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Event info

Welcome to the Copa Intrépidos 2015!
This is the official website for the Copa Intrépidos 2015 - Mexican League Final (Valle de Bravo, Mexico), FAI Cat. 2 Paragliding Open to be held from January 5th-10th of 2015.

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Flying site

Valle de Bravo is known for being not only a good place to fly but also for its consistency of many good and reliable flyable days. The best flying season starts on January and it goes until April when the rain season starts.

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Go to Pilot List
  • 150 Pilots max allowed
  • 14 Countries presented
  • ✅ All wing types allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • SERIAL (LTF 2-3 or regular EN D)
  • SPORT (LTF 2 or EN C)
  • LADIES (Any category)
  • NATIONAL (Mexican pilots on the 2014 season tour)
  • Overall


Event info

Welcome to the Copa Intrépidos 2015!
This is the official website for the Copa Intrépidos 2015 - Mexican League Final (Valle de Bravo, Mexico), FAI Cat. 2 Paragliding Open to be held from January 5th-10th of 2015. On behalf of the organization, we thank you for visiting us and we hope your stay and flights in Valle de Bravo to be most pleasuring and memorable.

Please refer to the Information section for further reference for the competition, the flying site, accommodations, etc. and to the Registry section to register and pay for your pilot slot. Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions or special requirements planning your trip to Valle de Bravo.

Flying site

Valle de Bravo is known for being not only a good place to fly but also for its consistency of many good and reliable flyable days. The best flying season starts on January and it goes until April when the rain season starts. Rainy days are also flyable for a few hours, just don´t expect the best XC conditions. Rain season ends in September and from then to December days are usually very mellow and nice to fly, perfect conditions for students, beginners or just relax flying.

Take off : One of the best flying sites in Mexico. During the months of December to March the conditions allow for flights on the 100's km order, with cloud bases of 4,500 plus meters MSL. The launch was expanded on 2008 by the government of the Estado de Mexico as part of the improvements for the Mexico 2009 FAI Paragliding Worlds Championship. There's a lot of room for parking and public bathrooms.
GPS coordinates, Take off: 19°3'41" (19.0616)N; 100°5'27" (100.091)W - Elevation : 2336 m.

Landing : The official landing site is a big grass field of 2.5km on the pleteu right in front of the launch. Snaks and drinks are available at the landing on the weekends and flying season.
GPS coordinates, Landing: 19°2'45" (19.0459)N; 100°6'32" (100.109)W - Elevation : 1775 m.

Going there: Take the road from Valle de Bravo to Temascaltepec and turn right in the Albarrada road sign. Follow the signs on the dirt road to the launch.

XC Routes: The favorite cross country flight is in the direction of Valle de Bravo, to land on the lakeside landing of Santa Maria, 14km to the NNW. Flying to any other direction is perfectly possible, including the big volcano (Nevado de Toluca). Auto retrieve by rural communal taxi cabs is easy and very cheap.

Weather hazards: From February to the beginning of the rain season (usually June) the conditions get stronger, with rough air and strong winds almost all day. During the rain season conditions are mellow, but there is risk of fast overdeveloping, with strong thunderstorms. Rain season usually ends on September or October, from there to December conditions are really good getting stronger every day. Most days on the zone are blue days with blue thermals, but expect really strong thermals on the flying season.

Flight regulation: Basically none, but pay attention to the small airstrip on the plateau were the landing field is, sometimes you can find hang glider towing operations. There's another small airstrip for small airplanes on the way to Valle de Bravo, common VFR rules apply.

Flying areas: Valle has two very different spots for flying; the first one is “La Torre” (The Tower), this is really close from town and just about a mile and a half distance from the landing spot right at the shore of the lake (30 minutes ride up). This is a ridge soaring area and then a flight over the town with a great view. This is the basic place for medium and beginner pilots and the usual spot for the commercial tandem flights.

The launch site is very small and steep, be sure you know how to properly do a reverse launch, it also might be too crowded during weekends because of the whole local tandem commercial operation, be sure to respect the order of the line for launching. Good kiting skills are also good for you and your glider; the concrete platform of the launch site is quite abrasive for the glider if you drag it around too much.

Beware the lake landing zone is small. If you are not used to small landing zones you might not want to land there. If you do land there be willing to go in the water rather than crash into a fence or trees. You can do your approach over land or over the lake, but I will suggest doing it over the water if you are not fully able to control your glide.

