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- Registration
Event info
Open Annecy 2021 - French Championship
The Delta Club d'Annecy is organizing from the 12 to the 18 june 2021, the french hanggliding championship which will be an FAI2 competition.
Annecy is one of the best spot in France for the free-fly.
Flying site
Lake Annecy is located in the North Alps in Haute Savoie. This flying site is a mountainous area composed of different massifs between 1500 and 4800 m high. These massifs are linked by large valleys. Although this makes for a complex aerology, it also allows some very interesting strategic task and route choices.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Registration will open on
01/02 12:00 (Europe/Paris)
Live trackers supplied
The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Class 1 Sport
- Class 2
- Class 5
- Class 1
- Simon Rousselet
- +33673764477
- rousselet.simon@gmail.com
Président du DCA
- Stéphane Trémelet
- +33680419472
- telemert74@gmail.com
Event info
Open Annecy 2021 - French Championship
The Delta Club d'Annecy is organizing from the 12 to the 18 june 2021, the french hanggliding championship which will be an FAI2 competition.
Annecy is one of the best spot in France for the free-fly. We will be pleased to welcome you and to make you discover this amazing place. We will setup safe and unforgettable task.
Open Annecy 2021 - Championnat de France
Le Delta Club d'Annecy organise du 12 au 18 juin 2021, le championnat de France qui sera une compétition FAI 2 ouverte à toutes les nations.
Annecy est un des plus beau spot de France pour pratiquer le vol libre. Le survol alterné des lacs et des montagnes des Alpes du nord est un régal des yeux. Ce secteur permet des manches allant pouvant aller à plus de 100kms. Le Delta Club d’Annecy est connu pour son savoir-faire. Nous serons ravis de vous accueillir et de vous faire découvrir ce magnifique site en vous proposant des manches inoubliables en toute sécurité.
Selection and entry fee
Regular Online Registration will be closed the 11/06
50 places are reserved for French pilots.
30 places are reserved for Czech Pilots.
10 places are reserved to the organizer for special guest.
The reserved places will be opened to everybody the 12th of April (if they are not used by French and Czech pilots)
- civil responsability insurancy covering 1 000 000 € (possible to take an insurance the day of the comp for 20 €)
- License FAI
- a phone working in France for the security checking after landing
Regular entry fee is : 150 € (If registration before the 12th of May)
Late registration entry fee is : 190 € (If registration after the 12th of May)
The entry fee includes:
- Prize-giving ceremony
- Live tracking devices
We are accepting only Bank Transfer.
Make sure that you pay ALL bank transfer charges. Make also sure that you send us your bank transfer form by email to rousselet.simon@gmail.com and don't forget to mention "your name & OPEN ANNECY 2021” as description of your transfer to allow us to track your payment.
The bank coordinate will be communicate to you once your registration completed.
Until the maximum number of participants is reached, it will be possible to register and to be selected for the event.
Les inscription en ligne fermeront le 11/06
50 places sont réservées aux pilotes Français
30 places sont réservées aux pilots Tchèques.
10 places sont réservées à l'organisations pour des invités
Les places réservées seront mises à disposition de tous les pilotes si elles ne sont pas utilisées à partir du 12 Avril.
- une assurance responsabilité civil couvrant 1 000 000 € (possibilité de souscrire une assurance le jour de la complétion pour 20 €)
- License FAI
- un téléphone fonctionnant en France pour le pointage sécurité après l'atterrissage.
Frais d'inscription
Frais normaux : 150 € (Si inscription avant le 12 Mai)
Frai d'inscription majoré : 190 € (Si inscription après le 12 Mai)
Les Frais d'inscription inclus :
- La cérémonie de remise des prix
- Live tracking
Nous acceptons seulement les payement par virement bancaire.
Transfert banquaire
Merci de faire en sorte que tous les frais bancaire soient à votre charge. Une fois le payement effectué merci de nous faire parvenir un mail de confirmation de payement à l'adresse suivante : rousselet.simon@gmail.com et n'oublier pas de mentionner dans l'intitulé du virement votre nom et "Open d'Annecy 2021".
Les coordonnées banqueter vous seront transmis lors de votre inscription.
