- Blog
- Summary
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- Pilots
- Registration
Event info
With this year the Austrian Championship for Flex 1 (FAI CAT2) will take place in Ludesch within our yearly competition Ludesch Open 2022.
Due to current situation with Covid 19 its still not finally decided which measuers we have to take into consideration.
- left before start of event
Registration will open on
05/01 09:06 (GMT)
Live trackers supplied
The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring
Helicopter rescue
The region supports helicopter rescues
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Live trackers mandatory
Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. The organiser will provide the trackers.
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
There will be an organised party during or after the event
Live music
There will be live music or a DJ at the event
Lead Competition
- Dietmar Tschabrun
- didiontour@hotmail.com
Organisation Coordinator
- Willi Schanung
- 436645252980
- wschanung@gmail.com
Event info
With this year the Austrian Championship for Flex 1 (FAI CAT2) will take place in Ludesch within our yearly competition Ludesch Open 2022.
Due to current situation with Covid 19 its still not finally decided which measuers we have to take into consideration. This we expect within the next weeks.
We will start preparation of this competition and keep you informed.
Local rules and in the entry fee included Services:
1. ID card & safety/contact information – Yes
2. Map with take-offs, turnpoints, landings, restricted areas – Yes
3. Turnpoints files – Yes
4. Contest numbers – No
5. Lunch pack – Yes
6. Water on take-off – Yes
7. Toilets on take-off – No
8. Transport to take-off – Yes
9. GPS track-log download – Yes
10. Live-tracking – Yes
11. Free internet (Wi-Fi) access at the HQ – Yes
12. Opening ceremony – No
13. Closing ceremony – No
14. Briefings in English – Yes
15. Daily meteorology briefing – Yes
16. Retrieve by organisers’ vehicles free of charge – Yes
17. Drinks at goal– Yes
Medical Services included into Entry fee:
1. First Aid on take-off (doctor, paramedic) – Yes
2. Ambulance on take-off – Yes
3. Helicopter evacuation – Yes If yes, Response time __10__ min.
4. Mountain rescue team – Yes
5. Nearest Hospital – LKH Bludenz, Spitalgasse 13, 6700 Bludenz
Is live-tracking mandatory – Yes
Trackers provides by organiser – Partially; own trackers preferred
Alternatively: Pilot shall bring his tracker – Yes
Dedicated person assigned to watch live tracking – Yes
Live tracking server provider name:
GPS Flight Verification.
Live Tracking (GPS/Vario as Back up)
Please ensure to you bring cables for your GPS/Varios for Datadownload as we can
not ensure to have for each model/type the right cable available !
€ 36,- Protests has to raise up 30 Min after official Results of the day in written form to the Comp Leader;
Selection and entry fee
registered fix only if registered via airtribune.com and payment in advance on the following account:
Last date of registration: SON 29.05.2022 - 08:00 p.m.
DFC Blumenegg Union
Nenngeld Ludesch Open
Raiba Walgau Großwalsertal
IBAN AT153745800005790001
Don´t FORGET your Name on the Money Transfer
90% money back in case of competition cancellation by organization team !
DFC Blumenegg Union
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
Cancellation Policy
In case of not participating even sanction fee is paid - no money back.
Prize fund and scoring categories
2nd € 200
3rd € 150
General schedule
FRI 3rd June 2022
08:00 - 10:00 Come together, Hand out of Trackers,
10:00 Welcome Briefing
11:00 Transport to Starting Place
12:00 Task Briefing
13:00 Start Task 1
SAT 04th to MON 06 June 2022 (MON is bank holiday)
Competition Flights with Prize-giving ceremony after final Task
There will be no Alternative Date; Based on weather condition we we keep FRI and MON flexibel dates, means if needed we will start with competition on SAT will finish already on SUN. For a valid competition we need min 2 Tasks.
Daily schedule
10:00 - Daily General Briefing (General Topics, current weather conditions, weather forecast,...)
10:30 - Transportation to Launch
11:00 - Task and Safety Committee meetings
12:00 - Pilots briefing / Task Announcement
12:30 - Launch window opens - (depending upon conditions)
17:30 - GPS Download @ HQ
20:00 - Provisional results posted
Accommodation and Activities
How to get here
Drachenfliegerclub Blumenegg Union
6713 Ludesch
Нeimenovani put, Serbien
6713 Ludesch Austria
Waypoint files

Lead Competition
- Dietmar Tschabrun
- didiontour@hotmail.com
Organisation Coordinator
- Willi Schanung
- 436645252980
- wschanung@gmail.com