Most of the run over the landing zone is done basically sideways to the wind, keep this on mind for your approach speed and always remember to check the windsocks and water trails over the lake before landing, especially on the afternoon when the wind direction usually changes completely.

You will find plenty of kids at the landing offering you to fold your glider and put all your gear back into the backpack. Most pilots will reject this because they will not trust the folding to anyone else but themselves and specially not to a bunch of kids. Well, I bet you a beer at the landing zone, that most of those kids can fold your glider and setup your great much better than you do!

Use this service, make them feel useful, they are just trying to work, earn some money and be together with the paraglider pilots they hugely admire, share some words with them if you can, they will really appreciate it. Usual "fee" for the service is less of a euro, but you can give them more if you feel like or share them some candies or something.

The next flying site to discuss is the world famous “El Peñón” (The Big Rock). El Peñón is a competition level place and great for some good XC about nine linear miles or 14 Kms. away from Valle, XC from El Peñón to Valle is a local tradition. Some say this is the best place to fly in México (XC), and it’s actually were annual international competition “Monarca Paragliding Cup” takes place every year in January plus one FAI World Championship in 2009 and one PWC Super Final in 2012.

I would recommend flying El Peñón early in the morning when the day just starts to turn on or late at the afternoon glassoff to prevent the blasting of the turbulent thermals of El Peñón, at least a couple of times until you get familiarized with the place. Avoid launching between noon and 3:00 PM on sunny days of the high season. Flying mid day at El Peñón is about big air all over the place, some particular well known thermal trigger spots like The Wall, Crazy Thermal, G-Spot and many others, can be really strong and turbulent. Flying El Peñón is tricky; it has fooled more than one before! But if you can catch up with the Peñon’s ways, you can sure have some helluva ride.

The launch area is wide and grassy and it´s hardly crowded even with many pilots trying to takeoff. Reverse launch is a must and be ready for a bumpy ride from the very few first seconds of your flight, so no fooling around with your harness, brake handles, instruments or anything else at least until you get high, never right in front of the launch area. Try to quickly get as high as possible at the launch, they are many thermals coming up all the time wide spread, if you´re flying to the Peñón itself or to the back, try to gain at least 400/500 Mts. over the launch for a safe ride.

There are a few classic XC routes to Valle, but I would recommend trying first the Peñitas/Zacamecate/Jovan/CocaCola/Valle route which runs basically over the main road to the Peñón you will use to reach the launch, so it´s pretty intuitive. Peñitas would be the "backwards piano", kind of a tricky spot but plenty of room to land. Right next to Peñitas is the Zacamecate mountain which is a nice catapult to reach cloud base. The Jován is a small road restaurant which is easy to reach on your first XC with 2 or 3 thermal climbs, food is very good and cheap, and there´s plenty of room to land nearby.

The piano landing zone of the Peñón is quite big and it´s over a plateau called "Africa" because of its shape. If you´re not planning to leave the valley for a XC and don´t like rough conditions just be sure not to try to land there at noon or you will find thermal power boosting you up again for hours making your landing quite hard and scary. The ravine before the piano landing zone and plateau can be used as a sink hole to quickly lose some height, but be careful to do your final approach over the plateau and not too low over the ravine or you could sink into the rotor and spend some really hard time there. there you will find many skilled kids that can fold your wing pretty well for about less than an euro too.

Try to get briefed before doing any XC to know where you can land, but most specially were you can´t land! You will find some big fancy states were they don't like us landing there, sometimes you might be greeted by their security personal with guns and have a hard time to leave the place. Funny enough it´s almost only on those fancy states were you could find yourself on trouble after landing there, there's a huge misunderstanding about the forbidden places to land when it comes to regular farming fields; most of the time farmers just expect you to give some symbolical retribution for the use of their private properties! Most pilots won't give anything to these people and even be rude with them, this is why they are not always welcome. Remember, this is a poor country and all they ask is about an euro per landing on their fields, which is pretty reasonable if you ask me.

