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Event info
Due to unforeseen circumstances namely the major Earthquake in Kashmir region of Pakistan the Org have followed the directives of the Government Of Pakistan and the Government of Kashmir to CANCEL this event.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Pir Chinasi, Muzaffarabad.
Pir Chinasi launch sits on an E-W ridge at 2850m ASL , 2100m above the valley floor and 7km distance from the main Lz at Muzaffarabad Airport runway. The Main Launch faces SW thru SE picking up morning thermals through to late evening.
- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- A Class: Elite / High Performance
- B class: Sports XC (MALE)
- B class: Sports XC (FEMALE)
Organiser / Admin in Pakistan
- Ahsan Haider
- +92 321 4001110 (WhatsApp)
- info@phpa.org.pk
Chief Organiser / Event Chairman / President PHPA
- Syed Sajjad Hussain Shah
- +92 300 8568568
- President@phpa.org.pk
Event Adviser
- Brad Sanders
- bradismyfriend@gmail.com
Event Manager
- Arif Malik (Cutting Edge Group)
- +92 345 8888141
- Arif.Malik@cuttingedgegroup.com.pk
Legal Adviser
- Mohammad Umer Khan Vardag
- +92 324 5145128
- umervardag@yahoo.com
Event info
Due to unforeseen circumstances namely the major Earthquake in Kashmir region of Pakistan the Org have followed the directives of the Government Of Pakistan and the Government of Kashmir to CANCEL this event.
Our hearts and thoughts are with those who have suffered major losses in the region.
All pilots have been informed & accounted for.
Various contingency plans have been implemented for the well fare of travelled pilots.
Several pilots have returned home, and others already arrived given an option to relocated to Hunza where an informal and independently organised Gala of free flying will take place.
NO registered pilots remain in the Kashmir region under auspices of the Organisation.
Registration Fee USD 260/- per entry. See payment info below.
Pakistan's unique Mountain geography attracts paragliding enthusiasts from around the globe. The region of Azad Jamu and Kashmir offers mountain paragliding from accessible launches into ranges which rise 6000 - 8000 meters. The Event flight zone is proven for Cross Country Pg and ideal for high mountain Event Tasks.
The Event competitors will be categorized into
A. Elite/High Performance Race.
B. Sports XC Classes. (M/F categories in Sports XC).
The event will host up to 120 pilots from over 50 nations worldwide.
Male and Female Pilots will compete concurrently in up to 4 tasks between 27th Sept to 1st Oct inclusive.
This is the first such Event to be hosted by Pakistan. Organized in association with Pakistan Hang gliding and Paragliding Association (PHPA), Department of Tourism Azad Jamu and Kashmir as the Major facilitators, sponsors of this event.
The event has full backing of The Government of Pakistan.
The Organization have secured Event Management services from several established International Paragliding competition organisers including your MD, David Snowden and OneSky Paragliding Australia
A Class and B Class competitions will be designed for XC tasking over the region. Pilots should expect to fly over 4,000m with tasks up to 100Km in Elite class.
Shorter less demanding XC circuits of up to 50 km will be set for Sports XC tasking.
Pilots should prepare for high mountain flights and be skilled and experienced with flying pg's in high mountain conditions.
All Pilots are required to be rated Intermediate or above from their home nation or hold IPPI4 or reg Civl FAI.
Full Pilot information pack & entry requirements will be forwarded to Pilots registering here and prior to their confirmation and by payment of fees.
Add on Tour::
There will also be an opportunity for Registered Pilots to optionally join a special Paragliding Tour group to inner Karakoram after the event (@400USD) 6 days 5 nights (on sharing basis) to the Hunza and back. Transport and Hotels will be organized for visiting the unique regional flying sites of Hunza. Incl transp returns to Islamabad.
Further Tour details will be issued to pilots on Registration.
