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Event info

This is the traditional Cross Country flying event of Skytribe Paragliding Club. 2019 edition will have 7 competition days and it is also PrePWC event.

See you there!

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Flying site

Clopotiva is part of the Retezat National Park (http://retezat.ro), one of the highest and most beautiful mountain ranges in Romania. The highest peak is Peleaga, altitude 2509 meters. It's a peak that can be reached fairly easy, crossing from Pelegii meadow.

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Go to Pilot List
  • 150 Pilots max allowed
  • 25 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Overall
  • Teams
  • Sport Class
  • Fun Class
  • Women

Event info

This is the traditional Cross Country flying event of Skytribe Paragliding Club. 2019 edition will have 7 competition days and it is also PrePWC event.

See you there!

Flying site

Clopotiva is part of the Retezat National Park (http://retezat.ro), one of the highest and most beautiful mountain ranges in Romania. The highest peak is Peleaga, altitude 2509 meters. It's a peak that can be reached fairly easy, crossing from Pelegii meadow. On the way you will pass Bucura lake (the largest glacial lake in Romania, with a surface of almost 90 000 square meters) which can be admired in all its splendor from the top of Peleaga's 2509 meters.

The Retezat mountains are part of the Souterns Carpathians, located in the Retezat-Godeanu mountain chain. They rise between two major valleys, Petrosani and Hateg and lay between two major rivers, Raul Mare which it borders to the north and east and Jiul de Vest which it borders to the south. They are surrounded by the Tarcu mountains to the west, the Godeanu mountains to the south-west and Valcan mountains to the south.

The nearest town close to Clopotiva is Hateg, located in the Hateg valley, which is well suited for flatland flying when it’s overdevelopment in the mountains or a very low cloudbase. Good flying place both for beginners and for more advanced pilots who want to fly over the most beautiful natural reservations in Romania. Beautiful flights were made at Clopotiva, over the mountain or in the plains, on the shoulder of ridges descending from the main ridge.

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9PQikSuZTA&feature=youtu.be&t=1m51s

Photos from Retezat National Park and SkyTribe.

Selection and entry fee

60 places are reserved for Romanian Pilots until 1'st of April 2019.
Selection is done first paid first served basis.

Entry fee
180 EUR

90 EUR for Romanian pilots participating for the first time in FAI events in limit of 10 places.

Registration validation: The registration is only valid once we received the registration fee. Your status is reflected in the participants list page(status will change to "Confirmed"). Please don't forget to send an email to club@skytribe.ro when the payment is complete.

Payment methods: Bank Transfer, Cash, PayPal

Bank Transfer in EUR currency
Please transfer € 180 to:
Organisation Name: Club Sportiv Skytribe
IBAN: RO83 RNCB 02491 2698 956 0002
BANK: BCR Timisoara, Romania

Please don't forget to send an email to club@skytribe.ro when the payment is complete.
You can also pay securely via PayPal (186.7 EUR). Click this PayPal link to get on the payment page.

Note to Romanian Pilots:
Pentru piloții de cetățenie română plata taxei de înscriere se poate face și în moneda locală RON la cursul de vânzare BCR EURO->RON din ziua plății. Cursul de schimb se poate consulta on-line la pagina de mai jos prin selectarea "BCR Vinde" Curs vanzare EUR BCR . Contul bancar in RON al Clubului se poate gasi la adresa contact .

Prize fund and scoring categories

SkyTribe XC 2019 is a cross country (XC) competition. Its results will be calculated for Romanian Nationals and Romanian Cup. All categories compete for FAI points (WPRS).

General schedule

Saturday, 25 May 2019
Official Registration and Training Day
13:00-21:00 Pilots registration and welcome desk

Sunday, 26 May 2019
09:00 Mandatory Safety Briefing
11:00 Competition Day

Monday,27 May- Friday 31 May 2019
Competition days

Saturday, 1 June, 2019

Competition day/Prize giving ceremony

Daily schedule

08:00 - Headquarter opens
09:00 - Deadline for the previous day protests
10:00 - Daily briefing and transportation to Take off
Any other schedule items are subject to Meet Director regulations

Accommodation and Activities

The HQ will be the same as in 2018 edition, Hotel Brazi , about 400 meters from official landing zone.
Hotel Brazi offers accommodation in rooms and apartments and allows camper/van/tent in their premises.
We requests pilots to do the reservation on their behalf. Hereunder the contact details:
Email: Complex Brazi
Phone: 0040 0723 226 135 , 0040 784 226 877 or 0040 741 123 528

Complex website: http://www.brazi-rausor.ro

Location on google maps:

How to get here

Please send email to competition email address for any travel questions E-mail Skytribe Club

Clopotiva Romania


Main Airports that you may use:
Timisoara (LRTR/TSR), 157 km by car to Clopotiva
Cluj (LRCL/CLJ), 203 km by car to Clopotiva
Sibiu (LRSB/SBZ), 154 km by car to Clopotiva
Bucharest (LROP/OTP), 434 km by car to Clopotiva


You have to travel to the city of Hateg.
You can use the http://www.autogari.ro/?lang=en website for bus information.


Timisoara: 157 km to Clopotiva via DN6/E70 and DN68 http://goo.gl/maps/FwZx1
Cluj: 203 km to Clopotiva via DN1/E81 http://goo.gl/maps/SAooQ
Sibiu: 154 km to Clopotiva via A1 and DB66/E79 http://goo.gl/maps/kY0Px
Bucharest: 434 km to Clopotiva via A1/E81 and DN7 http://goo.gl/maps/rdlrf


Waypoint files


Skytribe Paragliding Club
Valentin Nagy
General Organisation




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
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Tasks and results

Task 1

26 May, 2019

53.1 km — Race to goal

Overall results:
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