For example, the race track behind the Jován is usually avoided by most pilots because the land care keeper of the place is considerate a dangerous man with a shotgun. Truth is, I always land there when I´m heading to eat at the Jován... I always chat with the guy or his kids, let his kids fold my glider and give him something on retribution so I´m always quite welcome to land there! I don't always pay except for the folding (which is actual work); I usually carry cigarettes and M&M candies; I share a chat and a couple of cigarettes to the land care keeper (they all smoke) and some M&M candies to the children (they won't melt and you can share many of those), this is usually much more appreciated than money since it shows you care for them.

When landing at any rural zone, be careful with some not so evident hazards you might not see from high; most of the time dark spots in the grass doesn't mean dark grass but dark brown rocks instead of grey ones. Most bushes on the dry zones have some sort of thorns or edgy splinters that might damage your glider, greener bushes are most of the time safer. Beware of wire fences, they are everywhere and usually setup with thin sticks so they are hard to spot from the air. Also try to avoid fields with animals if possible, not only you will scare the animals but also you might get some undesirable stains on your glider!

If you go for XC flights, another important factor to take on account is that this place is a little bit illogical sometimes; wind directions and speed may be different every day in different nearby spots, so I know more than just a few pilots have flown directly to a rotor zone expecting to find lift. Can´t blame anyone, this have happen to me many times over many years and I haven´t still figured out the whole picture here. It's usual to be able to see smoke all the time somewhere around, use any reference you can to keep track of the wind. Blue days are very common in Valle, try to learn to read the ground for thermal triggers as much as possible, this is very handy in this place!

You will find everybody at Valle very friendly and cooperative, about half of the local pilots speak at least some basic English. The first I recommend to do at your arrival would be visiting the gang at the landing at “Santa María”, remember to pay your temporal (3 month) local club fee there. Shuttles from the different local clubs for both La Torre and El Peñón destinations depart from the landing field all the time and directly from the local clubs (all of them at a walk distance from the landing field, they are quite obvious if you follow the main street close to the lake), just be sure to board the correct shuttle to La Torre or The Peñón depending on your flight intentions. Usual fee is around 3 euros for La Torre or 6 euros to El Peñón.

Selection and entry fee

- Entry Fee:

The entry fee is $1,300 Mexican Pesos ($100 US Dlls. / 77 €) if paid before December 31 of 2014, $1,500 Mexican Pesos ($115 US Dlls. / 88 €) if paid after and until registration day (January 4th).

Entry fee includes:

General information and Competition program.
Identity badges.
Transportation from the headquarters to the take-off and back.
Daily retrieve during the competition task limits.
Daily lunch packet with hydration.
Map with waypoints and relevant info.
T-shirt and other goodies.
Free access to all social events and closing ceremony party!

- Entry requirements:

Registration and entry fee payment.
Valid FAI license with 2014/2015 stamp (for WPRS).
Pilot License IPPI 3, 4 or 5 or national equivalent.
Third party and Medical insurance.
Fully certificated and operational Paraglider, harness with back protection, certificated helmet, reserve parachute, IGC logging capable GPS, 2m radio (144/160 Mhz. frequency range capable) and mobile phone.

Open class gliders without any certification are permitted only with the relevant documentation, as stated in Section 7B of the FAI Sporting Code.

Mobile Phone note - It's strongly suggested to acquire a Mexican SIM card from Mexican mobile telephone company “Telcel” to use during the competition for coverage and dialing feasibility. Usually pre-paid system SIM cards cost no more than $5 US Dlls. and a pre-paid system cheap mobile unit with SIM card included around $30 US Dlls.

Prize fund and scoring categories

• 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - SERIAL (LTF 2-3, CCC or EN D)
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - SPORT (LTF 2 or EN C)
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - INTERMEDIATE (LTF 1-2 or EN B)
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - LADIES (Any category)
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - NATIONAL (Mexican pilots on the 2014 season tour)

Surprise prices for all categories!!!

General schedule

Sunday, 4th January 2015
Registration / Training task
Monday, 5th ‐ Saturday, 10th January 2015
Contest flying days
Saturday, 10th January 2015
Prize‐giving, closing ceremony

Daily schedule

07:00 - Headquarter opens
08:00 - Deadline for the previous day protests
09:30 - Transportation to Take off
10:00 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
10:30 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results announcements / Task definition
11:00 - Window open
16:00 - Scoring office opens
19:00 - Scoring office closes
20:00 - Provisional results announcement / Headquarter closes

Accommodation and Activities

Once in Valle, you have several choices, from the very cheap up to the very exclusive. Cheapest options are finding a simple room. There are not formally Bed & Breakfast places in Valle, but many people will rent a room at their homes for a really small fee, you can ask for these at the Santa María landing field or any local. Usual fee would be around 10 euros the night. Hotels are spread all around the town, some of the cheapest are those you can find directly outside the Valle de Bravo bus station terminal, but I would recommend getting something closer to the landing zone to avoid long walks or unnecessary daily extra taxi rides.