Selection and entry fee
Registration fee will be USD 260 per entry (Or Euro equivalent). The fee is Inclusive of Accommodation, Transits and Event Transport.
Acceptance will be on first come first served basis administered by Date/ Time of Pilots first Registration.
TO CONFIRM your place: Please forward your inclusive registration fee of $260 USD.
Bank Name: Mizuho Bank.
Branch Name: Kyoto Chuo Branch
Branch Code: 001 473
Account Number: 1151820
Intl Swift Code: MHCBJPJT
Address: 591 Manjuyacho, Sanjo Minami-iru, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan
Bank Name: BankIslami Pakistan Limited
Branch: Saddar, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Account Number IBAN: PK57BKIP0301700199760231
You can arrange payment via our Paypal account, which is secure and accepts international payments.
EUR (Euro) payments
To pay by PAYPAL, please send €240 EUR to email address "paypal@airtribune.com".
Please include your name in the messages box if using someone elses Paypal.
Paying by Paypal means your entry fee is paid immediately, unlike bank transfers which can take several days. This ensures you do not miss out on your place if you are close to the payment deadline.
All Paypal Payments are being handled by Airtribune, on behalf of the competition. They shall be transferred into and kept in a separate holding account for the purposes of administrating the competition. Airtribune does not have any responsibility for the event, save for publishing details and handling some funds on behalf of the event. Any refunds should be requested direct from the organisers and not Airtribune.
Please state YOUR NAME and REGISTRATION NUMBER in the transaction description!!
Email to info@phpa.org.pk
Please contact Organisation if you are having money transfer issues.
The Organisation will provide Airport Transit from Islamabad to Muzaffarabad HQ / Hotels (@4hrs by road).
Returns to Islamabad will be 2nd October or by 10th October if you are joining the Hunza Pg Tour Group.
Please arrange your International arrivals / departure to suit.
Please Email / contact us with your Flight detail and Times if you require this free service. (info@phpa.org.pk)
We look forward to hosting you at this Event and wish you magnificent flights.
Registered Pilots will then be sent the Payment Details with the Pilots Entry details following their initial registrations.
Pilots must then make payment of Fee.
On receipt of Confirmations of Payment within 14 days of Registration the PIPC Org will CONFIRM Pilot entry.
Delayed payment (beyond 14days of Reg) may result in lowering the Pilots entry priority.
Pilots will be allowed entry into one Class either Class A or Class B(Male) or Class B(Female).
Selection of Class may be requested by the Pilot (see guide below) , however the Event Management will have final discretion of class entries based on the following:
A Class: Elite / High Performance:
Open to Pilots flying CCC or EN D rated wing and/or have WPRS ranking above 1000 and previous experience high mountain tasking
B Class: Sports XC: (Male)
Open to Male Pilots Flying EN class C,B or A rated gliders with previous experience high mountain XC flights.
B Class: Sports XC: (Female)
Open to FEMALE Pilots Flying EN class C,B or A rated gliders with previous experience high mountain XC flights.
A Class Male and Females will task and score concurrently without differentiation of gender.
B Class Male and Female tasking will be run concurrently. Male and Female scoring will be separated.
Prize fund and scoring categories
A Class: Elite / High Performance.
1st: 10,000 USD
2nd: 7,000 USD
3rd: 5,000 USD
B class: Sports XC
1st: 6,000 USD
2nd: 4,000 USD
3rd: 2,500 USD
1st: 6,000 USD
2nd: 4,000 USD
3rd: 2,500 USD
General schedule
26th September Arrival of National and International Pilots to Muzaffarabad. Check-in Open 3-9pm (times may vary)
27th September 09:00 am -12:00 pm HQ Pilot meet. Last Pilot Check-ins, Mandatory Competition Safety Briefings.
27th September 12:00 am -4:00 pm Travel to Launch. Site Briefs. Free flights; Test Tasking. Landings at Official LZ.
