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Event info

Campeonato Brasileiro de Parapente - Primeira Etapa - Castelo - ES - de 01 a 07 de maio de 2016 é realizada na Rampa do Ubá.
Campeonato Brasileiro de Parapente Will be held at Rampa do Uba take off of Castelo flying site in Espirito Santo.

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Flying site

Castelo is located in about 450 km NE from Rio de Janeiro and 145 km from the state capital Vitória. It stands at 100 meters above sea level. Castelo's borders are: Alfredo Chaves and Domingos Martins (E), Venda Nova do Imigrante and Conceição do Castelo (N), Muniz Freire and Alegre (W) and Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (S.

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  • 125 Pilots max allowed
  • 5 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Event info

Campeonato Brasileiro de Parapente - Primeira Etapa - Castelo - ES - de 01 a 07 de maio de 2016 é realizada na Rampa do Ubá.
Campeonato Brasileiro de Parapente Will be held at Rampa do Uba take off of Castelo flying site in Espirito Santo.

Flying site

Castelo is located in about 450 km NE from Rio de Janeiro and 145 km from the state capital Vitória. It stands at 100 meters above sea level. Castelo's borders are: Alfredo Chaves and Domingos Martins (E), Venda Nova do Imigrante and Conceição do Castelo (N), Muniz Freire and Alegre (W) and Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (S).
The town is surrounded by mountains each having a suitable place for take off. The fights are made along the river valley of Rio Castelo and Rio Itapemirim. This place has hosted PWC in 2006, 2008 and 2012 and is a regular place for local national competitions.

Take off : 20°35'18" (20.5885)S; 41°9'55" (41.1655)W , 676 m ASL.
The launch ground is a natural wide grass ramp, with no restrictions, slight slope angle, easy to take-off. Best season from September to March, but its possible to fly all year round. There is S wind almost every afternoon, making the flight easy, pleasant and with a beautiful view to enjoy. To get there drive 8 miles from downtown Castelo on a good dirt road, after through Fazenda das Flores farm, go uphill heading to Apeninos, then follow the signs.
Landing : 20°36'40" (20.6113)S; 41°9'14" (41.1539)W, 98 m ASL.
Official landing site is on Fazenda das Flores farm; there are many alternative landing spots. One can easily reach downtown, landing on the soccer field.

Take off : 20°36'12" (20.6034)S; 41°5'8" (41.0856)W, 919 m ASL.
The launch ground is natural grass ramp, makes easy take-off. There are restrooms. 17.5 miles from Castelo on a good dirt road to get there.
Landing : 20°35'18" (20.5886)S; 41°6'44" (41.1125)W, 110 m ASL.
Official landing area on Fazenda da Prata. Many alternative landing areas.

Sao Vicente
Take off - 20°38'35" (20.6432)S; 41°5'16" (41.088)W , 714 m ASL.
The launch ground is an ample grassy hilltop. Start is easy.
Landing : 20°38'12" (20.6367)S; 41°7'0" (41.1169)W, 104 m ASL.

Patrimonio do Ouro
Take off : 20°34'3" (20.5677)S; 41°4'55" (41.082)W, 835 m ASL.
The launch ground is a grassy hill slope.
Landing : 20°35'27" (20.5911)S; 41°6'44" (41.1124)W, 111 m ASL.
The closest is the football field, but there are other landings following the valley in direction of Castello.

Alto Chapéu
Take off : 20°34'53" (20.5816)S; 41°15'28" (41.258)W , 816 m ASL.

Take off info source: http://www.paraglidingearth.com/

Selection and entry fee

As inscrições para as 125 vagas da I Etapa do Brasileiro de Parapente, em Castelo/ES, estão abertas no site da CBVL, acessando o link “Competições” dentro de sua “Área de Piloto”.
Alternativamente você pode ter acesso através do link: www.abvl.com.br/login/comps/ , inserindo seu CPF e senha.

A inscrição para PILOTOS ESTRANGEIROS pode ser feita pelo site: www.abvl.com.br/foreigners

Prize fund and scoring categories

Processamento das Inscrições, Prazos e Distribuição das Vagas por Estados:

Essas informações podem ser conferidas em: www.abvl.net/1a-etapa-do-campeonato-brasileiro-de-parapente/

General schedule

Sabado (30/04/2016) Confirmação das Inscrições, UpLoad Waypoints, Entrega de Kits
Domingo (01/05/2016) a Sabado (07/05/2016) Provas

Daily schedule

9:00 – Subida para Rampa (QG)
10:30 – Briefing
18:00 – Marcação de Vôo
21:00 – Resultado

Accommodation and Activities

Lista de Hoteis e Pousadas www.hipoxia.com.br/brasileiro2016/

How to get here

Pilotos de fora da competição e Birutas:

Os pilotos não inscritos na competição não podem decolar da Rampa do Ubá nos dias de prova, desde que procurem o Diretor de Prova (ver nome a baixo) e/ou Juiz de Decolagem, se inscrevendo como Birutas, apresentando suas habilitações, assinando termo de responsabilidade especifico e seguindo as regras as quais estarão subordinados (decolar na hora determinada, voar na frequência da organização, não voar a rota da prova, etc).

Castelo - ES, 29360-000, Brazil
Castelo Brazil


The central internationa airport is Rio de Janeiro. Web: http://www.riogaleao.com/
From there you can take a connection flight to Vitoria or take a coach to Alegre.
The nearest airport is Vitoria. Eurico de Aguiar Salles.


It takes about 11 hours to get to Castelo from Rio by express bus. Find the schedule here.


From Rio
It takes about 6,5 hours to get there from Rio. Take highway BR-101.

From Vitoria
It takes about 2,5 hours to get there. Take highways BR-101, BR-262 and road ES-477.


Waypoint files


Hipoxia Adventures




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Women     confirmed

Men     confirmed

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Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
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Tasks and results

Task 2

02 May, 2016

60.1 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 3

03 May, 2016

68.5 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 4

04 May, 2016

87.9 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 6

06 May, 2016

65.0 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 7

07 May, 2016

71.1 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
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