They are some hotels at the Santa María landing zone or close to the local clubs, some of them really close to them! That's very comfortable because it will save you from long walks every day carrying your gear all around town. Except for the competition days happening every year, it's usually not necessary to arrive with a hotel reservation ready, especially if you will be arriving during the week and not during the weekend. In this case, I would recommend to arrive to the place first, check the hotels and take whatever fits you better to your own personal taste, budget and needs.

If you happen to be traveling with a party of friends, there are a few better recommendations for you; small parties of three or four guys can share a cabin with a kitchen outside Valle at the Avándaro suburbs. This cabins when splitting the daily cost between 3 or 4 pilots becomes much cheaper than most hotels with few extras like a view, pool and other services and a kitchen if you don't mind cooking to save some time and money from time to time. Being in Avándaro will put you in a situation where you can't simply walk to the landing zone or local clubs to search for the next shuttle, but you can have pre-arranged a pickup hour with any local cab driver to take you to the launch, they will usually charge you a little bit more than the shuttle, but when paid together by 2 or 3 pilots it becomes actually cheaper to do this.

Bigger parties may consider renting a full house. There are many options for only a couple of rooms of many rooms with pool and other services. Most of these rentals are quite expensive at first look since we're talking about luxury homes here, but since we're talking about big houses, price divides among big parties comes usually way cheaper than most hotels rooms available in town. There are some of these rentals real close to the landing zone or other strategic spots, but pre-arranged daily pick up for your party with some of the local shuttles for an extra fee might be a good idea.

Useful links:

Cheap accommodations ("posadas") in the town: (Cheaper places doesn't have a website)


Town suites:


Cabins outside town: (Mostly half way from Town and the Peñón)


House rentals: (Including luxury ones)


Luxury Bed & Breakfast: (That's the way they announce themselves!)


Valle is very diverse and vast when it comes about where to eat: you will find places to eat spread all around the place ranging from all kind of prices. It's possible to eat from non permanent stand carts on the sidewalks of some streets (specially early on the morning and at the afternoon until late at night) for only 2 or 3 euros for some "tacos" or a cheese hamburger and a soda drink, up to the best fancy restaurants in town where a full meal with drinks cost around up to 30 euros.

Most typical food you will for cheap will be the "tacos" and "quesadillas" (almost the same thing), all kind of tacos and quesadillas taste very different and even the same kind of taco from place to place may vary a lot, and I mean a lot! Try to have some fun, taste everything it looks and smells good to you and ask what is it after eating it! Tacos will have different kinds of meat, for a more vegetarian choice ask for quesadillas, they are also very diverse.

Valle INTREPIDO - lectures by Marko Hrgetić (ENGLISH)

Thanks to your great response shown on the Airtribune registration website, we would like to present you one new surprise that will be held during competition; As it is popular to make competitions where you can learn something new and useful we also decided to enrich this competition with paragliding lectures by Marko Hrgetić. Hopefully this kind of idea will grow in the next years and you will be coming happily to future events and lectures.

All of the pilots that attend presentation will enter in draw to win Naviter Oudie 3 instrument!

Subjects of presentations:

1. Flying Valle de Bravo (how to fly here) 45 minutes - (entrance 20/10USD)
4th of January 19:15 - Plaza de cultura

This lecture will give you an insight in how to fly in Valle de Bravo. As the terrain in Valle is a bit complicated for beginner and intermediate pilots, this lecture will teach you how to cross tricky places. It is absolute "must know"for each pilot coming to fly in Valle de Bravo.

2. Thermals in Valle de Bravo - 45 minutes - (entrance 15/10USD)

5th of January 19:15 - Plaza de cultura

This presentation will explain you the thermals that are in the area of Valle de Bravo and El Penon. You will notice that they are a bit different and that you are able to use those 100% you need to understand them. This lecture through detailed pictures will explain you what to expect and how to climb better.

