- Blog
- Summary
- Details
- Pilots
- Registration
Event info
Attention! Before and after registering for Flow Mosel Open 21, please read the Blog first! We will provide regular informations and important updates here.
Welcome to the postponed 11th Flow Mosel Paragliding Open 2021.
- left before start of event
Live trackers supplied
The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring
Helicopter rescue
The region supports helicopter rescues
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
Plastic reduction
The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall
- Overall female
- State Titeles RLP/SAR
- State Titeles NRW
- Best Team
- Subtopper
- Oliver Blonske
- blonske@mwz24.de
- Silke Pahlke
- Pahlkesilke@gmail.com
Event info
Attention! Before and after registering for Flow Mosel Open 21, please read the Blog first! We will provide regular informations and important updates here.
Welcome to the postponed 11th Flow Mosel Paragliding Open 2021.
Please read the Blog carefully first!
Thanks for your interest in flying and competing at our Mosel River sites.
We are very happy and proud to be supported again by Flow Paragliders from Goldcoast Australia, represented by the Suisse Flow Team: Jan and Carel Lübbig.
For those who are unfamiliar with the area, the famous Moselle is running down from France through Luxembourg until it joins the mighty Rhine. The Moselle twists and turns its way between Trier and Koblenz along Germany's most beautiful river valleys, exactly where our takeoffs are located - at the steep wineyards of the Moselle, which allows us short ways for any wind direction. Save flatland flying with tricky technical handicaps because we are surrounded by some airspaces. Except the big SW take off at Klüsserath our take offs are pretty small. That is the reason our competition is limited to max. 85 Pilots.
We are running this event since 2007 now. and we are looking forward to invite the Mosel Open community again for no.11 at the beginning of May 2021. We will finish the event on a Saturday. That guarantees everybody a smart drive home and there is no excuse to skip the big price giving ceremony at our HQ Deutsch Herrenhof.
Selection and entry fee
Our 11th Flow Mosel Open 2020 was impossible to realize last year and postponed to 2021.
70 pilots out of 85 confirmed participants decided against a refund of the entry fee and signed in for 2021. These pilots are already confirmed!
Cancellation Policy
Prize fund and scoring categories
Overall male/female
State Titles NRW and RLP/SAR
Best Team
General schedule
We meet every morning latest 9:30 am at the HQ. Pilots jump the busses to access our take offs. According to the wind direction we drive between 10 and 45 mins. up to our take offs.
Strictly no private driving or parking on take off or roads leading to the take off.
Detailed and longer briefing on take off.
Changes and daily informations are provided at the HQ or the Airtribune Blog!
Daily schedule
Training day with training task shown here on Airtribune,
16pm Official sign in/, download and registration
Weds May 26th:
DOWNLOAD and reggo for late arrivals 8:00 to 9:00 am.
Mandadatory briefing 9:00 am at the HQ or a quick start to take off.
Thursday May 27th:
9:30am short briefing before leaving to take off at 10:00am
Friday May 28th:
9:30am short briefing before leaving to take off at 10:00am
Saturday May 29th:
9:30am short briefing before leaving to take off at 10:00am
19:00pm a price giving ceremonie with meditaranean buffet serviced drinks according to the restricted Covid 19 possibilities is on hold. We will work a concept with our host.
Accommodation and Activities
Please remind: Mosel Tourism will start in April again after monthes of shutdown, all accomodations might be booked out soon, don´t book too late!
Our Tip: Hotel Deutschherrenhof where the HQ is hosted:
HQ is located at the Hotel Deutschherrenhof, different price catgories, send a request.
Social Events, Briefing and Departure every day from/at the Deutschherrenhof.
1km south of the HQ underneath the bridge is a Camp for Mobilhomes only. Means no shower and toilet.
1,5 km north of the HQ, same road, is an official caravanpark.
We will shuttle pilots from both places to the HQ every the morning. Easy walking distance without gear. No wild camping!
WOMOS: Es gibt 1km vom HQ entfernt einen reinen Womostellplatz unterhalb der Brücke Zeltingen. Aber: Ohne Sanitär, also keine Duschen und Toiletten, nur für autarke Womos, wird kontrolliert.
Oberhalb des HQ, ca 1,5km in Erden, ist ein richtiger Campingplatz, z.B. für die VW Bulis etc.
Wir werden morgens von beiden o.g. Camps die Piloten zum HQ shutteln. Abfahrt ist jeden Morgen unterhalb des HQ. Easy walking distance zu beiden Camps.
Our Tip for B&B:
"Altes Schulhaus Rachtig"
phone: +49 6532 3659
TIP! Winery Bachuss, The Place to Be! booked/full
Only 2 km distance : https://camping-erden.de/
Campground at the riversite.
Campground at the other Riversite,
How to get here
Deutschherrenhof, Deutschherrenstrasse 23 in 54492 Zeltingen Rachtig
Zeltingen-Rachtig is about 40kms north east of Trier, next smaller well known town is Bernkastel-Kues. Next Airport is Ryan Air/Frankfurt Hahn.
Railway line direction Trier or Koblenz, stop at Wittlich/Bombogen.
Zeltingen-Rachtig Germany
Waypoint files

- Oliver Blonske
- blonske@mwz24.de
- Silke Pahlke
- Pahlkesilke@gmail.com