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Event info
The 14th FAI Paragliding World Championship: Roldanillo, Colombia takes place January 10th -25th 2015. Roldanillo in the Valle del Cauca has hosted top air sport competitions including the Paragliding World Cup Superfinal, Paragliding World Cup 2013 and several National Championships.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Roldanillo is the principal home for paragliding and hang gliding events in Colombia. Located on the west side of the Valle del Cauca at the foot of the Cordillera Occidental the town sits at an elevation of 966 meters and has an average annual temperature of 23°C.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall
- Women
- Nations
General questions
- Airnomads
- (57)3204832517
- eventdirector@airnomads.com
Hotels and Transport
- Reservations
- (57)3162970213
- reservations@airnomads.com
Event info
The 14th FAI Paragliding World Championship: Roldanillo, Colombia takes place January 10th -25th 2015. Roldanillo in the Valle del Cauca has hosted top air sport competitions including the Paragliding World Cup Superfinal, Paragliding World Cup 2013 and several National Championships. Known for reliable flying conditions, friendly locals, and service oriented organizers the event will surely deliver memorable experiences.
Hotel Reservations and Transport Questions: reservations@airnomads.com
Event questions can be directed to: eventdirector@airnomads.com
Forms found under downloads at the bottom of the site:
• Local Regulations
• NAC Entry Form
• The Waiver Declaration (agreement on release of liability).
• The Certified Glider Statement.
Please send all forms to: eventdirector@airnomads.com
Selection and entry fee
The maximum number of pilots in the championship is 150.
Entry fee
The Entry fee will be:
• 400 Euro per pilot.
• 200 Euro per team leader / assistant
Note: Team leaders who are also pilots in the competition will pay only the pilot entry fee.
Payment methods:
Entry fees for the top FIVE nations (France, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland and Spain) are to be paid to the following account
(Please indicate that the payment is the entry fee for 2015 PG Worlds and state the member NAC)
FAI CIVL bank account details:
Crédit Suisse Private Banking
Rue du Lion d’Or 5-7
Case postale 2468
CH- 1002 Lausanne
Account name: FAI-CIVL Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
Account Number (Euro): 0425-457968-32-6
IBAN Code: CH63 0483 5045 7968 3200 6
All other entry fees are to be paid to following bank account
(Please indicate CIVL IDs of all the pilots you are paying for!):
FEDEAEREOS Bank account details:
Account Name: Federacion Colombiana de Deportes Aereos
Bank Name: Bancolombia
Swift Code: COLOCOBM
Account Number: 89392134421
Checking account.
The exchange rate must be the day of the payment for Local pilots.
Selection Procedure
The nation priority table will be set according to the WPRS September 2014 nation ranking published on 1st October 2014. All allocations will be done based on that table.
All applications made through the official website must be made by the NAC or their official representative starting from 1st September 2014. The entry deadline will be 15th October 2014.
Pilot qualification criteria for the Championship:
The reference ranking is September 2014 ranking published on 1st October 2014. Therefore the rankings to be used will be October 2012 to September 2014 inclusive, a pilot has to have either:
• Ranked in the top 400 WPRS.
• scored a minimum of 45 WPRS points in any single FAI sanctioned event
Applications from unqualified pilots will be disregarded.
First allocation round will be made immediately after the pilot qualification check on 20th October 2014. First pass will allocate to each team a maximum of 1 male and 1 female pilot. Subsequent passes will allocate to each team another pilot in sequence according to the nation priority table until a total of 150 pilots are reached or no more applications are left.
Results from the first allocation round will be published on the official website by 27th October and the entry fee payment process will start. The deadline for payments will be 10th November 2014. Confirmation of payment transfer must be sent to the organisers by email(eventdirector@airnomads.com) before 10th November.
After the payment deadline the team allocation table will be updated. Any unpaid places will be re-allocated in the second round from 11th - 14th November, which will be run until a total of 150 pilots are reached or no more applications are left.
The deadline for final allocation is 14th November. No more places will be allocated after 14th November. The deadline for the second payment will be 24th November 2014.
Prize fund and scoring categories
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Women
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Nations