3. Types of pilots - 45 minutes - (entrance 15/10USD)

6th of January 19:15 - Plaza de cultura

Each pilot should know what kind of pilot he is and what to expect. Also it is important to know your opponents and what to expect from them. This lecture will explain you few basic types of pilot in funny but interesting way.

4. Gaggle flying - 45 minutes - (entrance 15/10USD)
7th of January 19:15 - Plaza de cultura

For a good and fast flying each pilot must know how to fly in gaggle. Here Marko will explain why and how to fly in gaggle.

5. Using GPS / NAVITER presentation - 45 minutes - (entrance 15/10USD)
8th of January 19:15 - Plaza de cultura

Proper usage of GPS during the flight is important for fast and safe flying. Here Marko will explain some key things in instruments and also present Naviter Oudie 3 to the public.

All pilots registered for the competition get one ticket, but all pilots that come to the lectures will get one extra ticket per lecture that will be used to withdraw main prize Naviter Oudie 3. Each night is valid as one ticket except 5th night that will be worth 2 tickets.
The draw will be held after price giving.
(Each evening after the presentation, pilots will leave tickets in the draw box with their name and email address)

Number of seats:
Limited to 150 pilots

About the presenter:
Marko Hrgetić
Instructor at FLUMEN - Escuela de Vuelo (www.aprendeavolar.com.mx, www.paraglidingmexico.com )
- Member of the National Croatian Paragliding Team since 2008
- Member and competitor of the PWC circuit since 2008
- European Championship FAI1 2008, 2010 and 2012
- World Championship FAI1 2009, 2011 and 2013
- 9° place, Super Final PWC 2009
- Croatian Paragliding Champion, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013
- 2° place, Monarca Paragliding Open in 2012
- 3° place, Monarca Paragliding Open in 2013

Achievements as instructor:
- Founder and owner of Paragliding school Flumen (Mexico&Croatia)
- Knowledge of USHPA and European training systems
- Paragliding courses taught to over 80 pilots in Mexico and Croatia -under Croatian standards- since 2007
- Courses taught: Basic (P1), Progression (P2), SIV (P3), Thermaling (P4), Cross Country (P4), Competition, Tandem (T1/T2/T3) and Use of Instruments
- Current implementation of licensing system in Mexico in a close a direct collaboration with the Mexican Federation of Aeronautics

Serialcup (Slovenia) videos:

Prices for entrance tickets:
For competitors: COMBO 5 nights 35 USD ( MX$450)
For non competitors: COMBO 5 nights 50 US (MX$650)
Price per night for competitors: 10USD (MX$130)
Price per night for non competitors: 20,15,15,15 USD (MX$260/200)

Have a nice day

Marko Hrgetic Hrga ( instructor )
FLUMEN - Escuela de Vuelo
e-mail: info@aprendeavolar.com.mx
Skype: marko.hrgetic.hrga.gfxdesigner
Mexico, D.F. cel: 55 51672966
Tel.: 55 41649644

How to get here

Valle Intrépido public office at Fray Gregorio Jiménez de la Cuenca and Atardecer streets, the HQ is on a kiosk right in front of Plaza Valle (the place with the light house), at he lake "malecón" (embankment or esplanade along the waterfront) The exact spot is marked on the map (look for the logos when you're there).

First, get your flight directly to Mexico City. Having the extra ride on an airplane to the Toluca airport is a waste of money and not that much time saving as you could believe. If possible, try to get your flight planned to arrive during the day, not at night. If you need to stay a night in Mexico City don´t plan to stay close to the bus station! It will be cheap, but too dangerous at night for a foreigner. It´s OK on the day or even before midnight, but I wouldn't recommend at all to stay on a nearby hotel, staying close to the airport should be a little bit expensive, but much safer.

At your arrival to the Mexican airport, there's still some miles to hit before making it to Valle; you still need to make a bus trip! Bus is the cheapest ride to Valle by far, the bus station name is "Observatorio" (Observatory). So, my piece of advice would be to not to go directly to Toluca but to invest around $200 Mexican pesos (around 11 euros) for an "expensive" airport taxi cab to the Observatorio bus station to catch the next bus riding to Valle for $130 Mexican pesos (around 8 euros). Taking the subway from the Airport station to the Observatorio station takes just way to long, too much walking to change rails, it's too crowded and even a little bit dangerous, definitely not a choice not matter how cheap it is...

