- Blog
- Summary
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- Pilots
- Registration
Event info
2000 € are still waiting for the best flying wolf!
After our attempt last year we decided to give the 1st Monte Lupo Open another chance in 2017 - and we pimped it a bit.
Flying site
Koralpe flying site is on the boarder to Styria in the eastern part of Carinthia.
With the valley being encircled by mountains (Koralpe, Saualpe etc.), there are a lot of opportunities for ridge-races and triangular tasks.
- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Best Flying Wolf - Overall
- Thomas Fraissl
- +49 178 141 5816 or +43 680 205 2649
- thomef@icloud.com
- Christian Tiefenbacher
- +43 677 620 16227
- tiefenbacher_chris@gmx.net
Event info
2000 € are still waiting for the best flying wolf!
After our attempt last year we decided to give the 1st Monte Lupo Open another chance in 2017 - and we pimped it a bit.... This year the Slovenian airspace is for the comp available too!!!
As discussed at the pilots' dinner in front of the hangar the entry fee for all "2016 participants" is EUR 55,- (without t-shirt, 2017 is the same). For all new participants the price is again EUR 65,- like last year. There is also a reserve date (one week after) and we will decide if the comp takes place as close as possible (Tuesday or Wednesday before the comp-date)!!! Just to avoid a disappointment and a "waiting-comp". In case of cancellation payback of the full amount!!!
Of course we hope for good weather and thrilling tasks to find out who is
the best flying wolf and will win EUR 2.000,- cash - because "The winner takes it ALL!!!!!"
Selection and entry fee
Name: Thomas Fraissl
IBAN: AT365200000455592631
Text: Montelupo_surname, firstname,
Don't forget YOUR name on the moneytransfer!!!!!!!
In case of cancellation payback of the full amount!!!!
Each pilot has to show a
- valid pilot licence for XC flights
- FAI sporting licence
- valid liability insurance (with sufficient coverage according to Austrian standards)
Glider has to be certified. Helmet and rescue chute are mandatory!!
Participation is at your own perils and risk!
The event organizer refuses any liability for possible damage or accidents before, during and after the race!
The entry fee includes:
- transport to launch
- retrieval to HQ
- event schedule, maps etc.
- t-shirt
- pilots' dinner (food and free beer)
Registry after 7th of April 2017 possible - entry fee EUR 95,-
EUR 65,- - fix registriert nur bei Anmeldung über airtribune.com und Überweisung (bis 07.04.2017) auf folgendes Konto:
Name: Thomas Fraissl
IBAN: AT365200000455592631
Text: Montelupo_Nachname, Vorname
Eigenen Namen als Verwendungszweck NICHT vergessen!!!!!
Bei Bewerbsabsage Rückerstattung des Gesamtbetrages!!!!
Jeder Pilot muss im Besitz eines gültigen SOPI‐Scheines mit Überlandberechtigung, sowie einer gültigen FAI Sportlizenz sein. Sein Fluggerät muss zugelassen und Haftpflichtversichert sein. Helm, Rettungsschirm sowie ein zugelassenes Gerät sind Pflicht.
Der Veranstalter lehnt jede Haftung bei Unfällen, Materialbeschädigungen, Diebstahl etc. ab und kann nicht haftbar gemacht werden. Die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb erfolgt ausschließlich auf eigene Verantwortung!!!
Das Nenngeld beinhaltet
- Transfer zu den Startplätzen
- Rückholorganisation
- Bewerbsunterlagen
- T-Shirt
- Pilotenabend (Essen und Freibier)
Nachnennung ab 07. April 2017 möglich - erhöhtes Nenngeld € 95,-
Prize fund and scoring categories
EUR 2.000 - "The winner takes it ALL"
2nd to 5th place
á EUR 65 - payback of the entry fee
General schedule
Any changes will be published on the official bulletin board at the headquarter and on www.airtribune.com/montelupoopen2017
Thursday, Apr 20, 2017
18:30 – 21:00 Registration and GPS-upload @ HQ
Friday, Apr 21, 2017
08:00 - 09:00 Registration and GPS-upload @ HQ
09:30 Transportation to Launch
10:30 Opening ceremony and pilots briefing - Gasthof Waldrast
~11:30 Task briefing
Saturday, Apr 22, 2017
10:00 - 18:00 Contest flying day
20:00 Pilots' dinner
Sunday, Apr 23, 2017
10:00 - 17:00 Contest flying day
18:00 Prize-giving awards ceremony
Do. 20.04.2017 18:30-21:00Uhr
Anmeldung – Registrierung im Restaurant/HQ
Fr. 21.04.2016 von 08:00 bis 09:00Uhr
Anmeldung – Registrierung im Headquarter
09:30Uhr Auffahrt zum Start
Briefing am Berg
Sa. 16.04.2015 10:00 Uhr
Auffahrt zum Start
Briefing am Berg
So. 17. 04. 2015 10:00 Uhr
Anschließend Auffahrt zum Start
Briefing am Berg
Siegerehrung am Nachmittag
Daily schedule
10:00 - Transportation to launch
11:00 - Task and safety committee meetings
11:30 - Pilots briefing / task announcement
12:30 - Launch window opens - (depending upon conditions)
17:30 - GPS download @ HQ
21:00 - Provisional results posted
Accommodation and Activities
Tourismusverband Wolfsberg
Minoritenplatz 1
9400 Wolfsberg
Tel.: +43 4352 3340
Gasthof Silberberg
Siegersdorffweg 2
9400 Wolfsberg
Telefon +43 4352 2258
Camping at the headquarter
EUR 5,- per person and day, showers and restrooms available
How to get here
Flugplatz St. Marein
Reinfeldsdorf 17
9431 St.Stefan im Lavanttal
Wolfsberg, Austria
Wolfsberg / Kärnten Austria
The nearest is Vienna international airport.
Web: www.viennaairport.com/en
From there you can take a train.
Take a highway E59 Wien - Gtaz and after Graz turn to A2. It takes about 2,5 hours (About 260 km).
From Wien take a train to Wolfsberg.
Waypoint files

- Thomas Fraissl
- +49 178 141 5816 or +43 680 205 2649
- thomef@icloud.com
- Christian Tiefenbacher
- +43 677 620 16227
- tiefenbacher_chris@gmx.net