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Event info

The 2016 aerobattle welcomes the flying knights of the Balkans and beyond who will cover great distances over the local mosaic of mountains, hills, valleys and flatlands - a true playground for the true air warrior.

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Flying site

Zlatitsa is located in West part of Bulgaria, situated 85 km east of Sofia. The town is in the middle of of a valley between Stara Planina and Sredna Gora. The takoff is accessible from the landing and HQ via 9km asphalt road and 1km unpaved road.

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  • 80 Pilots max allowed
  • 4 Countries presented
  • ✅ All wing types allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • overall
  • female
  • sport
  • bg national
  • team

Event info

The 2016 aerobattle welcomes the flying knights of the Balkans and beyond who will cover great distances over the local mosaic of mountains, hills, valleys and flatlands - a true playground for the true air warrior. Join us! Follow us! Aerobattle 2016 will be National Championship of Bulgaria and is going to take place in August from 23th till 28th at Zlatitsa, Bulgaria. Sky-camp and Free Dimension paragliding clubs combined with all Bulgarian pilots welcome you to this great event!

Flying site

Zlatitsa is located in West part of Bulgaria, situated 85 km east of Sofia. The town is in the middle of of a valley between Stara Planina and Sredna Gora. The takoff is accessible from the landing and HQ via 9km asphalt road and 1km unpaved road. It is located on the south slope of Stara Planina mountain on 1250m. The best wind directions are SE, S and SW. It is also flyable in not very strong W- NW and E-NE winds.
The highest peaks in the area are Vezhen 2198m, Paskal 2029m and Sveshtiplaz 1888m.
The mountain range has an easy terrain without deep gorges and is well orientated west to east (ar. 500km from the west borders of Bulgaria to the east coast).
The altitude difference is 500m.

The climate is mainly dry and the best flying season is spring and summer. The prevailing winds in the winter are W-NW 6-10m/s; summer – SE and NE 2-6m/s;
Flying days are limited in the winter due to strong northerly winds. In summer the average number of flying days per week is 4-6.
There is a big valley south of the mountain and long mountain ridge which gives the place an excellent cross-country potential.
The town of Zlatitsa is easily accessible from the Sofia international airport, railways and bus station. Journey by car takes about 1h 20min. Still, only 2 small international competitions were held here. The last one was from 2006.
The best flying season is from May till September with often strong thermals of average climb more than 3-4 m/s and cloud base at 2500-3000 m ASL. Updrafts around the takeoff are not very strong but on the main ridge are usually well formed with Cumulus clouds on top of them. In spring the chances of overdevelopment are high and have to be respected.
The winter season is only flyable when the the winds are not not too strong from the north.
The thermal activity in summer is very good and sometimes with strong climbs of around 5-7m/s. During autumn and winter there is also thermal activity but it depends on the synoptic situation – the climbs are around 1-2m/s when existing.
The average thermal strength in winter is 0,5m/s; spring – 3m/s; summer – 4m/s; autumn – 1,5m/s.
Usually, the best hours for takeoff are 11:30-14:00 local time. In summer thermals work from 11:00 till 18:30.
The longest flights made from here are 100-120km XC to the east and usual fights there are about 30-40 km.

Take off : 1123 m ASL, 42°43'48" (42.7302)N; 24°5'32" (24.0923)E
Orientation South. It is a spacious grassy field free from obstacles.
Landing : 747 m ASL 42°43'20" (42.7223)N; 24°6'49" (24.1137)E

Selection and entry fee

Maximum participant number is limited to 80 pilots.
Live tracking is mandatory.
Only pilots who hold FAI Para Pro 5 or equivalent can take part in the competition.
The selection procedure is simple - first paid first confirmed.
Registration deadline – 22nd of August 2016, payment deadline – first competition day.

