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Event info

Ready to Race?
Welcome to the Sports-Class Racing Series, a series of international high-level competitions to crown a Sports-Class Champion at the end of 2024. If you enjoy racing mid-aspect wings, you’ve come to the right place!

The SRS is for pilots who have outgrown fun and national competitions, and are looking to take the next step.

Expand page for more details

Flying site

The flying site of St André les Alpes is called after its mountain Le Chalvet. It offers pilots various flying conditions and a number of XC routes. The classic direction is an ascend from St André to the North, for example to Briacon, to the valley of the Verdon or as far as Allos.

Expand page for more details
  • 123 Pilots Confirmed
  • 123 Pilots total registered
  • 320 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 125 Pilots max allowed
  • 28 Countries presented
  • ✅ EN-C and below allowed
    ❌ CCC & EN-D wings prohibited
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event
  • Registration will open on
    12/04 15:00 (Europe/Paris)

  • 🛰️

    The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring

    Live trackers supplied
  • 🚁

    The region supports helicopter rescues

    Helicopter rescue
  • ⚕️

    There will be medical rescue services at launch

    Medic on takeoff
  • 📱

    The region generally has good phone coverage

    Good phone coverage
  • 📻

    We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly

    Radio coverage
  • 🛰️

    Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. The organiser will provide the trackers.

    Live trackers mandatory
  • 🚐

    There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch

    Launch Transport
  • 🥾

    There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ

    Retrieve included
  • 🛰

    The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring

    Tracklogs managed
  • 📢

    The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores

    Airtribune blogging
  • 🗺

    The organisers will give you printed maps at registration

    Maps are supplied
  • 💳

    The organisers will give you an ID card with all the essential items listed

    ID Cards
  • The organisers will have free WiFi available at HQ

    Free WiFi
  • 🍕

    There will be a social evening with food

  • 🎉

    There will be an organised party during or after the event

  • 🎵

    There will be live music or a DJ at the event

    Live music
  • 👕

    You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift

    Free gift
  • 🌲

    The organisers have commmitted to Carbon Offset the event and/or Plant a Tree for each competitor

    Carbon offset / Plant a Tree
  • ♻️

    The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles

    Plastic reduction

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • FEMALE |
  • TEAM |

Event info

Ready to Race?
Welcome to the Sports-Class Racing Series, a series of international high-level competitions to crown a Sports-Class Champion at the end of 2024. If you enjoy racing mid-aspect wings, you’ve come to the right place!

The SRS is for pilots who have outgrown fun and national competitions, and are looking to take the next step. It’s also for experienced EN-B & EN-C pilots who want to finally be able to race on a level playing field. In the SRS, pilots will enjoy all the thrills of high-level racing without needing to fly an EN-D or CCC wing.

In short, it’s paragliding racing for a new generation.

This is the 5th event of the 2024 series. The GIN edition.

For this event, we are going to the St Andre venue, in France.

The event will have 6 racing tasks.

Win an GIN wing!
At the end of the event there will be a prize draw for one lucky pilot to win a paraglider of their choice from Gin Gliders*

There will also be some other prizes... including a Naviter Omni, new from Naviter for 2024

You can find out a lot more about the SRS series on the FAQ section of our website:

Register now to receive more information.


Glider Rules
Please be aware that any glider certified after January 1st 2024 and that is a 2-liner must have a speed limiter fitted between the A & B riser.

Most manufacturers are doing this as a matter of course as it is a sensible thing to do.

We have identified the following two wings though that do not comply:

Air Design Volt 5 - This was an oversight of the manufacturer and if you contact them they can supply you with a set of risers that are compliant for a small fee.

Zoom X2C - similarly, this wing must have a replacement set of risers fitted, Please contact the manufacturer.

We urge you to check your wing for compliance before purchasing. Wings from any of our partners (Gin, Ozone, BGD & Skywalk) all comply with this rule.