27th September 4:45 pm –5:00 pm Guest /Pilot arrival Opening Ceremony
27th September 5:00 pm –7:00 pm Opening Ceremony incl VIP Speeches
27th September 7:00 pm –9:00 pm Music Concert and Cultural Show
28th September 9:00 am Pilots meet at HQ. HQ Brief. Pilots Transport to Launch 9:30am
28th September 9:00 am –5:00 pm Competition TASKING Period
28th September 7:00 pm –9:00 pm Cultural Show at Muzaffarabad Airport
29th September 9:00 am –5:00 pm Competition TASKING Period
29th September 7:00 pm –9:00 pm Cultural Show at Muzaffarabad Airport
30th September 9:00 am –5:00 pm Competition TASKING Period
30th September 7:00 pm –9:00 pm Cultural Show at Muzaffarabad Airport
1st October 9:00 am –5:00 pm Competition TASKING Period
1st October 7:00 pm –9:00 pm Awards Distribution and Closing Ceremony
2nd October Airport Transfer for International Players to Islamabad International Airport
Daily schedule
08:30 HQ Opens. Previous Scoring Listed. Queries heard. Score finalised.
09:00 Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
09:30 Pilots briefing with previous days analysis.
10:00 All Pilots and Launch personnel to Launch
11:30 Launch Briefing and Task Setting
12:30 Launch Window Opens.. TASK FLIGHT PERIOD
ALL pilots report back to HQ
17:30 Last Report back time.
18:00 Provisional results.
Accommodation and Activities
Pilots will enjoy comfortable accommodation at or close to HQ, providing a comfortable setting while in Muzaffarabad. Guests can also access free internet at most hotels and at HQ.
All essential amenities will be provided to ensure guests have an enjoyable stay.
Pakistan Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (PHPA) and Department of Tourism Azad Jamu and Kashmir,
as the Major facilitators and sponsors of this event are keen to welcome all the Pilots and help promote the tourism in the region.
Your comfort and convenience during your stay, as sporting ambassadors to your country, is very important to us.
Cultural Entertainment events will be hosted each evening.
How to get here
All registered Pilots MUST send their travel itinerary (travel dates to and From Islamabad).
Registered Pilots will be given due assistance for their applications for Travel Visa to Pakistan.
Pilots competition fees will include the following:
All Transport to Muzaffarabad HQ from and returning to Islamabad.
(Note: Collection from Islamabad on dates 24th, 25th, 26th September. Return to Islamabad on 2nd; 3rd October).
Included: All accommodation with Breakfast and evening meals.
Included: All Transport to Launch and standard Retrieve services.
Included: All attendances to Cultural ceremonies, presentations.
Included: Local site fees and memberships.
Excluded: Own international flights to/from Islamabad.
Excluded: Own Intl Tourist Travel Visa for Pakistan. (PHPA Will assist in getting the Visa smoothly)
Excluded: Personal Search/Rescue/ Medical/Repatriations and travel insurances.
Muzaffarabad, AJK
Muzaffarabad Pakistan
Waypoint files

Pakistan Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (PHPA), formerly known as Pakistan Association of Free Flying (PAFF) is a company not for profit registered under Section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 in the year 2017, to promote hang gliding, paragliding and parasailing in Pakistan.
Assistant Organiser: Meet Director
Organiser / Admin in Pakistan
- Ahsan Haider
- +92 321 4001110 (WhatsApp)
- info@phpa.org.pk
Chief Organiser / Event Chairman / President PHPA
- Syed Sajjad Hussain Shah
- +92 300 8568568
- President@phpa.org.pk
Event Adviser
- Brad Sanders
- bradismyfriend@gmail.com
Event Manager
- Arif Malik (Cutting Edge Group)
- +92 345 8888141
- Arif.Malik@cuttingedgegroup.com.pk
Legal Adviser
- Mohammad Umer Khan Vardag
- +92 324 5145128
- umervardag@yahoo.com