I usually do 20 to 30 minutes on baggage and customs crap at the Mexico City airport (from international arrivals) and you can be at the Observatorio bus station from 15 to 60 minutes on a cab depending on traffic and the driving skills of the guy behind the wheel. Just tell the driver to keep all his way directly trough Viaducto avenue and *NOT* to try to use any alternative routes, OK? From the airport to the bus station, is basically one straight line from East to West and that line is run by the Viaducto Avenue without any red light stops on your way. Some taxi drivers might try to get you through "secret shortcuts" in order to get some extra tipping from you.

Once at the Observatorio bus station you will find only one bus line you can use for the Valle trip, it's called the "Zinacatepec Y Ramales", look for the ticket window at the left side wing of the building (easy to find). Time schedules for the Valle the bravo bus may vary, but basically you will find daily departures from 5:00 AM up to 5:00 PM, one every hour. (For example, 5:15, 6:15, 7:15 and so on)

Be sure to buy and to ride the "Libramiento" bus route to Valle and *NOT* the "Amanalco" route no matter what. Don't let them fool you, they are not the same routes and it's not the same trip time, no matter what they tell you. The new "Libramiento" route will take you to Valle in less than three hours thanks to the fact that about half of the way uses the new highway. The "Amanalco" route will take you about six hours and I promise you will be so sick you will spend half trip throwing your inner juices all over the driver! The "Saucos" route will take you over 4 hours with a "quick" unnecessary stop at the Toluca bus station, not really nice.

Taking the "Caminante" bus from the Mexico City airport to Toluca may sound tempting, but riding a bus directly to Toluca from the airport will take a long time, these buses take a different route than cabs inside Mexico City and they take too long to go all the way around the city, you might end up arriving to Toluca after the last bus to Valle have departed of finding no more room available for you at the bus!

Next problem is getting into a bus from Toluca to Valle, let me be clear on this: There´s no such thing as a "Toluca to Valle" ride, they all depart from Mexico City loaded and all of them except the Libramiento one will make a stop at Toluca. If you´re lucky the bus won´t be fully loaded or someone might finish his ride at Toluca leaving you a worm place for you assuming you were first to make it for that seat, but if you´re not lucky enough, well, go figure... (and I don´t recommend staying the night at Toluca either)

So, the "Libramiento" bus departing from Observatorio is a non-stop ride, cheap enough, safe, you can make it on time and you might be on Valle early enough for your first flight there before calling it a day, just spend those $200 Pesos on the airport cab to the Observatorio bus station, be safe, be comfortable, be wise...!

Embarcadero, Santa María Ahuacatlán, 51200 Valle de Bravo, State of Mexico, Mexico
Valle de Bravo Mexico


First, get your flight directly to Mexico City. Having the extra ride on an airplane to the Toluca airport is a waste of money and not that much time saving as you could believe.


To take a bus ride to Valle go to bus station named "Observatorio" (Observatory). Taxi from Mexico airport to bus station cost $200 Mexican pesos (around 11 euros)

Time schedules for the Valle the bravo bus may vary, but basically you will find daily departures from 5:00 AM up to 5:00 PM, one every hour. (For example, 5:15, 6:15, 7:15 and so on)
Be sure to buy and to ride the "Libramiento" bus route to Valle and *NOT* the "Amanalco" route. The new "Libramiento" route will take you to Valle in less than three hours thanks to the fact that about half of the way uses the new highway.


Waypoint files


Asociación Nacional de Papalotes y Parapentes (ANPYP)
Federación Mexicana de Aeronáutica (FEMEDA)
Valle Intrépido
Valle Intrépido, Escuela de Vuelo
Hector Martin
Meet Director
juan guadarrama
Meet Organizer
luis Alberto castillo
Logistics Director
Manuel Quintanilla
Weather Director




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

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Men     confirmed


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Certification =

Harness =
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Tasks and results

Task 1

05 Jan, 2015

64.7 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 2

07 Jan, 2015

40.5 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 3

08 Jan, 2015

61.6 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 4

09 Jan, 2015

73.8 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 5

10 Jan, 2015

57.2 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
Please sign in first.