lt/vt/2016/
Next LLL rounds:
Arcus Cup 2016 - August 13-15
Panevėžys Cup 2016 - September 3-4 (alternate 10-11)
Selection and entry fee
50 EUR entry fee can be paid by bank transfer by June 13th (inclusive). Later fee will be increased up to 60 EUR can be
paid by bank transfer by June 20th (inclusive) or by cash during the registration at Competition HQ. If competition is
canceled 80% of the entry fee will be returned.
Tow fee is not included into the entry fee. The price is 6 EUR per tow.
Entry fee should be paid to:
Company Name: Association "Laisvo skrydžio" klubas.
Company Code: 193268221.
Company Address: Paluknys vil. Trakai distr., LT21168.
Bank: SEB Bank AB, Vilnius.
Account No (IBAN): LT17 7044 0600 0776 8037.
Entry fee includes:
Competition HQ infrastructure (outdoor shower, outdoor WC, electricity, trash removal, etc.).
Lunch packet.
Evening meals on the first two competition days.
Light breakfast: snacks, water, tea, coffee, etc.
Awards and diplomas for the winners.
Prize fund and scoring categories
Sport - EN/LTF A-B-C;
Standard - EN/LTF A-B;
LSK & SB (among local club members)
Pilots compete individually.
General schedule
Day 1:
08:30 registration begins
10:00 registration ends
10:30 briefing at Competition HQ, launch site announcement
11:00 briefing at launch site, task announcement
11:30 start window open
17:00 start window closed
18:30 finish window closed
20:00 evening meals
21:00 deadline for the delivery of GPS results
Days 2:
08:30 morning meals
10:30 briefing at Competition HQ, launch site announcement
11:00 briefing at launch site, task announcement
11:30 start window open
17:00 start window closed
18:30 finish window closed
20:00 evening meals
21:00 deadline for the delivery of GPS results
Day 3 (or final day of the competition)
08:30 morning meals
10:30 briefing at Competition HQ, launch site announcement
11:00 briefing at launch site, task announcement
11:30 start window open
16:00 start window closed
17:00 finish window closed
18:30 deadline for the delivery of GPS results
19:00 award ceremony
Daily schedule
10:30 briefing at Competition HQ, launch site announcement
11:00 briefing at launch site, task announcement
11:30 start window open
17:00 start window closed
18:30 finish window closed
20:00 evening meals
21:00 deadline for the delivery of GPS results
Accommodation and Activities
Campsite info: "field" type facilities, wooden toilets, shower.
Country tourism farmstead or hotel may be organised upon request, please contact organizer if needed: dainius.liegus@gmail.com
How to get here
Deltuva Competition HQ: https://goo.gl/jbuRbv; http://goo.gl/u81TPF
20305, Lithuania
Leonpolis Lithuania
The nearest airport is Vilinius.
Web: www.vilnius-airport.lt
It takes about 1 hour to get there from Vilinius (89 km) via A2 to Ukmergės and then A6.
From A6 road turn to Leonpolis. After 1.5km turn right, go past the farm complex, to the lake.
Waypoint files

- Dainius Liegus
- +37067244452
- dainius.liegus@gmail.com
- Tadas Sidaravičius
- +37068555333
- tadas@pg.lt
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Tasks and results

Task 1
24 Jun, 2016
43.1 km — Elapsed time

Task 2
25 Jun, 2016
70.6 km — Elapsed time