General schedule
Saturday 10th January 2015 14:00 – 18:00
HQ Club Gorrones
Official Registration:
Sunday 11th January 2015 09:30 – 12:00
HQ Club Gorrones
Opening ceremony / Parade:
Sunday 11th January 2015 12:30 – 17.00
Sports Stadium
Mandatory Safety Briefing:
Sunday 11th January 2015 18:00 – 19:30
HQ Club Gorrones
Team leader meeting:
Sunday 11th January 20:00 – 21:00
HQ Club Gorrones
Welcome Dinner:
Sunday 11th January 21:30 – 23:00
HQ Club Gorrones
Official training day:
Monday 12th January 2015
Contest flying days:
Tuesday 13th January to Saturday 24th January 2015 07:30 – 19:00
Prize-giving & Closing Ceremony:
Saturday 24th January 2015 22:30 – late
Plaza Central, Roldanillo
Daily schedule
06:30 - Team leader meeting
07:30 - Deadline for the previous day protests
07:30 - Transportation to Take off
09:15 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
10:15 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results announcements / Task definition
11:15 - Window open
15:00 - Scoring office opens
20:00 - Provisional results announcement / Headquarter closes
Accommodation and Activities
Accommodation or Transport Questions? Please contact: reservations@airnomads.com
Some information on accommodation con be found at:
Watch for updates!
How to get here
Headquarters “Los Gorrones” sits on the main plaza of Roldanillo. The space is suitable for briefings, equipment checking, team leader meetings and social functions. GPS/scoring, retrieve management and media facilities are available in ancillary areas. A bar/restaurant, swimming pool, and wi‐fi make it the perfect social spot. An office will be available for CIVL officials with office equipment as required. Team ‘’pigeon‐holes’’ will be provided for paper‐communication with team leaders where necessary. The preferred communication will be by email if agreed at the first team‐leader meeting. Wired internet will be available for the event organisation to ensure full functionality of live tracking, retrieve and media requirements.
Country entry requirements
Vaccinations recommended for competitors: Typhoid and Hepatitis are recommended by some authorities. No vaccinations are officially required to enter Colombia.
Details of visas required for visitors from FAI member nations: There are no nationality restrictions for travel to Colombia. A visa is required, except for citizens of the following countries (who stay strictly for tourism purposes and for a maximum of 90 days): Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, United States, Finland, France, Great Britain, Guatemala, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, The Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Colombia , Roldanillo , Carrera 7, 7-20
Roldanillo Colombia
Most international flights layover in Bogota's "El Dorado International Airport". The international and domestic terminals are connected by a shuttle. From Bogota take the quick domestic flight to Armenia, Pereira, or Cali where you can easily find ground transport to Roldanillo. For cost and convenience we highly recommend you fly into Pereira.
If you would like the organization to pick you up from Cali or Pereira please contact us with a detailed itinerary and plan. We would also appreciate a call or email during your layover in Bogota confirming your on time arrival.
Local airport taxis are safe and offer competitive pricing for 1 or 2 pilots with gear. Groups should contact the organization for pickup. Budget travelers can find buses to Roldanillo from Pereira, Cali, or Armenia. The bus terminals and airports are separate.
Recommended city to fly into. 1 and 15 minute drive to Roldanillo.
The second most important airport in Colombia. Cali's “Alfonso Bonilla Aragon” airport services domestic and international flights and adds new international routs regularly. 2 hour drive to Roldanillo.
Smaller airport and city with less service. 1 and 30 minute drive to Roldanillo.
From the bus terminals in Pereira, Cali, or Armenia look for the Roldanillo's local bus company De Occidente for safe and comfortable transport.
De Occidente: www.deoccidente.com/roldanillo/
The company is comfortable servicing international Paraglide pilots and very helpful.
Waypoint files

57 3204832517

General questions
- Airnomads
- (57)3204832517
- eventdirector@airnomads.com
Hotels and Transport
- Reservations
- (57)3162970213
- reservations@airnomads.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Tasks and results

Task 1
13 Jan, 2015
88.8 km — Race to goal

Task 2
14 Jan, 2015
106.4 km — Race to goal

Task 3
15 Jan, 2015
44.6 km — Race to goal

Task 4
16 Jan, 2015
82.5 km — Race to goal

Task 5
18 Jan, 2015
57.9 km — Race to goal

Task 6
19 Jan, 2015
72.4 km — Race to goal

Task 7
20 Jan, 2015
102.6 km — Race to goal

Task 8
21 Jan, 2015
94.1 km — Race to goal

Task 9
23 Jan, 2015
66.4 km — Race to goal

Task 10
24 Jan, 2015
122.3 km — Race to goal