Flying site

The flying site of St André les Alpes is called after its mountain Le Chalvet. It offers pilots various flying conditions and a number of XC routes. The classic direction is an ascend from St André to the North, for example to Briacon, to the valley of the Verdon or as far as Allos. Another North route which is worth mentioning is there-and-back from St André to Fort Dormillouse. This route is 115 km long. Most popular South route is there-and-back to Col de Bleyne. The speed ring route includes Déco, Lambruisse, Grand Cordeuil, Pic de Chamatte and Atterro Lac. The Cup route - a triangle about 41 km - goes through Le Chastelle, across the valley of Clumanc, to the south of Sommet du Cousson and back to St Andre. More information about routes can be found here: http://www.saint-andre-parapente.com/generalites/

Please pay special attention that it is not a free-flying site (FFVL). The flying site of St André is managed jointly by the Association St Andréeenne Free Flight, and paragliding school Aérogliss. All the land is rented and landing is a subject to a special usage agreement. The school administer the site, and ask all visiting pilots to contact them before flying. Their base is in next to the lakeside landing field.
Aerogliss contact details - Tel: 04 92 89 11 30, Email divers@aerogliss.com.

There are three take offs within a radius of 1 km. S and SE take offs are located together and SW/W at a short distance from them.
A narrow tarmac road leads to the take offs. Though the distance is 7 km it takes about 20-25 minutes to drive there. There is enough place to park. Car parking lot capacity is 90 vehicles. You can also get to take off by the Fly St Andre shuttle bus, or a local taxi. Shuttle bus operates in July-Sept, its stop is near the school. The local taxi takes minimum 5 people to go to takes off.
To get to S and SE take offs you can park at the first carpark on top of Le Chalvet. S and SE launch grounds are at 3 min walking distance from the carpark, on the same part of the mountain overlooking St Andre les Alpes. There is a large windsock on the site. You can get more information about this place at http://flystandre.com/flying-services/chalvet-site-intro/.

Take offs

Take off # 1 - S - 1540 m ASL, height above valley 650 m (43.976294, 6.490259)
South take off is characterized by a gentle slope. It usually has the S wind from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. The launch ground is very wide and open. This take off, facing Lake Castillon, is suitable both for XC flights and thermal soaring. With one of the South winds that slope of Le Chalvet is friendly for slope soaring. Just move to the right a little bit.
No special precautions.
Please, land on the official landings (Aerogliss - Lakeside and Moriez), and beware of the late morning, when the breeze changes from S to SW. In this case, it is wise to move quickly on the west side, in order not to get to little turbulence.

Take off # 2 - SE - 1540 m ASL, height above valley 650 m (43.976294, 6.490259)
This launch is used mainly during the morning S breeze, or with the East wind. Its slope is steep, but it is clear of obstacles and allows long runs. This take off, facing the village of St André les Alpes, is suitable for all levels.
In summer the wind is usually calm in the morning. This is the perfect time for beginners to fly to the landing field from the S or SE take off using a forward/alpine launch.
Thermals on Le Chalvet usually start appearing in front of the S take off around 10.30 a.m. Early starts are also possible here but the thermals are weak initially and it is a good time for inexperienced pilots to get some soaring practice.
As the sun moves around Le Chalvet so does the upslope wind and the SW and W slope surface begin to work from about 11.30 a.m. Often this makes the S take off being the lee side and the wind blows from behind. So if you came here at this time but cannot launch you are advised to move to the SW-W take off.

Special precautions. With N wind there is an illusion of launch possibility. But this is a trap. It will be very turbulent. Its better to wait till the North or Northwest wind ceases and go to SW take off.
The East wind during morning and evening hours often produce local air waves phenomenon originating from the landscape - the ridge of Serres is just in front. Do not trust this wind as it can turn into turbulence.
In the morning this take off is often occupied by the paragliding school students. And they have a priority to start.

Take off # 3 - SW-W - 1540 m ASL, height above valley 650 m (43°58'39" (43.9777)N; 6°28'44" (6.4789)E)
It’s the main take off of St Andre les Alpes. To get there continue driving to the very end of the tarmac road. Then a 5 minutes walk passing by a forestry house will lead you to the top. Hang gliding launch ground is usually to the left (SW take off), paragliding launch ground is to the right (W take off). Ground size about 80 x 50 m and there is a helicopter landing spot. This is an official 12 FAI World Championship take off.