Entry fee:
The entry fee is 130BGN (67 EUR)

Entry fee includes:
* Transportation for all competition days (also some limited transportation for training and free flying days)
* T-shirt
* Lunch pack for every competition day
* Scoring, maps with turnpoints, ID

Entry fee DO NOT includes:
* Transportation from/to your hotel and HQ, though special taxi price will be available between HQ in Tsarkvishte village and town Zlatitsa and Pirdop which are less than a 10min drive.
* Trackers for livetracking - we recommend every pilot to use a smartphone of his own and AIRTRIBUNE APP available for Android and iPhone. We have prepared a small present for everybody who uses his smartphone for livetracking and a free data SIM card for the time of the competition (request your free DATA SIM card as early as possible on aerobattle2014@gmail.com, but not later than 18. August 2016). For those who can not use their own livetracking devices the organization can provide Teltonica GH3000 trackers at additional cost of 10EUR for the whole competition - which includes daily management of the tracker and a data SIM card. If you like to use our trackers please state this during registration and pay the management cost with your entry fee. Live tracking device renting will be available to book until 20. August 2016. After this date every pilot should find by himself a mean for livetracking. Pilots with no livetracking will be penalized. This is very important for the pilots safety and for the fast retrieve during the event. If you have any questions about livetracking the organization team will be happy to help you solve your problems.

Pilots will be confirmed after:
1. Sending their scanned ParaPro 5 (or equivalent) license to aerobattle2014@gmail.com.
2. Sending to aerobattle2014@gmail.com what livetracking option are they going to use and if they need DATA SIM card.
3. Paying the entry fee: 130BGN ( if you want to rent Teltonica GH3000 live tracker, please add 20BGN/10EUR management cost to your entry fee payment.
You can pay by Bank transfer, Cash, PayPal or the best and fastest way is to use you Credit/Debit Card with the on-line payment option below.

a) Bank transfer: (if you pay by bank transfer keep in mind that you need to cover all costs and taxes for the transfer, that usually means that you have to pay up to 15-25EU more for taxes, depending on your bank)
IBAN details - will be sent by e-mail ON REQUEST!

b) Cash - no taxes.

c) you can pay by PayPal to avoid paying high bank transfer taxes (you need to be registered with PayPal)
transfer the entry fee plus 6BGN / 3 EU for paypal taxes - that means you have to enter the following amount: 136BGN / 70 EU.
PayPal account e-mail to whom you have to pay: cyclon -(at)- mail (.) com
Pilots should choose this option from paypal when making the transfer
"What are you sending money for?"
"( *)I'm sending money to family or friends"

d) Online payment with Credit/Debit card (using ePay.bg) - use the link below – click on Pay with Visa/Mastercard or Bank Card, or if you have an account with ePay.bg just enter your login details


If you have any questions please write to aerobattle2014@gmail.com.
Your registration status should be updated in maximum 2-3 days from receiving clear payment.

Prize fund and scoring categories

1. Overall
2. Female
3. BG national
4. Sport class - up to EN-C (or equivalent)

General schedule

Training day: 22 VIII
Registration: 22 VIII from 18:00 till 21:00 and 23.VIII from 08:00 till 08:40
Opening ceremony: 23rd from 09:00 till 09:30
Mandatory safety briefing: 23rd from 09:30 till 10:00
Competition days: from 23 - 27.08.2016
Reserve competition day: 28.08.2016 – if we have 3 or less valid tasks
Weather & Safety briefing: daily at HQ from 08:30
Task briefing : every competition day from 11:00 on takeoff site
Prize-giving party (closing ceremony) with music and free beer: 28th at 19:00 (or at 10.00 if no task on 28th )

Daily schedule

08:30 - Headquarters opens
09:00 - 11:00 - Transport to take-off
10:40 - Meet Director and Task Committee meetings
11:00 - Pilots briefing / Task definition
11:30 - Take-off window opens
18:00 - Scoring office opens at the main Headquarters
20:00 – Landing deadline and Safe landing report deadline
20:30 - Scoring office closes
21:00 - Provisional results

If we use reserve takeoff - Sopot, Vratsa or Korduna, departure from HQ will be at 8.30.
For 28th of august landing deadline will be 17.30.
Schedule is subject to change by Meet director.

Accommodation and Activities

1. Hotel "Sredna Gora", Pirdop
With the special pilot discount, you can stay there for around 20-30lv per night. The capacity is 70 people - 20 twin, 1 triple, 2 quad rooms and a few apartments.

