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Event info
2016 Russia HG Open Championship will be held on August 21-28 flying site Ushkonyr, Kazakhstan.The event is sanctioned by FAI CIVL as a Category 2.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Flying site Ushkonyr is located 40km from the big city Almaty in the mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau. There is a paved asphalt road from the Ushkonyr village to the start site and a small segment of about 50 meters of dirt road.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall
- Sport
- Team
- Female
- Elena Savina
- +7 701 432 88 53
- seva1709@gmail.com
Event info
2016 Russia HG Open Championship will be held on August 21-28 flying site Ushkonyr, Kazakhstan.The event is sanctioned by FAI CIVL as a Category 2.
More information is available at the local organizer website here: http://deltaplan.kz/news
Открытый Чемпионат России по дельтапланерному спорту будет проходить в период с 21 по 28 августа 2016 г. на дельтадроме Ушконыр, Алматинская обл., Казахстан. Соревнование в календаре ФАИ. Больше информации на сайте организаторов.
Selection and entry fee
The entry fee includes:
• Map with turn points
• Transport of gliders and pilots to and from the take-off site, retrieval from landings along stated routes
• T- Shirt
• Free access to all parties and social event
How to pay will be informed to participants by email.
Взнос: 95 $
• Карту местности с точками ППМ
• Доставку дельтапланов и пилотов на старт и подбор с маршрута
• Футболку
• Посещение всех официальных мероприятий
О способах оплаты будет сообщено участникам по мейлу.
Requirements for participants
- Passport
- Valid FAI pilot license
- Flying equipment: hangglider, harness, rescue, helmet, GPS
- Active cell phone with Kazakhstan's number
- Radio 144 – 146 МГц
- Registration fee payment
- Complete registration form ready before Day 1
- Accept local valid regulations.
- Medical insurance. Must be valid for hanggliding in Kazakhstan. Must show contract copy to prove so.
Требования к участникам
- Паспорт
- Действительная лицензия FAI (для пилотов СНГ 2 разряд по дельтапланерному спорту)
- Полетное оборудование: дельтаплан, подвеска, парашют, шлем, GPS (только совместимые с программой GPSDump)
- Активный мобильный телефон с номером Казахстана
- Рация 144 – 146 МГц
- Оплата регистрационного взноса
- Полная регистрационная форма до первого соревновательного дня
- Принимать местные действующие правила
- Медицинская страховка действительная для полетов на дельтаплане в Казахстане и включающая репатриацию. Приложить копию договора.
Prize fund and scoring categories
Medals for: Overall Sport Female
General schedule
20 – training day
21 of August, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 – competition days
28 of August – closing ceremony, prize giving
Daily schedule
10:00 Preparation of equipment
11:00 Briefing;
12:00 Window open
16:00 GPS download
19:00 Provisional results
Accommodation and Activities
Under a mountain located hotels:
$ 5 night for simplest
$ 20 for good one
How to get here
Foreign pilots should contact the organizers, they will meet with the airport or the train and they will be delivered to the venue of the competition.
Алматинская обл., Казахстан
Almaty Kazakhstan
Plane. The nearest airport is Almaty.
Web: http://www.alaport.com/ru/
Train. The nearest train station is Almaty.
Web: http://rzd.ru
From Almaty about 30 km by road A2 to turn left through the village Ushkonyr, then through the village Kargala, left at the second traffic light and then left for the field to the hotel Keleshek, 43.160369, 76.384464
Waypoint files

- Elena Savina
- +7 701 432 88 53
- seva1709@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |

- БАЭС-Росэнергоатом
- БАЭС-Росэнергоатом 2
- Башкортостан
В региональном зачете: 1. Башкортостан 2. Челябинская область 3. Свердловская область
Tasks and results

Task 1
22 Aug, 2016
Class 1, Class 1 Sport — 75.5 km — Race to goal

Task 2
24 Aug, 2016
Class 1, Class 1 Sport — 99.8 km — Race to goal

Task 3
25 Aug, 2016
Class 1, Class 1 Sport — 59.7 km — Race to goal

Task 4
26 Aug, 2016
Class 1, Class 1 Sport — 83.5 km — Race to goal

Task 5
27 Aug, 2016
Class 1, Class 1 Sport — 97.1 km — Race to goal

Task 6
28 Aug, 2016
Class 1, Class 1 Sport — 85.1 km — Race to goal