From this take off the main route goes to the North - to Dormillouse, Briancon and Allos.
From 11.30 a.m. thermals appear in front of the SW and W take off and pilots can use their dynamic lift and top up as they develop. Soon the thermal strength and frequency increases and the upslope wind on take off becomes stronger. So paragliders have to make a well-timed reverse launch then.
At about 1 p.m., the SW-W take off becomes too difficult or dangerous for paraglider pilots to launch due to wind speed.
In the end of summer thermals as well as strong inversions begin later so the start window may be open till 2 p.m. for paraglider pilots.
The dilemma that pilots usually come across here is that if you start too early you may not get the lift, lose height and have an early landing. If you start late the wind on take off becomes too strong for a launch.
A general recommendation for paraglider pilots is to launch from the W take off as soon as the signs tell you that the thermals are working - breezes coming through, the giffon vultures (birds of prey, a kind of eagle) are thermalling and pilots getting up above the hill.
Hang glider pilots usually use the SW take off and for them a later start between 2 - 4 p.m. is recommended.
Of course if you miss the launch window do not be distressed and do not launch when you know it's unwise to do so. Go for another activity in the afternoon and then come back later when flying conditions improve. XC fights are also possible in more gentle thermals after 5 p.m. and you may get a perfect glimpse of the sunset. Evening flights can be made here till 9 p.m. in summer and 7 p.m. in autumn and spring.
Special precautions:
Please pay attention to the NW wind (Mistral). It is delicate but turbulent. W wind often produces a ripple effect from the decline of thermal activity at night.

There are 3 official landing areas.
St-Andre-les-Alpes - Aerogliss school landing - 885 m ASL (43.958287,6.51046)
This is the main landing field and it is suitable for paragliders and hang gliders in most cases. It's a large open area at the northern end of Lake de Castillon. There are two large windsocks clearly visible from the air.

Moriez - Camping Le Pastaire - 940 m ASL (43.961314,6.477814)
This landing is situated 3 km to the West of St-Andre-les-Alpes. A paragliding landing site only. This is a small field to the East of the camping alongside the road N202. There is a small windsock. It is usually used by pilots who have lost too much height starting from SW/W take off and cannot reach the main landing field or if there is turbulence in the main landing site.

La Mure - Emergency glider landing - ca 900 m ASL (43.983382,6.532356)
Located between the river Verdon and the railway just east of La Mure. It is 2.5 km NE of St Andre les Alpes. This is a large field reserved for gliders landing but is often used by other pilots (particularly hang gliders) when conditions at the main landing field are bad or unstable.
There is often a nil wind at ground level. To find one must follow the river away from the lake. You will see a railway bridge across the river. The huge grassy field with a windsock is the landing.

Other possible landings.
Farmers are friendly in the area and tolerant to pilots if you respect their fields. If you do not make it back to St Andre choose fields free from cattle and where you will not damage any crop. Prefer cut grass fields, ploughed fields, rough grazing. Make your decision to land while you are still high so you can use the wind and choose the best location. Pay attention to the presence of poles and pylons and be sure you know your landing site is clear of power lines and cables.

Selection and entry fee

The event is a Sports Class only competition. That means no CCC or EN-D gliders. But EN-C's and below are allowed. 2-liner C's are also allowed.

The event is open to all pilots, but those with prior competition experience on Sports wings will have priority.

Selection is based on an algorithm that considers WPRS scored on a Sports wing. The organisers decision is final.
More details can be find here: https://sportsracingseries.org/about-us/selection/

All participants of the SRS series of events must be a member of the SRS Organisation. You only need to join once per season, regardless of how many SRS events you participate in. The annual cost of membership is 25 euro. You do not need to pay until after your registration is accepted into the first SRS event. Details will be sent when you register and are accepted to this event. The membership fees is used towards the administration costs of linking all the SRS events.

♦ Payment will be made by Paypal. Details will be sent by email if your application to participate is accepted.
♦ If you receive a payment offer you should pay immediately, otherwise we will offer your place to another pilot on the waiting list.
♦ Do ensure you have read the cancellation policy before making any payment!

The payment will get you:
♦ Daily transport to launch for all tasks
♦ Retrieves daily
♦ Daily lunch packs
♦ Trackers, for safety and scoring
♦ Typical tasking/scoring services
♦ T-shirt & other souvenirs as we are able
♦ Discounts for alternative activities in the event of bad weather
♦ Other event benefits, as they are made available
♦ Access to social evenings
♦ Entry to any prize draws

All Pilots must hold the following:
♦ An FAI IPPI 4 licence
♦ An FAI Sporting Licence (Don't confuse this with an IPPI card)
♦ Medical/Travel insurance
♦ Third party liability insurance (usually from your National Organisation)
♦ A mobile phone
♦ Recently repacked reserve parachute
♦ Helmet, certified for paragliding use
♦ Harness with certified back protection (Check rules for harness restrictions)
♦ 2M Radio capable of 143.900 Mhz FM
If you do not have ALL of the above you will NOT be permitted to participate.