Phone: +359 884 00 39 58
Coordinates: 42.700846 N, 24.179250 E
Website: http://hotelsrednagora.com/ (in bulgarian only)

2. Hotel "Central", Pirdop
This hotel has a capacity of 30 people and they also provide special prices for pilots - 40lv night for a double room, 50lv for a triple, 55 for a quad room and 85 for an appartment for 7 people.

Phone: +359 888 099 300; +359 887 25 50 51
Coordinates: 42.700745 N, 24.180994 E
Website: http://hotel.central-pirdop.com (in bulgarian only)

3. Hotel "Antique", Zlatitsa
Only one appartment left. They offer breakfast.

Phone: +359 885 34 83 81
Coordinates: 42.713293 N, 24.139359 E
Website: http://hotel-antique.com/index_en.html

4. Family hotel "Moderen han" and Guest house "Pod kestena", Tsarkvishte
The hotel offers 3 double rooms for 50lv each, including breakfast. The capacity of the guest house is 12 people - 150lv per night. It's closest to the HQ and the route to the main takeoff.

Phone: +359 896 83 75 15
Coordinates: 42.725115 N, 24.107472 E
Website: http://moderenhan.net76.net/, http://podkestena.free.bg

5. Murgana Hut, 1430m
The best option if you have a car is to stay at Murgana hut, high in the mountain. The hut is not far from the takeoff and offers very confy rooms, fresh air and the perfect view. The capacity of the hut is 80 people, the price for one person is 12lv per night.

Phone: +359 886 89 04 44
Coordinates: 42.728268 N, 24.051024 E
Website: http://chelopech.org/?page=1797 (in bulgarian only)

For more infomation - web sites or write to our accommodation manager for info and booking on atomeva@gmail.com.

How to get here

We can provide transportation to pilots from SOFIA Airport/Bus station/ Railway station to Zlatitsa HQ by our club mini bus.
The price is 20BGN / 12eu per person. Send details for booking transport on: aerobattle2014@gmail.com

Zlatitsa Bulgaria


Sofia International Airport - regular flights to many destinations. You can easily arrive to the city center from Sofia Airport.
There is a underground station at the airport. That is the most convinient way to get to the center or to the Bus/Train station.
After you pass imigration and custom control you exit from the Arrival Hall and enter the public area of the airport. Turn left and walk to the far east end of the the terminal and there you will see the signs for the metro (underground) station. This is the last station so you have only one option (Metro line 2).
To get to the Train/Bus station you have to transfer to Metro line 1 at Serdica station. Tickets are sold in the station and the price is 1BGN ( if you have a big bag - like a paraglider, you have to buy 1 more ticket for the luggage).
The journey time to the Train/Bus station is around 30min


You can take a train to get to Zlatitsa from Sofia.
There are 8 train a day. Check time table here: http://www.bdz.bg/en/


It takes about 1 hour 20 min (77 km) to get to Zlatitsa by car from Sofia airport. Take highway E871 in the direction of Burgas


Waypoint files


Paragliding school and tandem flights
Sofia, Bulgaria
Free Dimension Zlatitsa
Zlatitsa, Bulgaria
Free Dimension Chelopech
paragliding club
Chelopech, Bulgaria
georgi jordanov
Organization Director
Teodora Velichkova
Organization board
Georgi Topuzov
PR and Organization board
Georgi Topuzov
Task committee
georgi jordanov
Task committee




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Aerobattle 2016

Zlatitsa, Bulgaria


  1. Adrian Atanasov (71)
  2. Yavor Plashilski (171)
  3. Alexey Makarov (4)

overall results

bg national

  1. Adrian Atanasov (71)
  2. Yavor Plashilski (171)
  3. georgi jordanov (7)

bg national results


  1. Boriana Chtirkova (41)
  2. Anastasia Zubkova (27)
  3. Svetlana Pozharskikh (285)

female results


  1. Sergey Tikhonov (375)
  2. Georgi Dimov (66)
  3. Boriana Chtirkova (41)

Tasks and results

Task 2

25 Aug, 2016

60.2 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 3

26 Aug, 2016

60.3 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 4

27 Aug, 2016

56.9 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 5

28 Aug, 2016

44.4 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
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