Tant que le nombre de pilote maximal n'est pas atteint il sera possible de s'inscrire est d'être sélectionné pour la compétition.
Cancellation Policy
If a pilot withdraws from the competition by May 12,2021 the entire registration fee will be refunded, minus 30%, to cover organizational costs. The refund will be made at the end of the competition.
For cancellations received from May 13, 2021 and until the start of the competition there won't be any refund.
In case of cancelation of the competition due to Covid-19 situation, the entire registration fee will be refunded.
Politique de remboursement :
Si un pilote annule son inscription avant le 12 Mai 2021 il sera rembourser totalement moins 30% pour couvrir les frais d'organisations. Le remboursement sera fait à la fin de la compétition.
Pour une annulation reçue après le 13 Mai 202, les frais d'inscription ne seront pas remboursé.
En cas d'annulation due au Covid les pilotes seront totalement remboursé.
Prize fund and scoring categories
- Sport Classe : Open ; French ; Czech (5 pilots minimum)
- Classe 5 : Open ; French ; Czech (5 pilots minimum)
- Class 2 : Open ; French (5 pilots minimum)
To withdraw the prize, pilots have to be present at the Prize-giving Ceremony.
No proxy will be accepted.
Undelivered awards will remain to the organisation.
- Classe 1 : OPEN ; Français ; Tchèque (5 pilots minimum)
- Sport Classe : Open ; Français ; Tchèque (5 pilots minimum)
- Classe 5 : Open ; Français ; Tchèque (5 pilots minimum)
- Class 2 : Open ; Français (5 pilots minimum)
To withdraw the prize, pilots have to be present at the Prize-giving Ceremony.
No proxy will be accepted.
Undelivered awards will remain to the organisation.
General schedule
Saturday 12 : 8h-10h Registration to the HQ ; 11h30 Mandatory Briefing at the take off
Sunday 12 to Friday 18 :competition Day
Friday 18 : 19h prize giving ceremony
Vendredi 11 : 17h-21h Inscription au QG
Samedi 12 : 8h-10h Inscription au QG ; 11h30 Briefing obligatoire
Dimanche 12 à Vendredi 18 :Journée de compétition
Vendredi 18 : 19h Remise des prix
Daily schedule
08:30 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
9:00 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
10:00 - Transport to take-off
12:00 - Take-off window opens
18:00 - Scoring office opens
20:00 - Scoring office closes
22:00 - Provisional results
8:00 - Ouverture du quartier général
08:30 - Réunion : directeur d'épreuve, comité de manche et comité de sécurité
9:00 - Briefing pilote / Résultat officiel de la manche du jour précédent / définition de la manche
10:00 - transport au décollage
12:00 -Ouverture de la fenêtre de décollage
18:00 - Ouverture du bureau des scores
20:00 - Fermeture du bureau des scores
22:00 - Résultats prévisionnels
Accommodation and Activities
Camping campéole La Nublière
How to get here
HQ : Mairie de Doussard, Route du Pont Monnet, 74210 Doussard
The nearest international airport is Geneva (http://www.gva.ch/). With the new motorway A41, it takes about 35 mins to get there by car. A little further away is Lyon (http://www.lyonaeroports.com/), a full international airport, and Grenoble, which is focused on low cost and winter flights. Both are about a one-hour drive by car or bus. The local airport of Annecy (http://www.annecy.aeroport.fr/) only has flights to Paris-Orly.
You can get ot Annecy by bus from the following cities and Airtports
From Lion a trip will take 2 hours 6 times a day time table here http://www.voyages-crolard.com/uploads/1314_InfoHorairesTarifs.pdf
From Geneve it will take you 1-2 hours to get to Annecy. There is a shuttle going there 3 times a day see timetable http://www.frossard.eu/plans_lignes_fr.phtml
If you fly to Paris or you live in France you can get to Annecy by railroad. Visit SNCF web site http://www.sncf.com/ to check the time table to Gare d'Annecy.
Also you can get to Annecy by train from Lion and Nice.
It takes about 35 min to get to Annecy from Geneva by car along motorway A41.
Lion or Grenoble are a little further - it will take about 1 hour to get to Annecy from there.
Annecy France
Waypoint files

- Simon Rousselet
- +33673764477
- rousselet.simon@gmail.com
Président du DCA
- Stéphane Trémelet
- +33680419472
- telemert74@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Tasks and results

Task 2
13 Jun, 2021
Class 1, Class 5 — 88.8 km — Race to goal

Task 3
14 Jun, 2021
Class 1 — 147.0 km — Race to goal

Task 4
15 Jun, 2021
Class 1, Class 5 — 90.4 km — Race to goal

Task 5
16 Jun, 2021
Class 1, Class 5 — 150.8 km — Race to goal