Documents required at registration

  • Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)

    FAI Sporting Licence
  • The FAI IPPI card is an International card that states your skill level. It is issued by your National Association and matches the level or your flying Licence

    FAI IPPI Card
  • The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.

    National Licence
  • You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Application form
  • You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Waiver/Release form
  • You will need to provide photo ID on arrival. This could be Passport, Driving Licence or National ID, for example.

    Identification documents needed
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your liability (3rd party) insurance documents

    Liability Insurance
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune

    Rescue/Medical Insurance

Cancellation Policy

Pilots who want to cancel their registration should do it as soon as possible.

♦ A pilot who cancels at least 45 days before the event start can ask for a refund of the entry fee (an administrative fee of €60 will be deducted).
♦ Cancellations received less than 45 days before the event start will be refunded 50% of the entry fee.
♦ Cancellations received less than 2 weeks before the event start will not be refunded.

Cancellations must be informed by email and the date at which the email is received will be used to calculate your refund, if one is due.

♦ Refunds are not immediate. We have one admin day per month.
♦ Your deposit and/or payment is NOT transferable to another pilot. There is a strict selection process and you cannot bypass this by passing your payment to another pilot.
♦ Please ensure you have adequate holiday travel insurance to cover any losses if you later find you are unable to participate.

In the event the organisers deem it necessary to cancel, relocate, or reschedule the competition you will be entitled to a partial refund:
♦ Up to 45 days before the event start : 100% less a 30€ admin charge
♦ Less than 45 days before the event start: 75% refund
♦ Less than 7 days before the event start: A percentage of funds once any costs incurred by the local organiser have been deducted.
♦ After the start of the competition any refunds will be at the sole discretion of the organisers.

The organisers will not be liable for any costs incurred by anyone attending, or intending to attend the event, or any consequential losses arising from the cancellation, relocation, or rescheduling of the event.

Prize fund and scoring categories

Overall - All gliders in the competition
Standard - All gliders EN-B and below
Women - All females
Lightweight class - Pilots under 85kg
Medium weight class - Pilots between 85kg -100kg

♦ A Gin prize*. The winners name to be drawn at random.
♦ A brand new flight instrument. The winners name to be drawn at random.

There will not be any cash prizes at the event. This is an amateur racing competition.

More info here: https://sportsracingseries.org/trophies/

Constructors Trophy
♦ A share of a 1,600€ prize pool for the winning teams
♦ 6 free places for 2025 events


♦ Each manufacturer can select up to four pilots per event
♦ The top two pilots from each team will score for the day
♦ The team with the highest score at the end of the season wins the trophy for the manufacturer
♦ The team with the highest score wins the prizes

See website for more information on entering as a Constructor team pilot.

*if one of the prizes will be a wing, it is going to be limited to EN-C or below. The wing must be for the pilots own use and be selected based on their abilities. No cash alternatives.

General schedule

Monday 9. September

Monday 9. September
(Suggested task given)

1st task Tuesday 10. September
Last task Sunday 15. September

Sunday 15. September

Daily schedule

08:00 - Headquarter opens
09:00 - Transport to take-off
10:00 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:00 - Pilots briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
11:30 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens
21:00 - Provisional results

*** Daily schedule can change, depending of the weather conditions.

Accommodation and Activities

How to get here

The wooden shack at Aerogliss will be the HQ, as always.

Aérogliss / Ecole de parapente du Haut Verdon
St Andre France


Waypoint files


Series Organisers




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


SRS Member

SRS Member

Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


SRS Member

SRS Member

Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
Please sign in and register before posting your own classifieds.


  1. Stanislav Klikar (695)
  2. Luke Nicol (2)
  3. Tom Hodgkin (439)

OVERALL | results


  1. Kanan Thakur (145)
  2. Nelissa Milfeld (802)
  3. Esther Dielissen (317)

FEMALE | results


  1. Nelissa Milfeld (802)
  2. YEANA LEE (84)
  3. Magdalena Janaway (24)



  1. Pal Takats (489)
  2. Andreas Malecki (1326)
  3. Kai Wissel (913)

MIDWEIGHT | results


  1. Pal Takats (489)
  2. Viktor Usanov (140)
  3. Mike Ravelli (495)

STANDARD | results

Tasks and results

Task 1

10 Sep, 2024

81.7 km — Race to goal

Task 3

14 Sep, 2024

86.5 km — Race to goal

Task 4

15 Sep, 2024

58.4 km — Race to goal

Please sign in first.